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Ebullient /i'bʌliənt/ 1.

overflowing with enthusiasm; Sôi, đang sôi

effervescent Sôi nổi, hăm hở, sôi động
2. (archaic) boiling, seeming to boil = exuberant, buoyant,
3. cheerful and full of energy cheerful, joyful, cheery,
4. enthusiastic; high-spirited merry, sunny
Pernicious /pə:´niʃəs/ - having a harmful effect, especially Độc, nguy hại
in a gradual way; deleterious, = harmful, damaging,
detrimental, inimical destructive, injurious,
- having a harmful effect, especially hurtful, detrimental
in a gradual or subtle way
- causing death or injury; deadly
Prescient /´presiənt/ adj. seeming to have knowledge of Tiên tri, biết trước, có thể
the future thấy trước
- having or showing knowledge of = prophetic, predictive,
events before they take place visionary, psychic,
- exhibiting or possessing clairvoyant, far-seeing, far-
prescience having knowledge of, or sighted, with foresight,
seemingly able to correctly predict, prognostic
events before they take place
Primeval /prai´mi:vəl/ adj. aboriginal: having existed from Nguyên thủy; ban sơ; Sơ
the beginning khai
- of or resembling the earliest ages = ancient, earliest, first,
in the history of the world prehistoric, antediluvian,
- (of feelings or actions) based on antique, primordial
primitive instinct; raw and = instinctive, primitive,
elementary basic, primal, primordial,
Reprove /ri'pru:v/ v. criticize or correct (gently), Mắng mỏ, quở trách, khiển
disapprove of strongly trách, chê trách, trách mắng
- reprimand or censure (someone) = reprimand, rebuke,
- to express disapproval reproach, scold, admonish,
- to criticize, rebuke or reprimand Upbraid (la mắng, quở trách)
(someone), usually in a gentle and
kind tone.
- to deny or reject (a feeling,
behaviour, action etc.).
Pugnacious /pʌg´neiʃəs/ - eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or Thích đánh nhau, hay gây gổ
fight; likely to pick a fight, = combative, aggressive,
combative nature antagonistic, belligerent,
- naturally aggressive or hostile; bellicose, warlike
combative; belligerent; bellicose
Adumbrate /ˈæd.əm.breɪt/ - produce an outline or preliminary Phác hoạ; Cho biết lờ mờ
(mào đầu, sơ bộ) image Làm cho biết trước, báo
- report or represent in outline trước bằng điềm
- indicate faintly; foreshadow or Che tối, làm cho mờ tối, toả
symbolize; overshadow bóng xuống
- to give only the main facts and not Gợi ra, báo trước (sự kiện
the details about something, tương lai)
especially something that will
happen in the future
Incendiary /in´sendiəri/ - fire-causing, controversial, Để đốt cháy; gây cháy Cố ý
conflict đốt nhà, phạm tội cố ý đốt
- capable of, or used for, or actually nhà
causing fire (nghĩa bóng) gây bạo động,
- intentionally stirring up strife, riot, kích động phong trào chống
rebellion đối; gây bất hoà
- inflammatory, emotionally (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) khêu gợi
- (of a device or attack) designed to
cause fires
- very exciting
Iniquity /i´nikwiti/ 1. very wrong and unfair action or (như) iniquitousness
situation, gross injustice Điều trái với đạo lý; điều tội
2. sin, wickedness lỗi
3. immoral or grossly unfair Điều hết sức bất công
behavior Sự bất công/ Hành vi bất
4. deviation from what is right công
5. an act of great injustice or
unfairness; a sinful or wicked act;
an unconscionable deed
Insidious /ɪnˈsɪdiəs/ 1. sneaky, stealthy, subtle, crafty, Quỷ quyệt, xảo quyệt
surreptitious, sneaking, cunning (y học) âm ỉ, âm thầm (bệnh)
2. proceeding in a gradual, subtle Ngấm ngầm
way, but with harmful effects
3. treacherous; crafty
4. intending to entrap; alluring but
Interlocutor /¸intə´lɔkjutə/ go-between, person taking part in a Người nói chuyện, người đối
conversation; a person who takes thoại
part in a dialogue or conversation
Irascible /i´ræsibl/ easy to anger; irritable; choleric; nóng nảy, cáu kỉnh, dễ nổi
having or showing a tendency to be giận
easily angered; easily provoked to = irritable, quick-tempered,
outbursts of anger; irritable short-tempered, bad-
tempered, ill-tempered
Exasperate /ɪɡˈzɑː.spə.reɪt/ irritate and frustrate (someone) Làm bực tức, làm điên tiết
intensely; to tax the patience of, irk, = infuriate, incense, anger,
frustrate, vex, provoke, annoy; to annoy, irritate, madden,
make angry; to make someone very enrage
annoyed, usually when they can do
nothing to solve a problem
Malleable /´mæliəbl/ adj. 1. easily manipulated, trained, Rèn được; Dễ dát mỏng, dễ
