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Class Leadership

Aiden Austin 

University of Wisconsin-La Crosse 

EDS 203: School, Society, and Teachers 

Professor Diane Block 

April 1, 2023 


Date: 1-24-23
Team members: Diane Block
Activity name: Nameplate - get to know you
Directions: Grab your favorite color cardstock. Fold the card stock in thirds. Choose a
marker and write your first name. Draw special things that are all about your favorites.
Help us get to know you. At your table groups exchange plates and guess what the
pictures represent. Fold and place in front of you where most people can see your

Date: 1-26-23
Team members: Diane Block
Activity Name: “I have/had …”
Directions: Create a circle, with students sitting in chairs within the room. One person (without
a chair) will stand in the middle and state “I have/had”... e.g., coffee this morning" ... If the
statement applies to anyone who is seated, they have to find a new seat (at least 2 seats from
where you currently are seated). Ideally, the caller finds a place to be seated. And then a new
person becomes the "caller".

Date: 1-31-23
Team members: Diane Block
Activity name: Silent birthday
Directions: Instruct class they are going to get lined up in order of their birthdates. State where
January is to begin. No talking is allowed during this time. After everyone is lined up, they will
need to give their birthdate and see if they were successful. Discuss how they made it work and
what struggles they encountered.

Date: 2-7-23
Team members: Danny Krause, Mason Brown, CJ Thompson
Activity name: Telephone Charades
Directions: Stand in a line and everyone faces the front, the end person is given a motion to do
to the next person. After seeing the motion that person remembers it and taps the next person
on the shoulder and repeats the action as best as they can. This repeats until the end of the line
and the last person does the motion to the whole class and you compare it to the original
motion. Talked about bigger vs smaller classroom settings, also subconsciously bringing up how
to not split up by genders and respect the changing of genders that there is today.

Date: 2-14-23
Team members: Zach, Dom, Noah
Activity name: Picnic Party
Directions: Everyone will start on one side of the classroom. Us three will come up with a “code
topic” that the class will have to figure out and then name to join the picnic party. If the code
topic is Words that start with “A” I would say, “My name is Zach and I am bringing an apple.”
Then I would be invited! The class has to try and understand the code topic and get invited until
everyone gets it.

Date: 2/21/23
Team members: Lani, Ellie, Jillian
Activity name: Kitty wants a corner
Directions: Create a circle with one person in the middle. This person will approach a member
of the circle, and stare at them and say “Kitty wants a corner.” The person in the circle will stare
back and respond, “Go ask my neighbor.” The person in the middle will then move to the person
to the left or right (does not matter) and repeat, “Kitty wants a corner.” “Go ask my neighbor.”
Meanwhile, every other person in the circle will be scanning the room, trying to make eye
contact with someone else in the circle. Once two people in the circle make eye contact they’re
required to switch places in the circle as fast as they can (without running into each other or
other members of the circle also switching places.) Meanwhile, the person in the middle, saying
“Kitty wants a corner” will try to steal an open spot while the other people are switching spots. At
this point, if the person in the middle steals someone’s spot, this person becomes the new
middle, and can start with whoever they want to, to repeat the “Kitty wants a corner” “Go ask my
neighbor” cycle.

Date: 2/28/23
Team members: Malina Reynolds, Paige Draak, Maddie Hall
Activity name: Four Corners
Directions: One student is chosen to stand in the middle of the room with their eyes closed
while the rest of the students choose one of the four corners of the room to stand in. After giving
the students a chosen amount of time to choose a corner and keeping their eyes closed, the
student in the middle points to one of the corners. The students standing in the chosen corner
are out. The game continues until one student remains. This student now gets to be in the
Date: 03/6/23
Team members: Sierra Arneman, Emma Marlowe, Abby Schreck
Activity name: Name Game
Directions: We will all stand in a circle in the back of the room. The first person up says their
own name. The second person says their own name and the name of the first person. The third
person up says their name and the name of the second person then the first person. You go
clockwise in a circle until you get to the last person. The last person in line has to recite their
name and every person before them. The goal is to learn and remember people’s names
without messing up.

Date: 3/21/2023
Team members: Holly Trebatoski, Emma Williamson, Lexi Marshall
Activity name: Cheerleader Rock/Paper/Scissors
Directions: Everyone picks someone in the room and faces them in rock paper scissors (best
of 3). The winner finds a new person to play in the room and the loser will now become the
winner’s “cheerleader” (cheering them on as they play against a new person). When someone
loses a round, not only they will have to follow the winner…if the loser had any followers of their
own, these followers also must now follow the new winner. This process follows until only one
person is left!

Date: 3/27/2023
Team members: Ethan Shumate, Trent Ferris
Activity name: Word Association
Directions: Have everyone get into pairs (or groups of 3 if needed). The game starts by each
person saying a random word on the count of three. Next your job is to try and relate the two
words together and anticipate what your partner will say so you both get the same word (such
as teacher and classroom could have the association word of school; or sports and beach could
have the association word of volleyball). If it works you should both say the same word on the
count of three. If you do not relate them right away, continue trying with the new words you say
each round. Once you both get the same word associated with the past two, your group gets a
point and you restart. At the end of the game we’ll see which group has the most points!

Date: 4/4/2023
Team members: Jake Crain, Arvin Gaba, Sophie Kahlow
Activity name: Story Mania
Directions: You work with your group to create a story.You will need a piece of paper and
pencil. After every sentence you give the paper to the person next to you. Continue this process
for five minutes.

Date: 4/11/23
Team members: Nora Frank, Madelyn May
Activity name: Hot Seat
Directions: The class will be split into two teams, with one person from each team in the “hot
seat” at the front of the classroom. A word will be written behind the people in the seat. Their
groups will then try to get them to guess the word without stating the word or something similar.
A point will be awarded when one team guesses the word before the other. At the end of the 12
words, the team with the most points wins.

Date: 4/18/23
Team members: Anna and Abby
Activity name: State guessing game
Directions: 30 states are written on index cards. You cannot look at your card. Once the cards
are passed out, the class asks questions about their state with their neighbors. Once all the
states are all guessed we switch the cards up and play again

Date: 4/25/23
Team members: Matt and Aiden
Activity name: Unscrambling Words
Directions: Scrambled words are written on a piece of paper and the groups must unscramble
the word in order to find out what it was. Team with the most points win the game.

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