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Name: Corrine M.

Psychology 1204: Intro to Positive Psychology
Group 3 TTh 4:30-6:00PM
Psychology Department, University of San Carlos
Instructor: Diane Joyce Tacan MA, RGC, LPT

My Personal Explanatory Styles

Situation: I was supposed to graduate next year, but I

decided to shift courses because I wasn’t happy with architecture anymore. Because of
that, I am slightly discouraged about being compared to my friends because some will
graduate this year, and others will graduate next year while I am back to square one.
Pessimist Optimist

Permanence Temporary Permanent

(How long will the I will always be compared I’ll show my parents that
problem/ success to my friends whenever my this will be worth it.
last?) mother talks about them.

Pervasiveness Universal Specific

(How much of my I will have to graduate late Graduating is not a race,
life does this and not be together with and I will go at my own
problem/ success my batchmates. pace.

Personalization Personal External

(Who caused the problem/ I chose Architecture over I can still feel that my
success?) Psychology in the first parents are proud and
place. happy to see that I am now
happy and healthy with the
path I took.

In doing this assignment, I can see that I am more of a positive person than a

pessimist. Though I sometimes feel pessimistic, I still know how to cope with it. An

awareness of my explanatory style helps me either lessen or increase my stress

response. It can help me feel secure in socially risky settings or threatened in more secure

ones. It might inspire me to overcome obstacles or make me feel exposed to them.

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