controlled uốn; (nghĩa bóng) dễ bảo
2. (of a material, esp. metal) ability = suggestible, susceptible,
to be shaped, formed well, without impressionable, amenable,
breaking cooperative, adaptable,
3. (of a metal or other material) able compliant, pliable, docile,
to be hammered or pressed tractable, accommodating,
permanently out of shape without biddable, obedient,
breaking or cracking complaisant
4. easily influenced; pliable
Mendacious /men´deiʃəs/ adj. tending to lies; not telling the Sai sự thật, láo, điêu, xuyên
truth; lying; untruthful or dishonest tạc
- (of a statement, etc) false or untrue = deceitful, false,
dissembling, insincere
Noxious /´nɔkʃəs/ adj. poisonous, venomous Độc hại, có độc
- harmful, poisonous, or very = poisonous, dangerous,
unpleasant, injurious toxic, deadly, virulent,
harmful, pernicious
Nuance /nju´a:ns/ n. subtle aspect or difference of an Sắc thái
expression, sound, meaning - a quality of something that
- a subtle difference in or shade of is not easy to notice but may
meaning, expression, or sound be important
- subtlety or fine detail; a minor
v. give nuances to
Paragon /´pærəgən/ 1. a person or thing regarded as a Mẫu mực; tuyệt phẩm Người
perfect example of a particular hoàn hảo
quality Viên kim cương tuyệt đẹp
2. diamond of more than 100 carats (hơn 100 cara)
3. a person or thing viewed as a người hoàn hảo
model of excellence
a paragon of: người mẫu mực về
Profligate /´prɔfligit/ - wasteful in spending money, Phóng đãng, trác táng (về
spendthrift; recklessly extravagant một người, hành vi của
or wasteful in the use of resources người đó)
- licentious; dissolute Hoang toàng, ngông cuồng,
- a licentious, dissolute person hoang phí một cách bừa bãi
- inclined to waste resources or = wasteful, extravagant,
behave extravagantly prodigal, spendthrift,
- immoral; abandoned to vice. = dissolute, degenerate,
= improvident, libertine, debauchee, depraved, dissipated,
degenerate, reprobate, roué, lecher, debauched, corrupt
Puerile /´pjuərail/ - childishly foolish; immature or Trẻ con, có tính chất trẻ con;
trivial; characteristic of, or tỏ ra non nớt, khờ dại
pertaining to, a boy or boys; Tầm thường, vặt vãnh,
compare puellile; trifling không đáng kể
= childish, immature, infantile, silly,
juvenile, adolescent, babyish
Punctilious /pʌηk´tiliəs/ adj. precise in the observance of a Chú ý đến những chi tiết tỉ
code mỉ, hay hình thức vụn vặt;
- showing great attention to detail or kỹ tính, câu nệ (như)
correct behavior punctual; hay chú ý đến từng
= meticulous, conscientious, chi tiết tỉ mỉ
careful, diligent, attentive,
- strictly attentive to detail;
meticulous or fastidious,
particularly to codes or conventions
- precise or scrupulous; finicky or
Satiate /'sei∫ieit/ v. satisfy, sate; satisfy (a desire or Tính từ
an appetite) to the full; supply No, chán ngấy, thoả mãn
(someone) with as much as or more Ngoại động từ
of something than is desired or can Làm thoả mãn; cho (ăn,
be managed uống...) đến chán, cho (ăn
adj. satisfied to the full; satiated uống) đến ngấy (như) sate
Làm bão hoà
Tantamount /'tæntəmaʊnt/ adj. equivalent; equivalent in Tương đương với, có giá trị
seriousness to; virtually the same as; như, ngang với
equivalent in meaning or effect; tantamount to something:
amounting to the same thing in tương ứng với, ngang với,
practical terms, even if being chẳng khác gì
technically distinct.
Temerity /ti´meriti/ - cheeky courage, excessive Sự táo bạo, sự liều lĩnh, sự
audacity (disapproving) cả gan
- excessive confidence or boldness; = audacity, boldness, nerve,
audacity audaciousness, effrontery,
- reckless boldness; foolish bravery impudence
Timorous /ˈtɪmərəs/ adj. perpetually afraid; showing or Sợ sệt, nhút nhát
suffering from nervousness, fear, or = fearful, apprehensive,
a lack of confidence; timid, fearful faint-hearted
Trite /trait/ uninteresting, overused, hackneyed; Lặp đi lặp lại, cũ rích, mòn,
(of a remark, opinion, or idea) sáo, nhàm (về một thành
overused and consequently of little ngữ, một ý kiến...)
import; lacking originality or = banal, clichéd,
freshness platitudinous, vapid,
Tentative /'tentətiv/ - provisional, uncertain Ướm, thử; Ngập
ngừng, thăm dò
done without confidence; hesitant
Không dứt khoát,
- not certain or fixed
không quả quyết
Incompatible /¸inkəm´pætəbl/ adj. unable to exist in harmony ( + with) không hợp
with, work together because of với, không thích
