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Lenten Season Journal

Day 1: lent has officially begun. For 40 days I will be attempting:
 To go to bed before 10-10:30pm each school night. Reason: to try and get enough
rest each night.
 To reach at school before 8: am. Reason: to practice time management in preparation
for university.
 Not to tell any lies for the period of 40 days. Reason being I told a big lie that I
regret, and this will help in me doing better.
I will be taking up bible study (and prayer) each day for this period as well. Today I read
1Peter 1:13-21 where peter wrote about how Christians must conduct themselves and the
motivation we have for Godly living. Goodbye for now.

Day 2: Because I’m still on holiday I haven’t had any reason to attempt the first 2
challenges, however I was successful in managing not to tell any lies today (I think) I
can’t recall an instance today that I told a lie. The scripture I read was Numbers 20 1-13.
In it the children of Israel were in the desert of Zin where Miriam had died and was
buried. The Israelites had began to complain to Moses and Aaron saying how they
carried them to a cursed place without water and that they shouldn’t have left Egypt for
this. Moses and Aaron then went to seek Gods council and He told them to speak to a
rock and water will come forth. Moses, not believing God and angry, struck the rock
twice and water came forth. For doing this God punished him by not allowing Moses to
enter the promised land. What I gather from this is that we must always put our faith and
trust in God, no matter how impossible/ foolish a task looks, or how angry we are if God
tells us to do it let us try and do it without fail. Bye Bye.

Day 3: Today was similar to yesterday in that I had no where to be early to because I’m
still on holiday. I told no lies today again and it honestly feels refreshing to tell not even
“white” lies. I had bible study tonight with Nashay and it got very interesting. She asked
me if I believed in premature death to which I responded no. I gave numerous texts to
support my reason as well such as psalm 139:16 and job 14:5. My belief is our deaths are
already foreordained. Our deaths can come earlier than expected, but it was God’s
appointed time and therefore it cannot be untimely, for god dosent make mistakes and
does all things well. That’s it for today byeeeee

Day 4: Today was rough. I got up this morning and had excruciating stomach pains also
had running belly. Today was the sabbath and I was taking part in the service so I had to
reach early and I did. I read 2 Samuel 18 from 19-30 for divine service. I did tell multiple
lies today and I was very conscious of them. Imma try to do better tomorrow though.

Day 5: What a day. It was the last day of holiday, and it was arguably the roughest. Got
little to no sleep the night before. Got a lot of washing done today also did some cleaning
done as well so the day wasn’t entirely a waste. Told zero lies today, as a matter of fact I
was brutally honest. I read Ecclesiastes 12 1 to the end and it was full of lessons for me
as a young man. I ought to remember Jesus in my youth also I learned that I must fear
God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man, for God shall bring
every work into judgement… . In essence this passage taught me that I should live for
Christ. That’s all for today byeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Day 6: Today was not too bad. I still didn’t sleep too well but I still woke up on time. I
arrived at school on time this morning. I was very productive throughout the day
especially in law class however I drifted off to sleep to the end. I went to the gym and
worked out but had to cut it short because I had church tonight. We went to a church
where daddy was preaching on the topic, ‘The Presence of God”. The sermon was well,
and I learned a lot. I earned that the presence of God is within all of us. Moses was the
focus of the sermon and when God told Moses to go on without him Moses said no
because he knew he needed God’s presence to go on. I told a few lies today so I need to
work on that. Bye bye.

Day 7: Today went according to plan for the most part. I got to school on time but I felt
tired and lethargic. I played uno with friends for most of the day and did a MOB test
which I fell asleep in. went to the gym and had a productive session, I did upper body
today. For my scripture I read Job 13 and focused mainly on verse 15 “though he slay me
yet will I trust him, but I will maintain mine own ways before him”. This taught me that
no matter what the test/circumstances I should always continue to trust God. It is now
11:06 pm so I’m a bit over my bedtime. I told a few lies today subconsciously so I
realised I need to work on that. Bye bye for now.

Day 8: Today was okay. I slept well the night before and I got up and got to school on
time. Had a meeting with the principal. Had classes and had a very bad lunch experience
went to the gym then came home. I read Phillipians 3 and it was basically telling us to
press on to the mark /our higher calling. Told a few lies will work on it. Im sooooooo
tired. Bye.

