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Worksheet 6: Think Win-Win

Practice Scenarios

1. At recess four kids usually play tag. One day three of them decide to play football.
The fourth child refuses to play and says they should play tag with him.
a. Describe the problem:

Three kids want to do something the fourth kid does not want to do.

b. Write a win-win solution. If you think there is no win-win solution, explain why not
and what is one solution you could try.

They can play football for a little and then go back to tag, or vice versa.

2. Four kids are working in groups on a science project. Each child is sharing his/her ideas
about what to do for the experiment. One of the boys in the group feels that the others
are not listening to his suggestions. He starts crying and yelling at the other kids in the
a. Describe the problem:

He feels excluded from the group.

b. Write a win-win solution. If you think there is no win-win solution, explain why not
and what is one solution you could try.
The other kids can include the other kid and consider his ideas.

3. At indoor recess two kids always want to play games together. Each recess they
always spend several minutes arguing over who is going to have which piece.
a. Describe the problem:

They’re arguing over game pieces

b. Write a win-win solution. If you think there is no win-win solution, explain why
not and what is one solution you could try.

They can cooperate and take turns on the piece they both want.

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