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Student Hand Out

How to create a database

The object of this task is to create a database. This consists of a number

of tasks:

A database – this contains information about all of the members. For example – a
netball club might have names, addresses and contact information of all the club
members – See how to create a database

A query – this is used to search for information in a database. For example it may be
used to find people by gender or by birth date. – See how to create a query

How to open Microsoft Access

On your desktop  room 13 folder  Microsoft  Access

How to create a new database

1. File  new  right hand side panel new  blank database

2.  P’ drive  give the database an appropriate name  create


How to create a database table

1. click on table  create table by

using design view

1. enter field names

2. enter: club_ID,
first_name, last_name,
1. set the field types
phone, street_address,
2. club_ID = AutoNumber,
suburb, town, DOB,
first_name = Text, last_name = Text,
phone = Text, street_address = Text,
suburb = Text, town = Text, gender =
DOB = Date / Time

How to create a query

1. Go to Query option on left hand side

2. Select query wizard

1. Select which table you

want to use  top
drop down box
2. Select fields you want
to use  single -
arrow select one field
at a time, double arrow
- select all

3. Click next  give the query an appropriate name – eg Search for females Query
4. Click finish
5. Open in design view  click on the design view button – just bellow

6. If the fields have not been filled out  double click on the table above to select the

7. Go to the field that you want to search  search for female – go to female  in the
criteria line enter “female”

8. If you want to create a query to find a date  go to the date field  enter search
criteria eg >#11/12/1973# and <#10/04/1972 to find dates that fall between these
two dates

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