fundamental differences hợp/ tương hợp với,
kỵ nhau; xung khắc,
không hợp nhau
Inconsequential /ɪnˌkɒn.sɪˈkwen.ʃəl/ adj. 1. illogical, irrelevant, Nhỏ nhặt, không
unimportant quan trọng
2. not engendered from premises
or evidence
3. not important or significant
4. Having no consequence; not
consequential; of little
2. Not logically following from
the premises.
Novice /´nɔvis/ n. a beginner in any business or Người tập việc;
occupation người mới học,
người chưa có kinh
- a person new to or
inexperienced in a field or
Opulent /´ɔpjulənt/ adj. wealthy, luxurious, Giàu có, dồi dào,
ostentatious in this way, phong phú, sang
pompous; ostentatiously rich and trọng
luxurious or lavish
= luxurious, sumptuous, palatial,
lavishly appointed, lavish, deluxe
Pretentious /pri´tenʃəs/ adj. marked by pretense, conceit, Tự phụ, kiêu căng,
or ostentation; attempting to khoe khoang
impress by affecting greater
importance, talent, culture, etc.,
than is actually possessed; showy
Suppress /sə´pres/ subdue, end, abolish; (process, prevent or inhibit (a
reaction, etc.) inhibit; (info) process or reaction);
withhold from disclosure consciously inhibit
(an unpleasant idea
put an end to, especially with
or memory) to
force, to crush, do away with; to
avoid considering it
prohibit, subdue
restrain or repress, such as
laughter or an expression
exclude undesirable thoughts
from one's mind
forcibly put an end to prevent the
development, action, or
expression of (a feeling, impulse,
idea, etc.); restrain; prevent the
dissemination of (information)
Tenacious /təˈneɪʃəs/ adj. persistent; pertinacious Dai, không quên (trí
nhớ) Siết chặt, bám
tending to keep a firm hold of
chặt (vào một vật..)
something; clinging or adhering
Ngoan cường, kiên
closely; not readily relinquishing
trì; kiên quyết; nắm
a position, principle, or course of
giữ, bám chắc (tài
action; determined; persisting in
sản, nguyên tắc, đời
existence; not easily dispelled
sống..) Gan lì,
ngoan cố (người)
Inhibit /in'hibit/ v. restrain, repress, hold in check; Ngăn chặn, hạn chế,
hinder, restrain, or prevent (an kiềm chế; Ngăn
action or process); prevent or cấm, cấm (hoá học)
prohibit (someone) from doing (tâm lý học); (sinh
something vật học) ức chế
Instigate /´instigeit/ v. provoke, initiate an event, set Xúi giục, xúi bẩy; là
of actions or someone to do chủ mưu của; khởi
something often bad; bring about xướng, xúi giục
or initiate (an action or event);
incite someone to do something,
especially something bad
Insurgent /in´sə:dʒənt/ n/adj. one who takes part in Nổi dậy, khởi nghĩa,
uprisings; a rebel or nổi loạn; quân nổi
revolutionary; rising in active loạn, khởi nghĩa
revolt; relating to rebels; one of
several people who take up arms
against the local state authority; a
participant in insurgency
Levity /´leviti/ n. lightness of tone (especially Lightness of manner
during a grave occasion), can be or speech, frivolity;
Tính coi nhẹ, tính
even disrespectful; humor or lack of appropriate
khinh suất, tính
frivolity, especially the treatment seriousness;
khinh bạc, tính nhẹ
of a serious matter with humor or inclination to make
in a manner lacking due respect a joke of serious
the state or quality of being light,
buoyancy; lighthearted or
frivolous act.
Meager /ˈmiː.ɡɚ/ adj. Gầy còm, gầy gò,
khẳng khiu, hom
Meagre 1. (of numbers, amounts) scanty,
very low
Nghèo nàn, xoàng,
2. (of something provided or sơ sài, đạm bạc,
available) lacking in quality or thiếu sót, ít ỏi
3. Having little flesh; lean; thin.
4. Deficient or inferior in amount,
quality or extent
Obsolete /ə'bsɔli:t/ adj. no longer practiced or Cổ xưa, quá hạn, đã
accepted; no longer produced or lỗi thời, không dùng
used; out of date nữa, cô
v. cause (a product or idea) to be
or become obsolete by replacing
it with something new
Opportunist /¸ɔpə´tju:nist/ n. one who takes advantage of Someone who takes
circumstances; a person who advantage of any
exploits circumstances to gain opportunity to
immediate advantage rather than advance their own
being guided by consistent situation, placing
principles or plans expediency above
adj. opportunistic
kẻ cơ hội
Partisan /´pa:ti¸zæn/ adj. showing biased emotion Người ủng hộ,
người theo một phe
prejudiced in favor of a particular
Người ủng hộ;
= biased, prejudiced, one-sided, Đội viên du kích;
colored, discriminatory, (sử học) dân quân
preferential kháng chiến; nghĩa
n. a strong supporter of a party,
cause, or person Phe phái, thiên lệch
(thiên vị)

