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Comprensión de textos en inglés

Lic. en Contador Público

Semestre: 3° Grupo: 3K

Arellano Carrillo Emiliano Isaid 1996337

Berlanga Martinez Jose Ivan 2014620
Castañeda Romo Abraham Isaac 1994146
Castro Hinojosa Kevin Raul 2009805
Chavez Saenz Jesus Eduardo 1997138

Integrantes de equipo:
Contenido Mínimo A Evaluar Cumplimiento
Índice ✓
Introducción. - incluye valores ☐
UANL aplicados
Análisis y emisión de juicio ☐
Conclusiones individuales ☐
Conclusión del equipo ☐
Actividad en inglés ☐
Calificación PIA Calificación final.
Ciudad Universitaria al 1 de Noviembre del 2022.


TAXES ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Article 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Infographic 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Article 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Infographic 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Article 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Infographic 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
AUDIT ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Article 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Infographic 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Article 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Infographic 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Article 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Infographic 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Credit ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Article 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Infographic 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Article 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Infographic 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Article 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Infographic 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
International Finance ....................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Article 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Infographic 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Article 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Infographic 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Article 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Infographic 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Accounting ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Article 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Infographic 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Article 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Infographic 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Article 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Infographic 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 53


In this section, we are going to talk about three interesting articles, for example, the correlation with
the economy growth, how
we can identify the causes of the evasion of taxes, and the patrimony in Latin America, and how
me can measure the taxes
in this article, the authors talk about the taxes and the relationship with the economic
growth based in the opinions of others like Levine, Zervos, Slemrod, Agell et al, Myles; that
give relevant information to this investigation about the topic that we are interested.
After, we are going to talk about “Impuestos a los patrimonios en América Latina”, that it
is a preliminary inform about the application of the taxes in the patrimony of Latin America,
where the authors considered different factors in their study, compare the OECD countries,
and the America wealth taxation.
And finally, we are going to take an important topic, “Los métodos para medir la evasion
de impuestos: una revision”, where the script talks about how we can measure the taxes
evasion, the motivations, estimations, and some approximation with the state of art, and
the other side of the coin with the voluntary compliment of the obligations.

Article 1


CITATI Delgado Rivero, F. J., & Salinas Jiménez, J. (n.d.). Impuestos y crecimiento económico: una panorámica. Dialnet. Retrieved
October 28, 2022, from



I learned with the help of this article, how the taxes affect our economy, how the bad decisions of the agents will
have bad effects in the society, the impact of the public sector have in the moment of the economy growth, and too
the economic growth is important to us, because with it, we can have a better resources and improve our fiscal laws
and the branch of the law, about the taxes.
Like, the opinions of Levine, Zervos, Slemrod, Agell, Myles are important, their analysis apports much, because
we can use it to have a better idea
about that we are talking, that, in this case, “taxes and their relationship with the economic growth”, and “the
economic growth with the public sector”.
For example, Levine and Relnet made an analysis about the sensibility of the correlations in the literature growth;
they, Zervos, Levine, Slemrod, Poot, Zagler, Durnecker, Domenech, Nijkamp and Poot saw all the fiscal laws and
the economic growth and wrote about the topic.
Also, it is interesting that the authors did not take the literature that talks the effect of the public expenditure, for
example, the literature of Landau,
Ram, Conte and Darrat, Lin, Hansson and Henrekson, and the most recently,
Gregoriou and Ghosh.

In this article, the authors talk about the taxes and the relationship with the economic growth based in the opinions of others like
Levine, Zervos, Slemrod, Agell et al, Myles; that give relevant information to this investigation about the topic that we are


The authors were reading all the information that they had in their hands on the moment of various writers, like, the literature
of Levine or Levine, and compare with the actual situation of the economy, and the process searching how the taxes have a
effect, good or bad, on the economy growth.

This is useful, because if we read this, we will learn about the economy from the perspectives of the taxes, and how we
can apply it to have a better economic growth as a country.


I love this literature work, because I learned much about how the taxes affect the

environment where we live, and the important of the first moment, that we need to


1. Taxes. money paid to the government that is based on your income or the cost of goods or services you have bought.
2. Economy. the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used.

