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Tyler Loveridge

Emily Litle

English Composition 102


Journal 4

So far, a moment that has changed my life was moving to a new high school in 2018.

The high school I attended in 2016/2017 was called Noosa District State High School. It was

a massive school, with over 300 students in my grade. Despite all these people, I never really

found ‘my group’. I was just always floating between different friendships, and I remember

feeling very lost throughout my years there. In my two years there, I also started playing at a

new soccer club in a place named Caloundra. One of my teammates there was a guy named

Josh. Prior to moving to Caloundra, I already knew who Josh was as I had played against him

before. However, I wouldn’t say we were close enough to call each other friends. However,

by the end of the first training session, it felt like we were already best friends. From there on

out, we became inseparable, and we would spend most weekends hanging out with each

other. Josh attended a school about 20 minutes away from my house called Good Shepherd

Lutheran College. It was a private school, so it was a lot more expensive than my current

public school. I remember talking to my parents about potentially moving there, and initially,

the possibility was very low due to financial reasons. However, after various scholarship tests

and finding out ways to reduce the cost, I started attending Good Shepherd. I remember

people asking me how I was with the move, and how long I thought it would take before I

was settled there. Honestly though, after the first week, I felt more comfortable than I ever

did at Noosa District. The move enabled me to not only become closer to Josh but also find a

group of friends that I remain close with to this day. If I never moved schools, I do not think

I would have become as close with Josh, who definitely helped shape me into the person I am

today. Furthermore, going through my teenage years with an amazing group of friends made

me a much happier person then I had been a few years prior. This is how changing high

schools changed my life for the better.

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