Preclude /pri´klu:d/ prevent (sth from happening) Loại trừ, trừ bỏ;
ngăn ngừa; đẩy xa
prevent from happening; make
impossible; (of a situation or
condition) prevent someone from
doing something
Remove the possibility of; (rule
out) ; prevent or exclude; to make
Prodigious /prə´didʒəs/ adj. 1. very large, immense Phi thường, kỳ lạ; to
lớn, đồ sộ
2. impressive; remarkably or
impressively great in extent, size, 5. Monstrous;
or degree freakish.
3. very big in size or quantity;
gigantic; colossal; huge.
4. extraordinarily exciting or
Terse /tɜ:s/ using very few words; abrupt, not Ngắn gọn; súc tích,
necessarily rude dùng ít từ (văn);
Cộc lốc, cụt ngủn, ít
sparing in the use of words;
abrupt; of speech or style brief,
concise, to the point; of manner
or speech: abruptly or brusquely
short; curt
Zealot /'zelət/ n. Người cuồng tín;
người quá khích
1. a fanatically committed
2. (historical) a member of an
ancient Jewish sect striving for a
Jewish theocracy throughout the
3. a person who is fanatical and
uncompromising in pursuit of
their religious, political, or other
Ostentatious /¸ɔstən´teiʃəs/ showy, flashy, conspicuous Phô trương, khoe
khoang, làm cho
characterized by vulgar or
người khác
pretentious display; designed to
impress or attract notice phải để ý
Invective /in´vektiv/ insulting, rude and very forceful Lời công kích dữ
criticism dội, lời tố cáo kịch
liệt; Lời chửi rủa
insulting, abusive, or highly
critical language thậm tệ, lời thoá mạ
Perfunctory /pə´fʌηкtəri/ adj. done for routine's sake Làm chiếu lệ, làm
đại khái, qua loa, có
(of an action or gesture) carried
hình thức; hời hợt
out with a minimum of effort or
reflection; cursory
Pittance /´pitəns/ n. 1. minuscule wage Tiền thù lao còm,
tiền thu lao rẻ mạt;
2. (historical) sum bequeathed to
Số lượng nhỏ
a religious house for them to
provide extra party at festivals,
celebrations of anniversaries
3. a very small or inadequate
amount of money paid to
someone as an allowance or wage
Cacophony /kæ'kɔfəni/ a multitude of clashing noises a harsh discordant
mixture of sounds;
Tiếng lộn xộn chối tai; điệu nhạc
chối tai (có nhiều âm thanh không a mix of discordant
hoà hợp với sounds; dissonance
nhau); (ngôn ngữ học) âm hưởng
xấu (âm nhạc) âm tạp
(nghĩa bóng) sự không hoà hợp,
sự không ăn khớp