3. Effects. the result of a particular influence.

4. Public. relating to or involving people in general, rather than being limited to a particular group of people.
5. Literature. written artistic works, especially those with a high and lasting artistic value.
6. Expenditure. the total amount of money that a government or person spends.
7. Sector. one of the areas into which the economic activity of a country is divided.
8. Article. a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, or on the internet.
9. Analysis. the act of studying or examining something in detail, in order to discover or understand more about it, or your
opinion and judgment after doing this.

10. Correlations. a connection or relationship between two or more facts, numbers, etc.

Student’s name: José Ivan Berlanga Martínez ARTICLE Nº: One

Infographic 1

Article 2

TITLE: Impuestos a los patrimonios en América Latina

CITATI De Cesare, C. M., & Lazo M., J. F. (2014, January 2). Impuestos a los patrimonios en América Latina. Naciones Unidas CEPAL.



It is interesting for me that the authors consider institutional, administrative and policy issues
fiscal, and how their identify classes of taxes covers with a large number of alternatives, being the real estate tax,
the option adopted by the almost all Latin American countries. Also, the authors said that despite the diversity of
wealth taxes established in the region, their performance as a source of income is marginal, representing an average
of 0.94% of GDP (4.94% of the tax burden).
And they are comparing the OECD countries, it can be noted that they
collect almost twice as much in terms of product and there is less dispersion between countries. The study tries to
understand the differences between countries through the analysis of the relationship between the performance of
the tax as a source of income and a series of economic and social indicators.
It is perceived that in Latin America wealth taxation is minimal in most of the nations with the highest concentration
of income. In addition, in general, the collection is lower in those countries with higher levels of poverty and low
HDI and GDP per capita. But the results do not support the hypothesis that these taxes necessarily generate
significant income when it comes to rich countries in relative terms.
With rare exceptions, wealth taxation is a complex task from an administrative perspective, where the
determination of the tax involves technical and expensive tasks of identification and valuation of assets.

It is a preliminary inform about the application of the taxes in the patrimony of Latin America,
where the authors considered different factors in their study, compare the OECD countries,
and the America wealth taxation.


This script is important to Latin America, because we can learn how the taxes can affect our patrimony,
and the GDP, also, the authors tell us how they compare all the various common situations.


It is useful, in the economy of Latin America, where we can learn all about the taxes in our area of the continent, and
how we can use the literature to learn more about this aspect of the economy.


I can conclude that the script will bring a better situation to Latin America, like, how

we can improve in a specific area or situation of each country that is part of Latin


1. Institutional. a large and important organization, such as a university or bank.

2. Administrative. relating to the arrangements and work that is needed to control the operation of a plan or organization.
3. Policy. a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to officially by a group of people,
a business organization, a government, or a political party.
4. Fiscal. connected with (public) money.
5. Issues. a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about.
6. Taxes. money paid to the government that is based on your income or the cost of goods or services you have bought.
7. Perspective. a particular way of considering something.
8. Countries. an area of land that has its own government, army, etc.
9. Analysis. the act of studying or examining something in detail, in order to discover or understand more about it, or your
opinion and judgment after doing this.

10. Relationship. the way in which two things are connected.

Student’s name: José Ivan Berlanga Martínez ARTICLE Nº: Two

Infographic 2

Article 3
TITLE: Los métodos para medir la evasión de impuestos: una revisión

CITATI Macias Cardona, H. A. (2007). Los métodos para medir la evasión de impuestos: una revisión. Semestre Económico.



I love how the author speaks all him information, for example, the
Colombian public finances have been focused attention on spending and have documented the need to reduce it,
and also the despite of the legal inflexibility and the commitments of the public sector in social aspects.
And, mentioned the negative effects of the different ways of financing the
deficit, attempts have been made to increase tax revenues in a sustained manner through successive reforms,
achieving little hopeful results, and the study by Comptroller General of the Republic and how indicates that the
twelve reforms of taxes carried out between 1970 and 2000 only increased collection by two points as a percentage
of GDP.
And how, he identifies that the greater pressures on taxpayers have led to
increased levels of evasion and avoidance, reducing voluntary compliance, a situation that is aggravated by the
enormous effect of exemptions. Thus, it is necessary to increase voluntary compliance through the application of
different strategies to reduce evasion and specific legal actions to reduce exemptions. From the practice of Public
Accounting, there are basically two moments in which taxes are more important: when the date to present the
declarations approaches and when a new tax reform is being discussed.

