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The flow chart summarizes the steps required for recycling waste paper. There are six ess
ential stages needed for completing the process of waste paper recycling.
The first and second stages are about bringing the paper from waste paper storage, such
as like water banks, and isolating the required paper for proceeding with the recycling pr
ocess from the unrequited paper.
The third stage is about moving the paper to a paper mill for grinding, then cleaning the
grinded paper from staples, thereby categorizing this stage as the fourth stage. 
Prior to the last stage is the fifth stage, in which the ink and glue are detached from the gr
inding mass that has already been cleaned from the staples. At the end of this stage, the p
aper is ready to go to another stage, which is the final one. In this final stage, the grind
ground paper is ready to go to a manufacture manufacturing machine producing to
produce usable paper .

148 words
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In some countries, it is illegal for companies to reject job applicants based on their age. T
his policy has generated debate among different sectors of society, with some people vie
wing it as a positive development, while others consider it a negative one. Personally, I th
ink this policy is mainly a positive one.
There is a growing trend around the world, especially in the developing countries where c
orporations stopped are stopping recruiting the older people to reduce the costs, and that
is not a healthy sign for the wellbeing of the older generation. If a man or a woman has a
the skill to do a job, they should be given a chance, and it is not fair for the companies to
reject them without interviewing them solely based on their age. For example, in India,
multi national companies doesn’t do not even consider looking at the resume of an older
applicant, corporations look at them as uninspiring and slow.
The diversity in of the workforce in is an important aspect in of the success of any organi
zation. Encouraging the older people to work will have a ripple effect on the society, it
will improves the countries country’s productivity and GDP. If they don’t do not get em
ployed, it will be the government’s responsibility to take care of their livelihood, and it ca
n be a burden on the economy because the authorities have to spend a significant amount
of money to maintain the living standards.
To conclude, I believe it is a positive development. All the countries must adapt and mak
e a law to criminalize criminalizing the rejection of the job applications based on the ag
263 words

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