Turgid /´tə:dʒid/ - (style, language) overly serious, boring, Cương, sưng,

tediously bombastic or pompous phồng lên
Khoa trương,
- swollen and distended or congested
huênh hoang, làm
- overly complex and difficult to cho chán ngấy
understand; grandiloquent
Umbrage /´ʌmbridʒ/ n. offense or annoyance (thơ ca) bóng, bóng
cây; bóng râm
VD: She took umbrage at his remarks
Sự xúc phạm; sự
take umbrage phật lòng, sự phật ý
- to feel upset or annoyed, usually because Cảm tưởng bị xem
you feel that someone has been rude or thường, cảm tưởng
shown no respect to you bị làm tổn thương

VD: Will she take umbrage if she isn't

invited to the wedding?
- give umbrage; take umbrage (at sth): (làm
cho ai) cảm thấy bị coi thường, bị xúc phạm
Verdant /'vɜ:dnt/ adj. green, lush Xanh tươi (cỏ, cây
cối, ruộng đồng..)
- (of the countryside) green with grass or
Phủ đầy cỏ xanh
other rich vegetation
(nghĩa bóng) ngây
- of the bright green color of lush grass thơ, thiếu kinh
- abundant in verdure; lush with vegetation; nghiệm
Vestige /´vestidʒ/ n. remnant, a still existing small part or Vết tích, dấu vết, di
amount of something larger, stronger, or tích (phần nhỏ còn
more important that existed in the past but lại của cái gì đã
does not anymore một thời tồn tại)
(nhất là trong câu
- a trace of something that is disappearing or
phủ định) một chút,
no longer exists
một tí
- the smallest amount (used to emphasize
the absence of something)
VD: He waited patiently, but without a
vestige of sympathy
Intransigent /in´trænsidʒənt/ adj. uncompromising Không khoan
nhượng (về (chính
- unwilling or refusing to change one's
views or to agree about something
- unwilling to compromise or moderate a
position; unreasonable
- an intransigent person
Venerable /´venərəbl/ - respectable due to age Đáng tôn kính,
đáng được kính
- accorded a great deal of respect, especially trọng (vì tuổi tác,
because of age, wisdom, or character tính cách, sự kết
giao..), thiêng
- commanding respect because of age,
liêng; đáng kính
dignity, character or position
- worthy of reverence.
- ancient, antiquated or archaic.
Parsimony /´pa:siməni/ n. thrift or meanness in spending money Tính keo kiệt, tính
chi li, bủn xỉn, sự
- the quality of not being willing to spend
dè sẻn
money or to give or use a lot of something
- great reluctance to spend money
- the principle of using the fewest resources
or explanations to solve a problem.
Perfidious /pə´fidiəs/ adj. deceitful, untrustworthy; treacherous; Phản bội, lừa dối;
duplicitous, disloyal, faithless, unfaithful không trung thành;
bất nghĩa, phản trắc
- of, pertaining to, or representing perfidy;
disloyal to what should command one's
fidelity or allegiance
Incorrigible /in´kɔridʒəbl/ Adj/n. unable to be corrected or restrained; Không thể sửa
(of a person or their tendencies) not able to được
be corrected, improved, or reformed
- defective and impossible to materially
correct or set aright
- incurably depraved; not reformable
- impervious to correction by punishment or
Incipient /in´sipiənt/ - beginning to develop or exist; inchoate Chớm, chớm nở,
mới bắt đầu, phôi
- in an initial stage; beginning to happen or
thai, mới chớm,
mới phát
- (of a person) developing into a specified
type or role
VD: We seemed more like friends than
incipient lovers
Indigent /´indidʒənt/ adj. poor, needy (person); having nothing Nghèo khổ, bần
valuable cùng
= poor, impecunious, destitute, penniless,
- a person in need, or in poverty
Indomitable /in´dɔmitəbəl/ adj. impossible to defeat or discourage Bất khuất, không
thể khuất phục
- impossible to subdue or defeat
= invincible, unconquerable, unbeatable,
unassailable, impregnable
- incapable of being subdued, overcome, or
- strong, brave, determined, and difficult to
defeat or frighten
Inexorable /in´eksərəbl/ adj. unstoppable, unyielding Không lay chuyển
được, không động
- impossible to stop or prevent
tâm, không mủi
= relentless, unstoppable, unavoidable, lòng
inescapable, inevitable
- (of a person) impossible to persuade by
request or entreaty
= intransigent, unbending, unyielding,
inflexible, unswerving
Ingenious /in´dʒi:niəs/ - cleverly complicated Khéo léo
Tài tình, mưu trí
- (of a person) clever, original, and
- (of a machine or idea) cleverly and
originally devised and well suited to its
- displaying genius or brilliance; tending to
- characterized by genius; cleverly done or
- witty; original; shrewd; adroit; keen;
Ingenuous /in´dʒenjuəs/ adj. childishly honest, natural, naive, Chân thật
unpretending Ngây thơ
- (of a person or action) innocent and
VD: He eyed her with wide, ingenuous eyes
Inimical /i´nimikl/ 1. harmful Thù địch; không
thân thiện
2. hostile, unfriendly
Độc hại
= hostile, unfriendly, antagonistic, ill-
(+ to) không thân
disposed, unkind, unsympathetic
thiện, thù địch
3. tending to obstruct or harm
làm tổn hại đến
VD: Actions inimical to our interests
= harmful, injurious, detrimental,
deleterious, pernicious, damaging
Insolent /´insələnt/ adj. willing to talk back to authority; boldly Xấc láo, láo xược
disrespectful in speech or behavior, rude,
brazen, cheeky, impertinent, impertinent,
impudent, ill-mannered
- insulting in manner or words; rude
Insular /´insjulə/ 1. ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, (thuộc) hòn đảo; có
ideas, or peoples outside one's own tính chất một hòn
experience đảo
(thuộc) người ở
2. lacking contact with other people
đảo; giống người ở
3. relating to or from an island đảo
4. of, pertaining to, being, or resembling an Không hiểu biết gì
island or islands; situated on an island. về các nước khác;
không thiết hiểu
5. separate or isolated from the biết về các nước
surroundings; having little interaction with khác
external parties; provincial. Thiển cận, hẹp hòi