This script talks about how we can measure the taxes evasion, the motivations, estimations, and some approximation with the
state of art, and the other side of the coin with the voluntary compliment of the obligations.


First, the script is centered in Colombia, and this is important to tell us the context of this article is done, but the second important,
is how the motivation to do something like the evasion of taxes are interesting to the government and how they can avoid it.


We found this article useful, because we can use it to understand all the situations and the cause of how the evades of the
taxes can be, and the situation can get a better side if all the governments works to avoid it.


I think that understand this topic is important, because with this, we can see the

other side of the coin and see how the people see the taxes, and how we use it to

raise the economy.


1. Evasion. the act of avoiding something or someone.

2. Avoid. to stay away from someone or something.
3. Taxes. money paid to the government that is based on your income or the cost of goods or services you have bought.
4. Reforms. to make an improvement, especially by changing a person's behaviour or the structure of something.
5. Motivation. enthusiasm for doing something.

6. Estimation. your opinion of someone or something.

7. Finances. (the management of) a supply of money.

8. Public. relating to or involving people in general, rather than being limited to a particular group of people.
9. Application. an official request for something, usually in writing.

10. Declarations. an announcement, often one that is written and official.

Student’s name: José Ivan Berlanga Martínez ARTICLE Nº: Three

Infographic 3


To start with this heading, section, or functional area, we must know what is meant by its terminology,
which mentions that the functional area of Audits is to analyze, review and verify the accounts of a
company or entity with the aim of investigating whether established standards are being met. This in
order to find any legal breach or any variation, such as: the verification of the requirements for each
economic activity, the employment relationship with the employees, the constitution of the company,
among others. The audits are confidential and above all they are from an outside institution or
company to which the audit is carried out, being transparent, where at the end of them a detailed
report is presented on what was examined, as well as other elements such as the legal diagnosis, the
auditor's conclusions, among others. Audits are also classified into 2 large groups, Internal and
External Audits, which will be mentioned later. Having said all this, we will analyze in detail some of
the most important aspects that may be helpful for our academic development, where we will
emphasize the fundamentals of certain aspects. Therefore, we can start with the summary of the topic
already mentioned.

Article 1
TITLE: Auditoría: Enfoque teórico-práctico.

CITATI Pallerola, J. P. (s. f.). Auditoría: Enfoque teórico-práctico.

My opinion about this article in the audit category is that it deals with the reason and importance of what the article
in question wants to convey and that is that each of us as a student, practitioner or as an aspiring accountant can
receive or hoard information from great relevance that it gives us and helps to expand our knowledge about the
functional area of audits as well as the quality that each of the recipients can apply the useful information of this
article both in the student field and in the labor field of an institution, either to review the themes or concepts, as
well as to see the breakdown of certain elements, such as leadership styles or to analyze the regulatory framework.
In addition to what this article can bring us and help us, we can analyze that the information present in it can be
useful for other people who do not professionally practice the career or are simply one more reader of this topic,
since it summarizes in a good way the elements, both as concepts and above all the relevant information described.
And to finish with this opinion I can say that there are certain gaps that it leaves us but with this it can help us to be
one step closer to being able to professionally exercise these subtopics discussed in the article.

What can be understood by an Audit of accounts is understood as an activity whose social repercussion
is most valued for its contribution to the necessary financial transparency in relation to the accounts of both
private and public companies is what can be understood with the knowledge previous Accounting. In what
will be seen below, it will be analyzed why this can be applied in a certain way in our academic training as
well as we will learn to be transparent and honest when taking the actions carried out between one
company to another, seeing that the movements of the same company do not they will have some irregular
movement and that everything is in a good way. With this, the proper management of the financial accounts
of the company will be better understood as well as our career and our future will be highlighted.


We have been addressing this audit topic, to highlight the details that are normally omitted
The level of our knowledge was measured.
The different situations that can arise were the government and how they can avoid it.

The main findings presented were the examples presented.

It was useful for giving us the necessary tools that an auditor needs to carry out his work, such as spreadsheets, etc.
Regarding the author, he mentions the importance of each of the items of the audits.