Day 9: wasn’t a bad day to be fair. Actually, never mind the evening was pretty bad. I got
to school 5 minutes late because I had to get Nathan prepared for school and uncle
Vaughn wasn’t ready. Pretty much had zero classes today. Went to gym then came home.
I read Philippians 2:3 where it tells us to do all things in humility and to value others
above ourself. Lies weren’t too plentiful today so I’m glad for that. Good night and byee

Day 10: I was late purposefully today because it was Jamaica day. I had fun. I’m really
tired now though. I read psalms 15 where it teaches us what a man needs to do to be able
to stand in God’s tabernacle. Byeee.

Day 11: Today wasn’t bad. I had church today, but I stayed in. today I focused on a
passage in genises where we are told that god loves and values everyone equally. Told a
few white lies today so I still need to work on that. Bye-bye for now.

Day 12: its becoming a bit more tiresome to journal ngl. Today was Sunday and I was
very productive. we studied 1 Samuel 1 where Hannah had asked God for a son and how
she was praying in her heart and eli thought she was drunk because her lips moved but
made no sound. God reads the heart so whether or not our prayers ae aloud or not, once
they are genuine God will hear and answer them. Lies told today:)0 byeeeeee.

Day 13: This was a very good day. I woke up at 5:30 am and got to school on time which
was good for me. Today went really well for me I had a law exam and it was okay. Went
to gym and focused on upper body. Got home and had dinner which was really good. I
read proverbs 14 and this was a wisdom lesson that was very much needed. I told zero
lies today as well and I plan to go to bed by 10:30 as well.
Day 14: today was not bad. Woke up on time and left out on time too went to the barber
before going to school. Did my studies and went to the gym then came home. Psalm 25:9
says “ He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.” This tells me
that I am to be humble in life. Byee

Day 15: im tired so this is gonna be short. Got to skl on time. told a boatload of lies
today. Read Daniel and learned to humble ourselves before God.

Day 16: not much happened today. Teachers were on strike so I didn’t have to be at
school on time. Went to the gym and came home. I forgot to read my bible today so
that’s bad. Don’t think I told any lies

Day 17: teachers are still on strike, so I stayed home. I read genesis 1:26 which speaks
about Go making man in his own image to be rulers of the earth. No lies told. Its getting
more tiresome to journal but imma press on

Day 18: I went to church today and that was okay. This morning I focused on the
scripture Luke 16 and verse 10 specifically where it speaks to how we must be faithful in
whatever God gives us, no matter the size. No lies told i think. Later.

Day 19: Was a pretty normal Sunday. Had devotion washed the bathroom and wiped out
the house. I read 1st john 10 and it told us that we are all sinners even believers but that
is no excuse not to serve God. Bye bye

Day 20: Halfway through lent and it’s honestly been draining. I got up early this morning
and got to skl early. Today was a relatively good day to be honest. Then finished up skl
and got to gym then I got done there and came home.i read 2 Samuel 22 verse 4. It says I
called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies..
this is pretty straightforward. No lies. Byeeeeeeee
Day 21: I failed today horrendously. I went to bed late, got to school late, and didn’t even
read a verse of scripture today. Even my workout was off plan. The only upside to today
is that I believe I didn’t tell any lies and that is good.

Day 22: today went a lot more according to plan than yesterday. I got to school on time
and attended classes and did the usual stuff. Went to gym, completed a good workout and
came home.

Day 23: today was one of the best days of my life. From morning to afternoon was fun. I
failed all aspects through.
Day 24: I went to school late. Titus 1 15 was the focus of my study and it basically says
what you put out is what you’ll get back

Day 25: I didn’t go to church today. Instead, I stayed home and got some things done. I
read 2 Thessalonians 2:15 where we are told to stand firm in our teachings as Christians.
Told a few white lies today.

Day 26: Today was filled with work. I had devotion then got right to it. I read a book in

Day 27; I got up late because I missed my alarm. I got to school late as well. Leviticus
20:8 Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the LORD, who makes you holy. This was
what I read today.
Day 28: I woke up early but I reached school late. I got to skl and today went as it
usually does. Got to gym late due to rain but still had a productive workout. Today I read
acts chapter 14 that was when Paul and Barnabas went to a strange land , performed a
miracle and were seen as gods(Zeus and Hermes) but they told the ppl they were wrong
and pointed them towards going to bed late tonight byeeeeeeee
Day 36: Well then…it’s been a while, a really long while. Only 4 more days till lent
finishes. I missed 8 days of journalling and in all honesty, I don’t remember much about
those 8 days so ill just journal for today. So I woke up early and got to school late but I
was marked early so ill take it. I had no classes today for the entire day. After school I
went to the gym and did a good leg workout. I read numbers 14 and focused specifically
on verse 19 : In accordance with your great love, forgive the sin of these people, just as
you have pardoned them from the time they left Egypt until now.” I told lies bye

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