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Unit 6 Objectives Review Instructions: Due FRIDAY, April 14 th, 2023

Directions: Your AP Psychology Exam (Tuesday, May 2nd 2023) will be a cumulative assessment, testing your
knowledge of information covered within BOTH the first and second semester. As a way to review first semester
material and provide you with an opportunity to utilize research based study practices, please complete your
review objectives by implementing the following criteria. Please complete these tasks in the order they are listed.

Part I: Categorizing your terms.

On the second page of this assignment, organize, number, and record the terms from the unit under the

● Cognitive Development
● Physiological Development
● Social Development
● Moral Development
● Parenting Styles
● Gender Development

Part II: Defining your terms

On pages three, four, five, and six of this assignment, NUMBER and DEFINE the terms from the unit
using two categorizations: Terms I Can Define and Terms I Can’t Define. For the terms you can define,
record the term under the Terms I Can Define category and provide a brief personalized definition of the
THE UNIT OBJECTIVE TERMS TO DEFINE THESE TERMS. This is a retrieval practice exercise. If you
happen to encounter difficulty recalling a term, embrace the struggle and DON’T USE ANY RESOURCES
TO HELP YOU!! Research shows this recall “struggle” is what strengthens our memories.

For the terms you cannot recall or define, record the term under the Terms I Cannot Define category.
After recording all of the terms you cannot recall/define, use your unit resources (old concept map,
eBook, unit readings) to find the term, refresh your memory regarding the definition of the term, create
a personalized definition, and record the definition next to the term. MAKE NOTE OF THE TERMS THAT
Part I: Categorizing Your Terms

Directions: In the space below, record the categories you have been given within this unit review and accurately
categorize each term from the unit. Don’t forget to number each term you record.

● Cognitive Development
o 1. life expectancy -
o 2. Jean Piaget -
o 3. sensorimotor stage -
o 4. object permanence -
o 5. baby mathematics -
o 6. preoperational stage -
o 7. egocentric -
o 8. pretend play -
o 9. concrete operational stage -
o 10. conservation -
o 11. formal operational stage -
o 12. metacognition -
o 13. schemas -
o 14. assimilation –
o 15. accomodation -
o 16. attachment -
o 17. imprinting -

● Physiological Development
o 18. chromosomes -
o 19. identical twins -
o 20. fraternal twins -
o 21. behavior genetics -
o 22. nature -
o 23. nurture -
o 24. heritability -
o 25. interaction -
o 26. cross-sectional study -
o 27. longitudinal study -
o 28. natural selection -
o 29. placenta -
o 30. “handling” -
o 31. norm -
o 32. biological sex -
o 33. gender -
o 34. social learning theory -
o 35. gender role -
o 36. gender identity -
o 37. gender-typing -
o 38. Prenatal development -
o 39. zygote -
o 40. embryo -
o 41. fetus -
o 42. teratogens -
o 43. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -
o 44. habituation -
o 45. reflexes -
o 46. rooting reflex -
o 47. sucking reflex –
o 48. grasping reflex -
o 49. moro reflex -
o 50. babinski reflex -
o 51. maturation -
o 52. infant memory -
o 53. gross motor skills -
o 54. fine motor skills -
o 55. puberty -
o 56. primary sexual characteristics –
o 57. secondary sexual characteristics -

● Social Development
o 58. peer influences -
o 59. parent influences -
o 60. culture -
o 61. stranger anxiety -
o 62. separation anxiety -
o 63. menopause -
o 64. dementia -
o 65. Alzheimer’s Disease -
o 66. crystallized intelligence -
o 67. fluid intelligence -
o 68. social clock -
o 69. five stages of death/grief -
● Moral Development
o 70. Erik Erikson -
o 71. Psychosocial Stages of Development -
o 72. trust vs. mistrust -
o 73. autonomy vs. shame & doubt -
o 74. initiative vs. guilt -
o 75. industry vs. inferiority -
o 76. identity vs. role confusion -
o 77. intimacy vs. isolation -
o 78. generativity vs. stagnation -
o 79. integrity vs. despair -
o 80. preconventional morality -
o 81. conventional morality -
o 82. post-conventional morality -
● Parenting Styles
o 83. harlow’s monkey experiments -
o 84. critical period -
o 85. temperament -
o 86. Mary Ainsworth “strange situation” -
o 87. secure attachment -
o 88. avoidant attachment -
o 89. anxious/ambivalent attachment -
o 90. authoritarian parenting style -
o 91. permissive parenting style -
o 92. authoritative parenting style-
o 93. Lawrence Kolberg