Inundate /´inʌn¸deit/ v. flood Tràn ngập

VD: The islands may be the first to be
inundated as sea levels rise
= flood, deluge, overflow, overrun, swamp
submerge, engulf
- overwhelm (someone) with things or
people to be dealt with
VD: We've been inundated with complaints
from listeners
= overwhelm, overpower, overburden,
overrun, overload, swamp
Inure /i´njuə/ v. get accustomed to (somebody to Làm cho quen
something or self)
(pháp lý) có hiệu
- accustom (someone) to something, lực, có tác dụng
especially something unpleasant Có lợi
- come into operation; take effect, be
- to cause someone to become accustomed
to something (usually) unpleasant
Inveterate /in´vetərit/ adj. of long-established habits Thâm căn cố đế, ăn
sâu (tật...); lâu năm
- having a particular habit, activity, or
interest that is long-established and unlikely
to change
VD: He was an inveterate gambler
= ingrained, deep-seated, deep-rooted, deep-
set, entrenched, long-standing
- (of a feeling or habit) long-established and
unlikely to change
VD: The inveterate hostility between the
two countries was not easily eradicated
= confirmed, hardened, chronic, hardcore,
incorrigible, habitual
- malignant; virulent; spiteful
Obstinate /'ɔbstinit/ adj. stubborn, obdurate Bướng bỉnh, ngoan
cố; khó bảo
stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion
(y học) dai dẳng,
or chosen course of action, despite attempts
khó chữa trị
to persuade one to do so.
VD: Her obstinate determination to pursue a
career in radio
= stubborn, headstrong, willful, unyielding,
inflexible, unbending
- (of an unwelcome phenomenon or
situation) very difficult to change or
Vilify /´vili¸fai/ v. speak ill of, defame, slander Nói xấu, lăng mạ,
phỉ báng, gièm
- speak or write about in an abusively
pha; vu khống, làm
disparaging manner
mất thanh danh
VD: He has been vilified in the press
= disparage, denigrate, defame, run down,
revile, berate, belittle
- to say defamatory things about someone or
something; to speak ill of
- to belittle through speech; to put down.
to say or write unpleasant things about
someone or something, in order to cause
other people to have a bad opinion of that
person or thing
Impervious /im´pə:viəs/ - not allowing liquid through Không thấu qua
được, không thấm
- (+to) never affected by
- not allowing fluid to pass through.
Không tiếp thu
VD: An impervious layer of basaltic clay được, trơ trơ, trơ ra
= impermeable, impenetrable, impregnable, (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ)
waterproof, watertight không thể bị hư
- unable to be affected by hỏng

VD: He worked, apparently impervious to

the heat
- unaffected or unable to be affected by
- preventive of any penetration;
impenetrable, impermeable, particularly of
- immune to damage or effect.
Impugn /im´pju:n/ v. challenge as false, insult, attack verbally Công kích, bài bác
- dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a Đặt thành vấn đề
statement or motive); call into question nghi ngờ, nghi vấn
Contravene /ˌkɒn.trəˈviːn/ - violate the prohibition or order of (a law, Vi phạm, phạm
treaty, or code of conduct)
Mâu thuẫn với
VD: This would contravene the rule against
- conflict with (a right, principle, etc.),
especially to its detriment.
- to do something that a law or rule does not
allow, or to break a law or rule
- to act contrary to an order; to fail to
conform to a regulation or obligation
Gainsay /ˌɡeɪnˈseɪ/ - deny or contradict (a fact or statement) Chối cãi, phủ nhận
- speak against or oppose (someone)
- to refuse to accept something as the truth
VD: Certainly there's no gainsaying (= it is
not possible to doubt) the technical
brilliance of his performance
Denigrate /ˈden.ɪ.ɡreɪt/ - criticize unfairly; disparage Gièm pha, chê bai
VD: There is a tendency to denigrate the
= disparage, belittle, diminish, deprecate,
cast aspersions on, decry
- to say that someone or something is not
good or important
- to criticise so as to besmirch; traduce,
disparage or defame
- to treat as worthless; belittle, degrade or
Assail - make a concerted or violent attack on Tấn công, dồn dập
- (of an unpleasant feeling or physical
sensation) come upon (someone) suddenly
and strongly
- criticize (someone) strongly
- to attack someone violently or criticize
someone strongly
- to attack with harsh words or violent force

