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April 3rd Lesson Plan

Discussion - Ask students to brainstorm examples of conflicts they

have had with friends and how they resolved them.

Steps for resolving conflict through conversation.

1. Ask the person if you can schedule a time to talk. Sometimes

people need to prepare for difficult discussion so often it can be
better to schedule a time instead of bombarding them.
2. Prepare yourself for the discussion and think about what you
want to say. What did they do to upset you? What do you want
them to do? Do you want them to stop doing something, apologize,
or help you in some way?
3. Tell the other person what you want in a clear way
 Use a firm but friendly voice and make eye contact
 Use an “I” statement.
4. Give them a turn to talk while you listen. Don’t interrupt or try
to defend your position when they are talking. Try to summarize
what they said showing you understand even if you disagree.
5. Talk turns talking. When you understand their view, you can
begin offering solutions that work for both of you

Conflict Resolution - Use an “I” statement.

“I feel _____________ (feeling word)

When you __________ (what they did or said)
Because ____________ (the reason it upset you)
What I want or need is _______” (what you want from them, offering
a possible solution)
Roleplay Activity – practice using “I” statements with the following
scenarios: (each student will be given one scenario to roleplay with
- A friend keeps criticizing the way you dress
- Someone borrows money and does not pay you back
- A friend demands to go somewhere with you, but you want to go
somewhere else
- A parent gives everyone in the family a gift except for you
- Things get heated during a basketball game and your friend
pushes you to the floor
- Your sibling keeps interrupting you when you are trying to speak

Conflict reflection – questions to ask yourself when in conflict

 Did my friend mean to do me harm or did they just make a
 Is this the first time this has happened or is it becoming a
 Will I still be mad about this next week? Next month?
 What needs to happen for me to feel better?
 Is what happened going to change my life? How
 Now decide: Is this worth fighting about or can I let it go and
move on?

Ways to Avoid Conflict + Advantages & Disadvantages

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