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Robot spray labeling machine project

Technical documents

Robot operation
Hangzhou Zheda Jingyi Electromechanical
Technology Co., Ltd

Robot operation instructions

ABB 机器人共分为三种工作模式:自动、手动、手动全速。三种模式介绍如下:
ABB robots are divided into three working modes: automatic, manual,
and manual full speed. The three modes are introduced as follows:
● 自动模式:在此模式下,机器人在没有人工干预的情况下进行运行移动。通
● Automatic mode: In this mode, the robot operates and moves without
human intervention. Usually, the robot system in the
production process runs in this mode.
● 手动模式:此模式下,机器人只能在安全速度下运行,且只能手动控制。通
● Manual mode: In this mode, the robot can only operate at a safe
speed and can only be manually controlled. Usually used
for robot jog operations and robot program debugging.
● 手动全速模式:机器人能够以预定速度运动,但是只能手动控制,主要用于
Manual full speed mode: The robot can move at a predetermined speed,
but can only be manually controlled, mainly used for testing and
running programs.
● 自动模式上电步骤
● Power on steps in automatic mode
步骤 操作 图示
step operation Illustration
1 将模式开关置于自动位置
Place the mode switch in the
automatic position
2 确保电控柜中的机器人空开处于开
Ensure that the robot air
switch in the electric control
cabinet is in an open state
3 将主电源开关置于开,打开主电源
Place the main power switch on
and turn on the main power
4 示教器弹出对话框:是否选择自动
Teaching pendant pop-up dialog
box: Do you want to select
automatic mode?
Click 'OK'
5 在控制器上,按下“电机开”按钮
On the controller, press the
"Motor On" button
● 手动模式下上电步骤
● Power on steps in manual mode
步骤 操作 图示
step operation Illustration
1 将模式开关置于手动位置
Place the mode switch in the
manual position
2 确保电控柜中的机器人空开处于开
Ensure that the robot air
switch in the electric control
cabinet is in an open state
3 将主电源开关置于开,打开主电源
Place the main power switch on
and turn on the main power
4 按下示教器的“止-动”按钮,然后
Press the "stop-move" button on
the teaching pendant, and then
the robot can be operated to
move using the handle.
● 手动切换到自动步骤
● Manually switching to automatic steps
步骤 操作 图示
step operation Illustration
1 将模式开关从手动置于自动位置
Place the mode switch from
manual to automatic position
2 示教器弹出对话框:是否选择自动
Teaching pendant pop-up dialog
box: Do you want to select
automatic mode?
Click 'OK'
3 在控制器上,按下“电机开”按钮
On the controller, press the
"Motor On" button
● 自动切换到手动步骤
● Automatically switch to manual steps
步骤 操作 图示
step operation Illustration
1 将模式开关从自动位置置于手动位

Place the mode switch from the
automatic position to the
manual position
● 急停(硬急停)
● Emergency stop (hard emergency stop)
When the following situations occur, please immediately press the
emergency stop button to stop the system:
 The robot is running and there are workers in the working area
 Robot that harms workers or damages machine equipment

示教器上的急停按钮 控制器上的急停按钮
Emergency stop button on the teaching pendant, emergency stop button
on the controller

● 急停恢复
● Emergency stop recovery
步骤 操作 图示
step operation Illustration
1 确保已经排除了所有危险
Ensure that all hazards have
been eliminated
2 急停按钮复位
Emergency stop button reset
3 在示教器中,确认事件日志中的
In the teaching pendant,
confirm the emergency stop
event in the event log
4 按下电机“开”按钮,从急停状
Press the "on" button of the
motor to resume normal
operation from the emergency
stop state

● 停机步骤
● Shutdown steps
步骤 操作 图示
step operation Illustration
1 关闭示教器:选择 ABB 菜单->重新启
“ connect to the robot
Turn off the teaching pendant:
select ABB menu ->Restart -
>Advanced ->Shutdown, click "OK",
"Shutdown". Wait until the
teaching pendant displays'
connect to the robot controller
2 将主电源开关置于关,关闭主电源
Turn off the main power switch
and turn off the main power
注意:关机后再次开机需要等待 2 分钟时间。
Note: After turning off the computer, it will take 2 minutes to turn
it on again.
● 回原位方法
● Method of returning to original position
方法 1:

Method 1:

1. Pop up the emergency stop button to switch the robot to

manual mode ( );
2. Use a teaching pendant to slowly move the robot away from
the current dead center position (pay attention to speed,
not too fast, to prevent collisions)
Method of leaving the dead center:
点击示教器中的 ABB->手动操做
a. Click on ABB ->Manual Operation in the teaching pendant

ABB 菜单
ABB menu
右下角 操纵杆方向 通过选择 2、1、3 轴控制模式
b. The direction of the lower right joystick is

controlled by selecting the 2, 1, and 3 axis control

c. 按下图中的按钮 D,使能按钮(下图中的 D)要一直按着,使得机器人处于
c. Press button D in the figure below to keep the enable
button (D in the figure below) pressed until the robot is in

d.然后通过操纵手柄 E,根据实际情况操纵机器人 1、2、3 轴将机器人离开当前

d. Then, use the joystick E to manipulate the robot's axes
1, 2, and 3 according to the actual situation to move the
robot away from the current dead center.

注:在选择 1、2、3 轴操作时:

Note: When selecting axis 1, 2, and 3 operations:
向左拨动控制杆,机器人 1 轴向右移动;
Move the control lever to the left, and robot 1 moves axially to the
向右拨动控制杆,机器人 1 轴向左移动;
Move the control lever to the right, and robot 1 moves axially to the
向上拨动控制杆,机器人 2 轴向上移动;
Move the control lever upwards, and Robot 2 moves axially upwards;
向下拨动控制杆,机器人 2 轴向下移动;
Move the control lever downwards, and robot 2 moves downwards in the
axial direction;
逆时针拨动控制杆,机器人 3 轴向上移动;
Move the control lever counterclockwise to move the robot 3 axially
顺时针拨动控制杆,机器人 3 轴向下移动;
Move the control lever clockwise, and the robot will move downwards
in axis 3;

3. Switch the robot back to automatic mode ;

4. The "OK" dialog box pops up on the teaching pendant,
click "OK";
5. Press the white button in the robot control cabinet to
put the robot in a powered on state;
6. Press the alarm to clear (the on-site operation box
button is effective).
则重复 2-7 步);
7. Click the return to home button when the on-site
operation box is in the local state, and the robot will
automatically return to home (if it is invalid, repeat
steps 2-7);
方法 2:

Method 2:

1. Switch the robot to manual mode
2. Use a teaching pendant to slowly move the robot away from
its current dead center position and step by step back to
its original position (pay attention to the moving speed,
do not move too fast, this is to prevent collisions)
3. Robot controller switches to automatic
4. Press the alarm to clear (the on-site operation box
button is effective);
5. The teaching pendant pops up a "OK" dialog box, click

按机器人控制柜中按白色按钮(下图中的 C 按钮),使得机器人处于上电状态;
6. Press the white button (button C in the figure below) in
the robot control cabinet to put the robot in a powered on
按操控台、电气柜或是 HMI 中的“机器人回原点”按钮,让机器人回到原点。
7. Press the "Robot Home" button on the control panel,
electrical cabinet, or HMI to return the robot to its home
如果按照第 6 步操作后机器人还回不了原点,重复 2-6 的操作步骤,直到机器
8. If the robot cannot return to the origin after following
step 6, repeat steps 2-6 until the robot returns to the
9. After returning to the origin, press the alarm to clear
(the on-site button box button is effective).

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