To finish this article, the author makes it clear to us one of the important reasons for

being an auditor or basically what an audit is about, as well as breaking down the

elements and briefly describing them. That is the main result that was expected from

the study, knowing how an audit is carried out.


1. RECEIVER(RECEPTOR): Group of people to whom the message is addressed.

2. MESSAGE(MENSAJE): It is everything that the sender projects. Es todo lo que proyecta el emisor
3. COMUNICATION(COMUNICACIÓN): It is the set of messages that an institution, company or foundation or
any other assimilable type projects to a specific public, to publicize its mission and vision.
4. Phenomenon. (Fenomeno): a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or
explanation is in question.
5. Framework (Marco de referencia): an essential supporting structure of a building, vehicle, or object.
6. Protocol (Protocolo): the original draft of a diplomatic document, especially of the terms of a treaty agreed to in
conference and signed by the parties.
7. Business (Negocio:): the activity of buying and selling goods and services.
8. Commitment (Compromiso): a promise or firm decision to do something.
9. Marketing (márketing): a job that involves encouraging people to buy a product or service.
10. TECHNICAL STANDARDS (NORMAS TÉCNICAS): It is the preparation and execution of the work to be
carried out by the auditor.
Student’s name: Abraham Isaac Castañeda Romo ARTICLE Nº: One

Infographic 1

Article 2
TITLE: Investigación en auditoría forense: Revisión de publicaciones

CITATI Velandia, G. & Escobar, A. (2019). Investigación en auditoría forense: revisión de publicaciones SCOPUS 1976-2018. Revista
ON: Criminalidad, 61(3): 279-298


About the article mentioned above, where mention is made of tax fraud as well as what the terminology of the word
"Forensic Audit" refers to, where it mentions that it is a process through, it can be concluded that it is a technique
which has The objective is criminal investigation that goes hand in hand with the field of accounting, where there
is legal-procedural knowledge and is focused on skills in finance and business. With clear certainty, it can be
understood that tax fraud is a serious violation of the principles of public and private entities, which can lead to
greater consequences, with the main repercussion being millionaire fines or even more serious imprisonment. This
is because this activity is illicitly improper. Unfortunately it is something that is very common in our continent. It
is also called as an economic activity that runs outside the official controls as is the case of making public, or it is
the set of all those economic activities that should be part of the gross domestic product (GDP) are not included in
the official records for the simple reason that all this is a violation of the law due to the irregular transfer of assets.


What I learned from this article is the great importance and impact of forensic audits, which is a technique that
aims at criminal investigation focused on financial and business skills. This information could easily help us for our
academic training or work development depending on what we apply this, from the academic point of view it can
be applied in certain academic institutions of the same ones where we study, to analyze if the cash flow is correct.
. . or if there is any irregularity to see if there is fraud or not, in addition, this type of audit is scattered. In a certain
way, everything seen in the article goes hand in hand with the field of preparation since it talks about the operation
of the accounts and the different areas of accounting. In addition to this, they tell us about the different types of
fraud and how to identify each one of them, as well as the factors of greatest influence that they carry out, whether
through power, manipulation of information, power, available resources, or the responsibilities of the same
company, mentioning the damages or consequences that this type of illicit activities can cause as well as how
fraud operates.


We have been addressing this audit topic, to highlight the details that are normally omitted
The level of our knowledge was measured.
The different situations that can arise were the government and how they can avoid it.

The main findings presented were the examples presented.

It was useful for giving us the necessary tools that an auditor needs to carry out his work, such as spreadsheets, etc.
Regarding the author, he mentions the importance of each of the items of the audits.

One of the most important results that he could leave us was to show us the main

areas of fraud investigation where they focus mainly on Business, Management and

Accounting and Computer Science, with this the author mentions that forensic audit

tools have been developed towards the investigation of financial fraud perpetrated

from computer techniques with this helping to prevent fraud on a larger scale.