Licentious /laɪˈsen.ʃəs/ bawdy, sexually liberal Phóng túng, bừa

bãi; dâm loạn
promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual
= dissolute, dissipated, debauched,
degenerate, salacious, immoral
Lithe /laið/ adj. slim, athletic Mềm mại, dễ uốn
(especially of a person's body) thin, Yểu điệu, uyển
supple, and graceful chuyển
slim but not skinny; capable of being
easily bent; flexible; young, healthy,
attractive, and able to move and bend
Malediction /,mæli'dikʃn/ n. 1. curse; the calling down of a curse; Lời chửi rủa, lời
evil speech nguyền rủa, lời
chửi bới
2. slander; a magical word or phrase
uttered with the intention of bringing
about evil or destruction
= curse, oath, imprecation, execration,
anathema, voodoo, spell
Malevolent /mə´levələnt/ (lit) ill-meaning, wishing to or causing Có ác ý; có ác tâm
harm and doom
Có ảnh hưởng xấu
having or showing a wish to do evil to
others; having or displaying ill will;
wishing harm on others
= malicious, spiteful, hostile, evil-minded,
baleful, bitter
Maudlin /´mɔ:dlin/ adj. highly sentimental, feeling sorry for Uỷ mị, hay khóc
self, (also used when one is under the lóc, sướt mướt
influence of alcohol and acts like this);
Người ủy mị,
self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental,
người hay thương
often through drunkenness; affectionate or
sentimental in an effusive, tearful, or
foolish manner, especially because of
extravagantly or excessively sentimental;
mawkish, self-pitying
Nefarious /ni´fɛəriəs/ wicked, villainous or criminal (especially Hung ác
of an activity); heinous sinful, villainous,
Bất chính
criminal, iniquitous or wicked, especially
when noteworthy or notorious for such
Neophyte /´ni:ou¸fait/ beginner; someone recently joined a Người mới bước
religious group; a person who is new to a vào nghề
subject, skill, or belief
(tôn giáo) người
a novice in a religious order, or a newly mới nhập đạo
ordained priest
a novice (recent convert); a new convert or
proselyte; a new monk
Noisome /ˈnɔɪ.səm/ (of smell) offensive, disgusting, pungent; Độc hại cho sức
extremely disagreeable khoẻ
having an extremely offensive smell; Hôi thối, khó chịu,
disagreeable; unpleasant kinh tởm (mùi)
hurtful or noxious to health;
unwholesome, insalubrious
offensive to the senses; disgusting,
unpleasant, nauseous, especially having an
undesirable smell
morally hurtful or noxious
Obdurate /'ɔbdjurit/ adj. hard, stubborn, obstinate Cứng rắn, sắt đá,
không lay chuyển
stubbornly refusing to change one's
opinion or course of action Ngoan cố, cứng
đầu cứng cổ,
stubbornly persistent, generally in
bướng bỉnh
wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent;
hardened against feeling; hard-hearted
= stubborn, obstinate, unyielding,
unbending, inflexible, intransigent
Oblique /ə'bli:k/ at a slant, slanting; indirect Xiên, chéo, chếch
neither parallel nor at a right angle to a Cạnh khoé, quanh
specified or implied line; slanting co, không thẳng
not explicit or done in a direct way
(thực vật học)
not erect or perpendicular; neither parallel
không đối xứng,
to; nor at right angles from, the base;
không cân (lá)
slanting; inclined; not straightforward;
indirect; obscure; hence, disingenuous; (ngôn ngữ học)
underhand; perverse; sinister; not direct in gián tiếp
descent; not following the line of father
and son; collateral.
Obstreperous /əb'strepərəs/ adj. unruly, resistant to discipline; Om sòm, ngỗ
recalcitrant; noisy and difficult to control; ngược; bất trị
attended by, or making, a loud and
ầm ĩ, ồn ào
tumultuous noise; boisterous; stubbornly
defiant; disobedient; resistant to authority
or control, whether in a noisy manner or
unruly or aggressive noisiness
= unruly, unmanageable, disorderly,
undisciplined, uncontrollable
Officious /ə´fiʃəs/ intrusive in meddling, boasting or Lăng xăng, nhiễu
offensive manner; someone who likes to sự; cơm nhà vác
have the upper hand even when it comes ngà voi
to trivialities; intrusively enthusiastic in
(ngoại giao)
offering help or advice;
không chính thức
interfering assertive of authority in an
annoyingly domineering way, especially
with regard to petty or trivial matters
Oscillate /´ɔsi¸leit/ switch between two states or positions Lung lay, đu đưa
regularly (e.g. electric current); waver
Lưỡng lự, do dự;
between extremes of opinion, action, or
dao động
quality move or swing back and forth at a
regular speed; to swing back and forth, (kỹ thuật) dao
especially if with a regular rhythm; động
to vacillate between conflicting opinions,
Palliate /'pælieit/ make the effects of (illness etc.) less Làm nhẹ bớt, làm
painful, harmful, or harsh; alleviate; dịu đi (đau)
assuage; allay; mitigate; mollify, ease,
Làm cho bớt
relieve, soothe
nghiêm trọng; bào
make (a disease or its symptoms) less chữa (tội lỗi)
severe or unpleasant without removing the
cause allay or moderate (fears or
Panacea /¸pænə´siə/ cure for all ills; a solution or remedy for Thuốc trị bách
all difficulties or diseases bệnh

