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1. Are Copper Range Hoods in Style?

a. They can be classic.

b. Some believe they are traditional
c. They can also be antique looking
d. They are not usually modern?
e. Be sure to mention custom range hoods in general
f. Custom range hoods made of stainless steel
g. Stainless steel can often look like copper
h. Stainless steel is more durable
i. Modern Copper sells cutom range hoods made of stainless steel
2. How to Find Copper Range Hoods Near Me?
a. How do I find copper range hoods near me
b. In the old days we used to use the Yellow Pages
c. Some people are not using Google Maps
d. Of course, can always go with referrals, or word of mouth
e. Today, don’t need someone local
f. Copper range hoods can be ordered online
g. We ship all over the US.
h. (Can focus on copper range hoods and do a separate article for “custom range
3. Are range hoods mandatory?
a. Might want to do research
b. I believe many cities require range hood.
c. Can then discuss some benefits like fire and smoke prevention?
d. Discuss other benefits like making a kitchen look more beautiful.
e. Not always mandatory, but definitely improves look of your kitchen.
4. How to Clean Copper Range Hoods?
5. 36” Copper Range Hoods
a. Need content for Copper Range Hoods
b. Mention 36 inch a few times in article
6. 30” Copper Range Hoods
a. Same. Need article for this size
7. Copper Range Hoods with White Cabinets
a. Not an easy subject, but see what you can do?
8. Custom Range Hoods for a Black Kitchen
9. Custom Range Hoods to Match Brass Fixtures
a. Fixtures can be faucets
b. Pot fillers are sometimes made with a brass finish
c. Drawer pulls (handles) also sometimes brass finish
10. What is a Pot Rail For?
a. Can say some positive things, some negative things
b. The idea is that you can hang things from it
c. Few people actually use it to hang things.
d. Most people just like the look of the things
e. They are a classic, but some believe it is not modern fixture
f. Most of our products do not use pot rail
g. Can write whatever you like. Just some ideas.
11. What’s the difference between a kitchen hood…
a. Kitchen hood
b. Vent hood
c. Range Hood
d. Extractor Hoods
e. They are all the same thing.
12. Copper Hoods Belong in the Kitchen!
a. Why do I keep hearing about copper range hoods?
b. Why are they so popular?
c. Aren’t they expensive? Not really… (link to an article about how custom range
hoods actually return value to homeowners by increasing perceived value of
13. Custom Range Hoods Can Increase Value of Your Home.
a. You don’t have to tear up the whole kitchen to make the improvement
b. Costs a fraction of a major kitchen remodel
c. It is easily noticed
d. People spend a lot of time in the kitchen
e. Homeowner gets personal enjoyment out of it
f. People who buy home will carefuly look at the kitchen.
g. It’s the first thing anyone sees when they walk into the kitchen.
h. Be sure to mention “ROI” and “increase home value”
14. Do We Need to Match Range Hood with Steel Appliances?
a. Not at all.
b. Custom range hood can be any color
c. Can match other things in kitchen like countertop, backsplash, flooring.
d. Of course you can match hood with something specific
e. It’s a bit like rules for clothing. Some people believe a tie should match.. socks?
f. Or maybe belt should match shoes.
g. Maybe consult a kitchen designer (link to article about kitchen designers on our
15. Copper Hood with Granite?
a. More stuff about matching
16. Copper Hoods and Sinks
a. Some search are for “copper hoods and sinks”
b. Not sure what can be written to link the two
17. Copper Hoods Coupon Code
a. Commonly searched term
b. Mention that we have 10% discount
c. Coupon Code is “ModerCopper10”
d. Contact for further discounts
e. Special discounts for designers another others in trade
18. Decorative Copper Hoods
19. Hammered Copper Range Hoods
a. This one might be hard to write
b. Some people like the look of hammered copper
c. Some copper is hammered as a result of recycling
d. We try to avoid hammered copper to ensure high quality
e. Our products are mostly high-grade stainless steel
20. Why Do We Use High-Grade Stainless Steel
a. Why use Stainless Steel when it gets coated anyway.
b. SS lasts longer
c. Cleaner
d. If customer wants to change the look in 30 years, they can strip away the finish
and resurface the product. This can only be done when the substrate metal is
pure and unvarnished.
e. Can think of other ideas
21. How much does a custom range hood cost
a. Depends on size
b. The wider and taller, the more expensive
c. Ventilation also figures into the equation
d. Can be as low as $1500 but can cost more than $10,000
e. Our range hoods average cost starts at around $2800
f. We make high quality
g. Link to article about great return on investment for range hoods.

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