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नवमः पाठः - ९ सूक्तयः

This is a very unique chapter because it is a collection of verses taken from the ancient Tamil
Text known as “Tirukkural”. The ancient Tamil verses are translated into Sanskrit. The author
of Tirukkural is Saint Tiruvalluvar who composed this text around 1st century AD. This text is
divided into three sections and it discusses about Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. In
Tamil “tiru” means “shrii”. In this text important truths about human life are explained in a
very charming poetic way.

In this world only the wise people can be called as those possessing eyes. Regarding the rest,
they only possess two eyes for namesake.
This verse means that, those who have wisdom, those who are wise, they alone can see the
truth, they alone can see the difference between good and bad, they alone know the proper
use of eyes. Those who are ignorant, they have eyes and they can see, but for them there is no
difference between good and bad. The ignorant people see the world just like animals that see
the world, in a very narrow and selfish way. This verse is very important because it
highlights the importance of our way of thinking. A big crisis is not a big crisis for a person
who has the right vision because he sees the crisis as an exciting challenge that can be
conquered. With respect to students, exams and tests should be seen as exciting challenges
that must be conquered. If we can see the challenges of life in a positive way, we can be
always happy. The verse also means that only good people can see the sufferings of other
प्र.१) एकपदेन उत्तरत।
१. ववद्ाांसः
ु मनी
२. चक्षनाा
प्र.२) पूर्वा ाक्येन उत्तरत।
् सः चक्षष्मन्तः
१. लोके ऽविन ववद्ाां ु प्रकीवतातः।

प्र.३) यथा वनदेशम उत्तरत।
े ः
१. मूढभ्य
ु ्
२. चक्षस

“viveka means intellectual understanding. Vivek means the ability to understand the truth of
whatever being said by any person, that ability is called vivek.
In simple words, vivek means knowing the truth first before believing anything being said by
anyone. This simple verse is extremely profound in this age of social media and connectivity.
Now-a-days people don’t think before believing any information because of which people
tend to share fake information which creates panic and tension in the society. Apart from this
many times we don’t understand a situation as it is because we don’t use vivek we use
emotions; as a result over judgement is clouded. One simple verse written by Tiruvalluvar
some 2000+ years ago is so applicable now, especially in this period of lockdown where we
can observe that many fake information is being believed and shared without thinking,
without using vivek.
प्र.१) एकपदेन उत्तरत।
१. वववेकः
प्र.२) पूर्वा ाक्येन उत्तरत।
१. तत्त्वाथावनर्ायः येन शक्यः सः वववेकः इवत ईवरतः।

प्र.३) यथा वनदेशम उत्तरत।

१. यत प्रोक्तम ्

२. तत्त्वाथावनर्ायः
३. ईवरतः

A minister who is eloquent, brave and fearless in an assembly, such a minster can never be
defeated by enemies.
This is a very important verse with respect to politics and strategy. Politicians and
ambassadors play a very crucial role to maintain international peace. If enemies can lure the
minster or frighten the minster to do their bidding then the whole nation will be ruined.
प्र.१) एकपदेन उत्तरत।
१. अकातरः
२. परः
प्र.२) पूर्वा ाक्येन उत्तरत।

१. वाक्पटुः धयावान सभायाम ्
अकातरः मन्त्री परः न पवरभूयते।

प्र.३) यथा वनदेशम उत्तरत।
१. मन्त्री
२. मन्त्री
३. वाक्पटुः
४. पवरभूयते

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