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Scriptures 1 (Old Testament)

For today’s class, it reminded me about how important God’s words for us. It includes
words that will lead us to the right path and avoid wrong doings. It also strengthens our faith to
Him and always remember that He is always with us no matter what.

Just like David, I used to be a leader who always strives for the best. I always make sure
that all my works are well-detailed that should result to the best quality so that I will receive
good grades and the recognition I will receive will be a good reputation for myself. But all of a
sudden, I lost in track. I don’t know what happened. The old me was gone. I started to become
unmotivated, the passion was not there anymore, and my competence vanished. There are
times that I feel like I am the only one who exerts effort for the activity and performances and
the pressure was heavy for me. It made me start to not take care of anything anymore because
it is draining.

During this semester, I was burned out. My mental health was damaged because of the
things I am worried about. I feel pressured and because of that, I started to become
uninterested about my studies. It made me feel like I cannot continue anymore that is why I
decided to drop two major subjects from my course just to lessen the academic workload. After
few days, I started to watch motivational videos about reaching our dreams and finish what we
started. In result, I repeal the decision I made and continued the subject. I also started to watch
some videos about words of God and started to come back to Him to hold on to something I
prayed for Him. This made me realize how powerful His words really are. Also, the words that
the professor I take note of is that people around us have an impact to our mental health. If you
surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you and boost your drive to do better,
then it will result to the best outcome. Also, just because you are tired it does not mean that
you should give up. It is part of the process and must rest to be able to function well.

My mistake here is that I let myself to make decisions that I know is not good for me. I
became reckless and did not think of the possible outcome of it. I maybe because tired, but not
exhausted enough to give up everything. I shouldn’t think that I must not care to escape the
pressure. I should be happy that I care about the things that I know I will benefit from. I should
ask for guidance to God about the path I will take. I may not be sure about it but I know God is
there for me.

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