Paramount /´pærə¸maunt/ 1. supremely important, more important Tối cao (có tầm
than any other thing quan trọng, ý
( + to) hơn, cao
nghĩa lớn nhất)
hơn 2. supremely powerful; more important
than anything else Tột bực, hết sức
Pariah /pəˈraɪ.ə/ one who has been rejected by society, Người hạ đẳng (ở
social outcast Ân-độ)
= outcast, persona non grata, leper, reject, Người cùng khổ
untouchable, undesirable, unperson
(nghĩa bóng)
A person who is rejected from society or người bị xã hội bỏ
home; an outcast. rơi, người sống
ngoài lề xã hội
A demographic group, species, or
community that is generally despised
Someone in exile
Pellucid /pe´lu:sid/ 1. clear, translucent Trong, trong suốt,
trong veo
2. clear and easily understood (text, idea
etc.); perspicuous Trong sáng, rõ
ràng, minh bạch
lucid in style or meaning; easily
(phong cách, ý
understood; translucently clear; (of music
or other sound) clear and pure in tone
Sáng suốt
Penchant /ˈpentʃənt/ (+ for) preference, habit, liking, enjoyment Thiên hướng (sự
of; a strong or habitual liking for thích thú, sở thích
something or tendency to do something về cái gì)
= liking, fondness, preference, taste, relish,
appetite, partiality
Pertinacious /ˌpɜrtnˈeɪʃəs/ adj. stubbornly persistent, sticking with Ngoan cố, ương
opinions or plans; tenacious; ngạnh, cố chấp,
khăng khăng
holding firmly to an opinion or a course of
= determined, tenacious, persistent,
persevering, assiduous, purposeful
Platitude /´plæti¸tju:d/ n. bland trite statement Tính vô vị, tính
tầm thường, tính
a remark or statement, especially one with
nhàm chán
a moral content, that has been used too
often to be interesting or thoughtful Lời nói vô vị, tẻ
= cliché, truism, commonplace, banality,
old chestnut, bromide, inanity, tag Lời nhận xét sáo;
lời nói nhàm
VD: He masks his disdain for her with
platitudes about how she should believe in
herself more
an often-quoted saying that is supposed to
be meaningful but has become unoriginal
or hackneyed through overuse; a cliché;
unoriginality; triteness; a claim that is
trivially true, to the point of being
Presage /´presidʒ/ v. act as an omen or sign often of Điềm; linh cảm,
something unpleasant; herald; augur; linh tính, sự cảm
forebode; portend; (of an event) be a sign thấy trước
or warning that (something, typically Tiên đoán, báo
something bad) will happen trước, nói trước,
thấy trước, linh
a sign or warning that something, typically
cảm thấy
something bad, will happen; an omen or
to have a presentiment of; to feel
beforehand; to foreknow
Probity /´proubiti/ uprightness, honesty, strong moral Tính trung thực,
principles, rectitude tính liêm khiết,
đáng tin cậy
the quality of having strong moral
principles; honesty and decency
= integrity, honesty, uprightness, decency,
morality, rectitude, goodness, virtue, right-
mindedness, trustworthiness, truthfulness
Propitious /prə´piʃəs/ (esp. continuously) indicating a positive Thuận lợi, thuận
future, favorable circumstances, tiện, thích hợp cho
Tốt, lành (số điềm,
giving or indicating a good chance of triệu)
success; favorable; benevolent;
advantageous; characteristic of a good
omen (điềm).
Proscribe /proʊˈskraɪb/ v. 1. forbid (especially by law) Đặt (ai) ra ngoài
vòng pháp luật
2. (historical) outlaw someone
Trục xuất, đày ải
forbid, especially by law
Cấm, bài trừ (việc
= prohibit, ban, bar, disallow, rule out,
dùng cái gì coi
embargo, veto
(như) nguy hiểm)
denounce or condemn
= condemn, denounce, attack, criticize,
censure, denigrate, damn
to banish or exclude

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