1. FRAUD (FRAUDE): is an illegal act carried out by one or more of the natural or legal persons who are in
charge of monitoring the fulfillment of public or private contracts to obtain some benefit by harming the interests of
2. FRAUDULENT APPROPRIATION: Account takeover fraud (ATO) occurs when a cybercriminal gains access
to a victim's login credentials to steal funds or information.
3. FORENISC AUDIT (AUDITORÍA FORENSE): is the one used in the investigation of fraud and crimes, based
on accounting as a financial, administrative, accounting, tax information system, among others.
4. THEORETICAL BODY (CUERPO TEÓRICO): are the principles, laws, theories and models and the methods
used in their investigations.
5. EMPIRICAL RESEARCH (INVESTIGACIÓN EMPÍRICA): is research that uses empirical evidence. It is also
a way of gaining knowledge through direct and indirect observation or experience.
6. SEARCH DESCRIPTORS (DESCRIPTORES DE BÚSQUEDA): The search by means of descriptors is carried
out through the thesaurus or dictionary of terms, CINAHL Headings (CINAHL Descriptors), which allows searching
in more than 14,000 terms.
VOLUNTARIA): From the point of view of agency theory, managers can reduce agency costs and reduce
information asymmetries by increasing the level of information disclosed.
8. LIMITED REVIEW (REVISIÓN LIMITADA): A limited review consists of the examination of annual
accounts or financial statements, through the application of a certain set of procedures, which allow the auditor to
report on whether or not significant aspects have been found regarding appropriate accounting practices and
standards. and other facts that come to their knowledge, that substantially affect the annual accounts or financial
statements that may be provisional or final depending on the company.
9. UNANIMITY (UNANIMIDAD): it is an agreement and consensus made by all the people in a given situation
without discrepancy. Groups may consider unanimous decisions as a sign of agreement, solidarity, and unity.
10. MODUS OPERANDI (MODUS OPERANDI): refers in general to the way of proceeding of a person or a group
of people
Student’s name: Abraham Isaac Castañeda Romo ARTICLE Nº: Two

Infographic 2

Article 3
TITLE: El lean manufacturing contextualizado en el área productiva de las organizaciones. Revisión sistemática

CITATI El lean manufacturing contextualizado en el área productiva de las organizaciones. Revisión sistemática. (2022).

First of all, we learned that the descriptions about what was discussed in the article are of the utmost importance to
have them contemplated for the optimal understanding of the text, where the meaning or term of the lean
manufacturing (LM) variable and its application in the operational areas of both public and private companies as
well as their importance in competitive manufacturing or production organizations, where their operation or main
objective is to maximize the creation of value and minimize the resources or losses of their systems; thus being for
the improvement of the value and prestige of an organization in a competitive market, bringing favorable results in
the medium and long term in relation to its organizational goals. Above all, this helps us to have a vision of a great
entrepreneur for what is known in relation to the subject of audits as well as it goes hand in hand with the Mexican
financial systems where we can analyze the future of the price and in some way possibly with the futures market.

Completing the previous comment, in our opinion as a student we can determine that the article itself gave
us knowledge different from that seen in the academic classroom, since here it was possible to see in
detail or in greater depth what is related to audits. and the use of lean manufacturing. for the optimal
operation of a company.

Its purpose is to develop a faster, more flexible and higher quality system in the way of capturing the client, where it is important
to have a previously contemplated antecedent to know what is meant by the objective or purpose that is to be achieved. Basically
it is about how to optimize the functional area or areas of a company, through audits, because not as such but to analyze the
disruptors that do not allow the potential of the companies to be exploited and that can also be analyzed by other means, but,
itself goes hand in hand with the functional area of audits.

Regarding the main findings, the main results show that the level of lean manufacturing tends to influence operational
performance in a positive and statistically valid way, as well as the level of lean manufacturing practices should be
measured. Focus on the principles of the company. Everything mentioned above helps us to have a better focus on where
companies are heading and what possible actions we can take, thus broadening our way of acting, thinking and analyzing


The study of the article was carried out for optimal academic development, in

addition to the fact that the aforementioned article deals with how to improve the

operation of both public and private companies throughout the Mexican Republic.