● Gender Development
o 93. menarche -
o 94. ejaculation -

1. chromosomes -
2. identical twins -
3. fraternal twins -
4. behavior genetics -
5. nature -
6. nurture -
7. heritability -
8. interaction -
9. cross-sectional study -
10. longitudinal study -
11. natural selection -
12. placenta -
13. “handling” -
14. peer influences -
15. parent influences -
16. culture -
17. norm -
18. biological sex -
19. gender -
20. social learning theory -
21. gender role -
22. gender identity -
23. gender-typing -
24. Erik Erikson -
25. Psychosocial Stages of Development -
26. trust vs. mistrust -
27. autonomy vs. shame & doubt -
28. initiative vs. guilt -
29. industry vs. inferiority -
30. identity vs. role confusion -
31. intimacy vs. isolation -
32. generativity vs. stagnation -
33. integrity vs. despair -
34. Prenatal development -
35. zygote -
36. embryo -
37. fetus -
38. teratogens -
39. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -
40. habituation -
41. reflexes -
42. rooting reflex -
43. sucking reflex –
44. grasping reflex -
45. moro reflex -
46. babinski reflex -
47. maturation -
48. infant memory -
49. gross motor skills -
50. fine motor skills -
51. puberty -
52. primary sexual characteristics –
53. secondary sexual characteristics -
54. menarche -
55. ejaculation -
56. life expectancy -
57. Jean Piaget -
58. sensorimotor stage -
59. object permanence -
60. baby mathematics -
61. preoperational stage -
62. egocentric -
63. pretend play -
64. concrete operational stage -
65. conservation -
66. formal operational stage -
67. metacognition -
68. schemas -
69. assimilation –
70. accomodation -
71. attachment -
72. imprinting -
73. harlow’s monkey experiments -
74. critical period -
75. temperament -
76. Mary Ainsworth “strange situation” -
77. secure attachment -
78. avoidant attachment -
79. anxious/ambivalent attachment -
80. stranger anxiety -
81. separation anxiety -
82. authoritarian parenting style -
83. permissive parenting style -
84. authoritative parenting style-
85. Lawrence Kohlberg –
86. pre-conventional morality -
87. conventional morality -
88. post-conventional morality -
89. menopause -
90. dementia -
91. Alzheimer’s Disease -
92. crystallized intelligence -
93. fluid intelligence -
94. social clock -
95. five stages of death/grief -
Part II: Defining Your Terms

Directions: In the columns below, number and record the terms from the unit. Define the terms in your own
words. Don’t forget to number each term you record.

