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How to do Negative and to know if you have negated the keyword already

1. Download Search Term Report base on the last date you did Negatives and Bulk File - 1 Day period

2. Donwload the Active Campaigns on Campaign Manager and then do a Vlookup on Searh Term Report using the active campaign name t

3. FROM THE BULK FILE - Filter the record type to keyword and prodcut targeting and then filter as well the match type to negatives only

4. then filter ASIN on Keyword Column and change the ASIN into a normal ASIN format
( Select the Column and then control + F then replace all with asin=" and then control + F again and replace all with " ) and then after that

5. FROM THE BULK FILE - then Copy the Campaign, Ad Group, Keyword and Match Type and then move it to search term report in a new

6. then do a concatenation on the bulk file you copy on the same sheet in A Column

7. on the search term report, filter and remove the exact match type and then copy and paste the result to another sheet

8. and then do a concatenation as well on the search term report with the same value from bulk concatenation to create a unique value b

9. then insert a column between J and K next to customer search term

10. then do a Vlookup on both unique concatenation value you created from Bulk and Search term report

11. and then just filter the N/A and copy and past it to a new tab sheet and start doing the negative analysis the mark the search term with

12. for the Negative ASIN, as soon as you have identified the the Negative ASIN already, you need to put it back on this format asin="B07M
so when you put it on the final negative bulk template and upload it on seller central it wont get an error.

just follow this concatenation formula in another column =CONCATENATE("asin=","""",A2,"""") - A2 stands for the column where your ASI

13. after knowing all the negatives, upload it using Negative Bulk file template

NOTE: for Negative ASIN - both of them should be present on Keyword and Product ID Column

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