The study implies being able to analyze the issues mentioned in the article, thus

measuring the irregularities, in comparison with some company that works


1. Lean Manufacturing (Lean): is a work philosophy that seeks ways to improve and optimize production systems
by eliminating "waste".
2. Operational Area (Area Operacional): It is the part or area of economic activity where a company carries out its
activity. That is, it is the part where the company's actions seek customers and where the company can offer and
sell its product or service.
3. Planning (Planificación): General plan, methodically organized and often extensive, to obtain a specific
objective, such as the harmonious development of a city, economic development
4. Lean and organizations (Lean y organizaciónes): Lean practice helps organizations to be innovative and
competitive, which in turn allows them to be sustainable. Today, Lean has become a new, more effective
approach to getting work done, no matter what the job, the industry, or the size of the organization.
5. INNOVATION (INOVACIÓN): It is a process that introduces novelties and that refers to modifying existing
elements in order to improve them.
6. Manufacturing (Manufactura): It is the process that encompasses from the initial design of the product to the
assembly of its components, covering all the transformation phases to shape it for its final sale.
7. Supplier (Proveedor): is a person or a company that supplies other companies with stocks (items), which will be
sold directly or transformed for later sale.
8. Product design (Diseño del producto): is the process of creating new products to be sold by a company.
9. Continuous Flow (Flujo continuo): Lean manufacturing is defined as a multidimensional approach consisting of
uninterrupted production.
10. Continuous improvement (Mejora continua): is synonymous with the continuous search for perfection, it
represents a relentless search for excellence throughout a construction project
Student’s name: Abraham Isaac Castañeda Romo ARTICLE Nº: Three

Infographic 3


The term credit is used in the business world as a synonym for loan or indebtedness. It could be said
that the fundamental of credit is that of postponement or delay in the due provision, which generally
consists of the delivery of a sum of money.

A credit operation consists of the temporary assignment or transfer from the creditor to the debtor of
a property right of the first over a certain asset, which is generally money, so that the second disposes
of it in the way that best suits him for a certain time, at the term of which it will have to return it to
the debtor together with its interests, which receive the name of discount when they are paid in
advance. The fundamental idea of credit is that of deferment in the due provision, generally consisting
of the delivery of a sum of money. When the sense of advance predominates in credit, we speak of
financial credit, financing or immediate credit business, which is characterized by the immediate
transfer of money availability.

Another definition that could be given to credit is called an Act of trust that entails the exchange of
two services out of date in time: the goods or means of payment delivered, against the promise or
hope of payment or reimbursement.

Article 1
TITLE: El mercado de crédito mexicano: Factores que determinan su desempeño

AREA: Credit
CITATI Fransisco Alejandro, V. A. El mercado de crédito mexicano: Factores que determinan su desempeño



The truth is that this article touches on a very important and interesting topic in terms of the general subject of
accounting. The subject of credit is like a sea, it is immense and once you are inside it, you get lost, but this is what
makes it interesting and is the point of this article. The author seeks to reveal the factors that may affect either
directly or indirectly the performance of Mexican credit. In this article, a panel study was carried out to analyze
what are the factors that influence the credit market in Mexico. Institutional variables are included (respect for
property rights, legal mandate, regulatory quality, financial freedom) and variables that consider the particularities
of financial systems (interest rates, deposit levels, financing alternatives, banking concentration). We find that the
level of deposits is the main determinant of the Mexican credit market. All that mentioned was what helped with
the conclusion of this article in which it is very informative and helps a lot. It is important to mention that Mexico
is in a unique position. Despite the fact that its level of financial development, and in particular of the credit market,
is well below that of similar economies (and even smaller economies), it has achieved comparable levels of
development. In this way, the potential that Mexico has to be able to reach levels of growth much higher than those
that have been observed is evidenced.

In the literature, different functions that the financial system has in the dynamics of an economy have been
discussed, such as reducing transaction costs, mobilizing resources to those projects that are more
efficient and productive, or helping to mitigate and distribute the risks associated with individual projects,
industries, regions and countries, improving the distribution of resources. In addition, the financial system
favors productivity growth and technological change – by mobilizing savings to productive projects – which
leads to a greater accumulation of physical and human capital and, consequently, to greater economic

What can be seen in this article is a great analysis of what credit is in the Mexican market and how the writer of this topic
thoroughly investigates what this topic has involved in years. It is interesting to see how the data that he shows us and explains
is shown in the graphs and based on this, determine a legal result for Mexico that is similar to other countries.