Terms I CAN Define Terms I CANNOT define

1. chromosomes - the DNA that is what makes there
humans beings. Contains the genetic info.
Humans typically have 46
2. identical twins - a set of twins that are the
same gender and look somewhat similar
3. fraternal twins - twins that may not look
similar and may not be the same gender
4. behavior genetics - How genetics play a role
into someone’s behavior and their behavior
based on environment
5. nature - how genetics affects somebody's
6. nurture - how the environment can affect
someone's behavior
7. heritability - how something can be
inherited by the parent genes
8. interaction - relationship between 2
different groups
9. cross-sectional study - a study based on
population during one specific time period
10. longitudinal study - The study based on
behavior during some specific time period
11. natural selection - The concept of survival
of the fittest based off of social Darwinism
12. placenta - How somebody interprets
13. “handling” - How somebody manipulates
young children or animals and conditions them
14. peer influences - how the environment and
others influences a certain individual’s
15. parent influences - how the parents
teachings and their behavior affects you
16. culture - the environment that surrounds a
certain group of individuals
17. norm - the normal thing in a certain group
of people
18. biological sex - the gender that people
naturally are
19. gender - the male or female that people
can be
20. social learning theory - behavior is learned
and imitated by those in the person's
21. gender role - a certain role that is easier
based on gender
22. gender identity - the identity somebody
identifies as a gender
23. gender-typing - A Child's natural behavior
after being born
24. Erik Erikson - created the theory of
psychological development throughout life
25. Psychosocial Stages of Development - the
different psychological events everyone goes
26. trust vs. mistrust - first stage of erikson's
development, how babies trust their
27. autonomy vs. shame & doubt - how a child
learns to make their own choices and gains
28. initiative vs. guilt - how a child can take
initiative when before they couldn't
29. industry vs. inferiority - how the work and
environment can discourage a child. (4th
30. identity vs. role confusion - how someone
is confused on their identity
31. intimacy vs. isolation - how somebody
either has a partner or is craving intimacy
32. generativity vs. stagnation - generativity is
the enjoyment of something while stagnation
is being almost lost
33. integrity vs. despair - feeling satisfied or
34. Prenatal development - the process of
converting the embryo into a fetus
35. zygote - something that is before an
embryo where the egg and the sperm react
36. embryo - right after zygote where actual
formation occurs
37. fetus - small baby, premature.
38. teratogens - malfunction of the fetus
39. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - where the parent
drinks and causes teratogens
40. habituation - reduction of response based
on the amount of exposure
41. reflexes - the action that is occurred
without conscious thinking
42. rooting reflex - the ability to latch on things
with babies mouths
43. sucking reflex – babies natural idea to suck
on things
44. grasping reflex - babies idea to get a feel of
45. moro reflex - the instinctive reflex where
babies gets startled
46. babinski reflex - the moving of the toe and
is a reflex
47. maturation - the mature state of a baby to
adult hood
48. infant memory - the infants ability to
remember very little as a toddler
49. gross motor skills - the ability to babble
instead of create words
50. fine motor skills - the ability to create
coherent sentances
51. puberty - an act that occurs to teenagers
where maturation occurs
52. primary sexual characteristics – the main
parts that allow for intimacy
53. secondary sexual characteristics - the
secondary characters that allows for intimacy
but not for breeding
54. menarche - the beginning of the
menstruation cycle
55. ejaculation - the process of self touch to
feel pleasure
56. life expectancy - the expected age people
will live
57. Jean Piaget - known for his theory of
cognitive development for children
58. sensorimotor stage - the age before where
children can only babble
59. object permanence - not understanding
objects can pnit disappear
60. baby mathematics - small mathematical
skills may be learned
61. preoperational stage - stage before
operation where children can waddle
62. egocentric - children thinks everything
revolves around them
63. pretend play - the act of pretending to
have enjoyment with toddlers for their
64. concrete operational stage - where
children can make logical decision based on
space and matter
65. conservation - the ability to conserve a
behavior or an object
66. formal operational stage - logical thinking
and reasoning
67. metacognition - the ability to think and
comprehend at a higher level
68. schemas -mental process for individuals to
think highly
69. assimilation – taking in full ideas and
70. accomodation - something that is
associated with something
71. attachment - the idea of having
withdrawals after being absent with something
or someone
72. imprinting - how the repitió can allow a
behavior to occur
73. harlow’s monkey experiments - the
monkey that is attached to the mother that
emits heat
74. critical period - the critical period of
holding a baby for skin to skin contact
75. temperament - how someobody reacts to
the world
76. Mary Ainsworth “strange situation” -
attachment between babies and their
77. secure attachment - the ability to be
hooked onto something based on a need
78. avoidant attachment - needs attachment
to an avoidant relationship
79. anxious/ambivalent attachment - the
attachment to something where you feel
anxious without it
80. stranger anxiety - a natural anxiety to
81. separation anxiety - anxiety formed by
people who gets separated from something
82. authoritarian parenting style - fully
controlled parenting style
83. permissive parenting style - not very caring
parenting style, not paying much attention
84. authoritative parenting style- somewhat
authoritative on something’s but no with
85. Lawrence Kohlberg – known for theories of
moral development
86. pre-conventional morality - no moral
codes, has to be taught
87. conventional morality - children’s morals
are built into place
88. post-conventional morality - ability to
make moral decisions and decide whether one
is right or wrong
89. menopause - no reproduction after 50
90. dementia - the loss of remembering things
and typically forgets things
91. Alzheimer’s Disease - complete memory
loss over some topics
92. crystallized intelligence - info learned from
that patsy that stuck with you
93. fluid intelligence - the current info that you
will soon forget
94. social clock - the clock and time base that
average society runs on
95. five stages of death/grief - the 5 stages of
grief that people go through after the loss of a
loved one

Terms I CAN Define Terms I CANNOT define

Terms I CAN Define Terms I CANNOT define
Terms I CAN Define Terms I CANNOT define

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