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Dialel, Ritchel Jean C.



Journal Week 2

Journal Day 1( March 17,2022)

I learned for this today is that we must focus on ourselves and our mindset so that we can finish what
we are going to do. Let’s put aside the unnecessary things like watching TV, scrolling on social media, we
can do that after our assignments. I learned today in our evening devotion is that we should not be wise
or prudent in front of other people. Because we are also the ones who are embarrassed when we make
a mistake, if we don’t know the answer then we will study and we will know what it means and what the
answer is. The study does not end until we are alive, we must study to learn and apply in our daily lives.
The things we have learned. Especially in gaining wisdom from God’s Word, And let us not just learn, but
apply what we learn, That God may bless us in all we do.

I am grateful for this day because I wake up early to do my personal devotion. I’m also thankful because
it doesn’t hurt anymore, My pain isn’t like before, I can’t move because I’m in so much pain. I’m also
thankful because the other things I’ll do have been reduced, I hope I’ll finish before we take the exam on
Monday. I’m also thankful because your brother is already working on the module, he’s not lazy
anymore, I hope he’ll continue because he’s graduating for senior High School. I am also thankful
because I was able to attend our evening devotion, and I am the one assigned to share the word of God,
Thank you God for your wisdom.

Journal Day 2 ( March 18,2022)

I learned for this day is that God wants us to know that we are one in Christ Jesus. The Lord also wants
us to believe in him, no matter how many problems we have in life. Let us come to our lord, trust and be
sure we can overcome everything, because we have a living God and always there for all of us. We
always activate our faith, yes we have faith but when a little problem comes, the faith we have
diminishing. Because we are already worried about how to solve the problem that comes into our lives.

I am grateful for this because I wake up early to do my personal devotion. I am also thankful because
the Lord continues to give protection to my whole family. I am also grateful for the continued wisdom
He gives to my study and for the good connection Of the signal. I’m also thankful because the things I’m
going to do are gradually decreasing. I hope it’s really over so that I can focus on our exam, I’m also
thankful because I finished the laundry early.

Journal Day 3 ( March 19,2022)

I learned for this day is Faith without works is not faith at all. It is useless to ask God to guide your
footstep if you’re not willing to move your feet. Apply your faith in prayer, prayer that comes from the
heart can move mountains. Faith and prayer are both invisible, but they make impossible things
possible. It takes real faith to face your fears and be prayerful.

I am grateful for this day because I wake up early to do my personal devotion. I’m also thankful because
the Lord helps me to think a topic for sharing his word to my cellgroup. I’m also thankful because my
disciple joined the cellgroup, and even though I knew they were busy with their module, they didn’t let
them not hear the word of God. I’m also thankful because we caught up with the practice and got home
early. I’m also thankful because all the observant for music ministry are present and willing to serve
God with all there heart.

Journal Day 4 ( March 20,2022)

I learned for this day is Unshakeable faith is the willingness to risk anything for God. Faith that can’t be
shaken is the faith that has been shaken. Even if everybody will turn back to you, God will never leave
nor forsake you. We are all accountable to God and it is better to please God rather than men. Always
choose to trust God, Even when circumstance are challenging to have an unshakeable faith.

I am grateful for this day because I wake up early to do my personal devotion. I’m also thankful today
because I was able to go to church, this day really gives me rest. My worries have been erased from my
mind, Because my mind and heart are focused on praising him. He will give me rest and peace, I am also
thankful because the Lord helped me lead the People in our youth service in prayer. I’m also thankful
because we have finished the power point that we are making a proposal for STRAMAN and for us to
study because it will be presented on Thursday.

Journal Day 5 (March 21,2022)

I learned for this day in our devotion is that God wants us to live that filled with Holy Spirit. God wants
us to have a good testimony. Always obey the word of God, accept God in our lives and living
righteously. What I also learned today is that we must remain steadfast so that we are not carried away
by problems. God is bigger than our problems, struggles, and trials, be prayerful and trust God always.

I am grateful for this day because I wake up early to do my personal devotion. I am also thankful
because one of my sisters passed as a Scholarship at their school, God’s help is so great. To you I return
all praise and Thanksgiving in your name. I am also thankful because God continues to strengthen my
heart and my faith in him. I am also grateful for the continued protection that you give to my family.

Journal Day 6 ( March 22,2022)

I learned for this day in our devotion today is if you want to be more productive, you need to master
your minutes. The more we spend time with God the more are fall in love with God. You don’t
overcome challenges by making them smaller, but by making yourself bigger. What I also learned in our
evening devotion is that the fear of the Lord should make us faithful to him. And a Faithful person will
do nothing but to follow God’s will.
I am grateful for this day because I wake up early to do my personal devotion. I’m also thankful because
we don’t get sick and we don’t lack on a daily basis. Indeed, if we trust in God, He will not forsake us
and He will provide all that we need. I’m also thankful because there was team work in our group, not
like before waiting for who will do it. Because of our cooperation, we passed the group activity early,
thank you God for the knowledge and wisdom that you gave today.

Journal Day 7( March 23,2022)

I learned for this day is that we should take time to rest, let’s not let ourselves get sick now, especially
now that there is covid in our country. We need to love our health's, always take vitamins everyday.
What I have learned today is that even if there is a problem that comes into our lives, we must learn to
thank God because we are still experiencing problems in life. He never forsakes us or leaves us when we
need him. God wants us to trust in him, no one else can help us and he gave us rest and peace of mind.

I am grateful for this day because I wake up early to do my personal devotion. I am also grateful for the
continued protection and provides on a daily basis. I’m also thankful because Tita and Lola liked what
they made, it’s lumpiang isda , I really appreciate it. I’m also thankful because I’ve finished what I’m
doing at home and I can focus on taking the prelim exam. I am also grateful for this day that the Lord
has been with me and for the wisdom He gives me every day.

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