Based on the article, the main findings are due to the result that affects Mexican credit and the Mexican financial system
and these factors that affect the financial system are two, institutional factors and operational factors. And it is also worth
mentioning that although Mexico has some declines, it has improved a lot in recent years compared to other years or
other countries


As has been seen during the development of this work, the factors that
determine the credit market can be divided into two groups: institutional
factors and operational factors. In both cases, Mexico has significant lags. It
is important to mention that, despite the fact that regulatory quality in
Mexico has improved considerably and reached levels similar to those of
other economies, compliance with laws and defense of property rights are
still very limited, which limits the interest by lenders to finance productive
projects and by borrowers to seek financing.

1. Data(datos): things known or assumed as facts, making the basis of reasoning or calculation.
2. Market(mercado): an area or arena in which commercial dealings are conducted
3. Credit(credito): The credit or credit contract is a financial operation in which a person makes a loan for a certain
amount of money to another person

4. Finance(finanzas): the management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.
5. Developing(Desarrollo): growing and becoming more mature, advanced, or elaborate.
6. Institutions(instituciones): a society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose
7. Variable(variable): not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change
8. Law(ley): the system of rules which a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its
members and which it may enforce by the imposition of penalties.

9. Analysis(analisis): detailed examination of the elements or structure of something.

10. Evaluation(evaluacion): the making of a judgment about the amount, number, or value of something; assessment.

Student’s name: Emiliano Isaid Arellano Carrillo ARTICLE Nº: One

Infographic 1

Article 2
TITLE: Crédito bancario y crecimiento económico en México

AREA: Credit
CITATI Jose Luis, C. M. (s. f.). Crédito bancario y crecimiento económico en México


This article is similar to the previous one, where it tries to demonstrate something similar based on the growth of
the financial system and credit performance, but from a different starting point. On the demand side, some of the
elements that limit the access of small and medium-sized enterprises to bank credit are mentioned, such as a high
degree of informality and the credit they receive from suppliers. The second part of the article is dedicated to
exploring the way in which bank credit supports the country's economic growth; Although this relationship is
supported by various theoretical and empirical studies that seek to explain the causes of economic growth, in the
case of Mexico it is found that, for the study period, said relationship does not hold. The design of a financing
policy must also be accompanied by the necessary technical assistance to overcome the limitations that Mexican
companies have when requesting credit from private institutions, that is, in addition to productive issues, it would
be necessary to address accounting, administrative and and business training. That was another point that the author
described very explicitly. In other words, in order to achieve the goals in terms of financing and growth, the efforts
of banks, trusts and public development funds must be coordinated and complemented with the infrastructure and
scope available to private banks.

In a developing economy, where few companies have the possibility of accessing financing, or the
placement of debt securities and shares in the capital markets, bank credit becomes an essential element
in supporting their productive activities. Despite this, bank credit in Mexico is scarce and expensive.

This paper briefly describes the process in which foreign banks have increased their participation in the Mexican financial
system; some of the main features of the credit market are also mentioned, such as scarcity, concentration and market power of
the main participants, as well as high interest rates charged.

Based on the article, the main findings are due to the result that affects Mexican credit and the Mexican financial system
and these factors that affect the financial system are two, institutional factors and operational factors. And it is also worth
mentioning that although Mexico has some declines, it has improved a lot in recent years compared to other years or
other countries


To promote the granting of productive credit in the country, it is necessary to

increase competition in the banking sector not only through policies that
punish monopolistic practices, which are difficult to prove, but through a
greater participation of development banks, which should not only prioritize
its second-tier function but take advantage of the infrastructure it has
throughout the country to promote the granting of credits to the different
productive sectors of the country.

1. Description(decripcion): a spoken or written representation or account of a person, object, or event.

2. Bank(banco): A bank, also known as a credit institution or a deposit institution, is a financial company that accepts
deposits from the public and creates demand deposits, which are commonly called bank accounts.

3. Economy(economia): the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and
consumption of goods and services

4. Provider(proveedores): a person or thing that provides something.

5. Economic growth(crecimiento economico): an increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of
the population over a period of time
6. Productivity(productividad): the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of
the rate of output per unit of input.
7. Foreign(extranjero): of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one's own.
8. Public sector(sector publico): the part of an economy that is controlled by the government.
9. Statistics(estadistica): the practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities,
especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample.
10. Intermediary(intermediario): a person who acts as a link between people in order to try to bring about an agreement
or reconciliation; a mediator.

