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Republic of The Philippines


Potot, Libmanan, Camarines Sur

Name: Meden R. Casulla


1.) New technologies are created to replace old ones, which then change uses and in efficient

2.) Faster connection over long distances, which also brings people from other countries closer.

3.) The television and cellphone, etc., can be connected while there is internet, and is
waterproof, has a wide set of memory, and then the cellphones can take selfies as much as
they can.

4.) The internet is improving over the years and its volume, is also doubling every year.

5.) Current and future technologies will be similar to everyone's needs, and there will be
android devices that can exceed Human computing capabilities and robots that can do more
tasks and jobs than can of Man.

how exactly do these technology trends help and affect, These current trends are what we use
almost every day in communicating and working and to make our work easier, Integration of
social media in newsroom and reliance on videos and images ranked 2nd and 3rd among
trends. 49% believe native advertising will be the top revenue source for their respective media
outlets. the information technology industry in 2022: Artificial intelligence and machine learning.
Edge computing and quantum computing. Cyber security

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