Student’s name: Emiliano Isaid Arellano Carrillo ARTICLE Nº: Two

Infographic 2

Article 3
TITLE: ¿Cómo ha afectado la pandemia el acceso al crédito en América Latina y el Caribe?

AREA: Credit
CITATI I. A., M. C., P. Y. ¿Cómo ha afectado la pandemia el acceso al crédito en América Latina y el Caribe?


This article touches on a really important and recent topic which is important to take into account and review to
analyze it. In the economic section, the pandemic really affected many financial aspects around the world, and this
is precisely what the authors of this article highlight. Based on the public information available from central banks,
bank superintendencies or banking authorities, the dashboard used and created by the same authors shows the
evolution of credit (in real terms) in LAC countries since December 2018 It includes monthly data on key variables
such as credit by economic sector, company size and type of credit, and allows easy visualization and comparison
between countries. The information shows the differences in the credit movement between 2018 and 2019 to have
a small conclusion of how credit was affected in many countries In monitoring emerging trends, the role of
development financial institutions is key to help close the gaps in access to financing for SMEs and other neglected
segments with a view to the recovery of the region. All this information is really to be taken into account now more
than ever, because the recent event of the pandemic moved the entire world and affected everything already
established and this in the long term or could improve or even worsen

One could say that credit moves the world. Companies get most of their long-term financing from banks,
which they often use for productivity-enhancing investments. Households rely heavily on credit to buy cars,
houses, and other items that are too expensive to pay for in cash.

As the title of this article mentions, the purpose of this article is to investigate and analyze how the pandemic caused by COVID-
19, based on data published by central banks, based on these data obtained, made a graph of the change in credit and with this
they arrived at how the credit market was affected.

The authors demonstrated the main findings in a detailed way, with the analysis of their research and data collection,
they analyzed several aspects of the same credit and managed to discover how in some countries some aspects increased
and improved, but in other countries the performance was different.


In general, the data compiled in the dashboard confirms that access to credit
in LAC has indeed been affected by the pandemic. Changes in these
variables are likely to continue as economies recover, government
emergency measures are eased, and activities in some sectors are
reconfigured to adapt to the new normal.

1. Credit(credito): The credit or credit contract is a financial operation in which a person makes a loan for a certain
amount of money to another person
2. Business(empresa): A business is defined as an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial,
industrial, or professional activities.
3. Incentives(incentivos): are financial rewards provided to people to alter consumption and production patterns in
an economy.
4. Objective(objetivo): (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering
and representing facts.
5. Superintendencies(superintendencias): the position or work of a superintendent
6. Changes(cambios): make (someone or something) different; alter or modify.
7. Pandemic(pandemia): (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
8. Productivity(productividad): the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms
of the rate of output per unit of input.
9. Industry(industria): economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods
in factories.
10. Trade(comercio): the action of buying and selling goods and services.

Student’s name: Emiliano Isaid Arellano Carrillo ARTICLE Nº: Three

Infographic 3

International Finance

International finance is the area of knowledge combined with elements of corporate finance and
international economics where finance is the treaty of cash flows across national borders. That is,
International Finance is the set of activities that seek to obtain resources, and their correct application
in order to maximize the value of a company.
International finance describes the monetary aspects and the constant movement of money around
the world through investments, currency exchange, stock indices that are managed in the different
brokerage houses of the world, investments made by companies. Daily operations of monetary
aspects of the international economy are carried out in the world, such as the process of adjustment
to imbalances in the balance of payments, currency exchange rates, determining the conditions of
In them there are organizations such as the International Monetary System, corporate finance with
multinational companies, the capital market, the derivatives market.
The financing of the different activities are carried out both in the short and long term, evaluation and
management of exchange risk, currency speculation, investment in international portfolios. The
financial environment is increasingly integrated and interdependent, events in distant countries can
have an immediate effect on the performance of the company.

Article 1

AREA: International Finance

CITATI Fernández-Paniagua, A. M. D. C. (2021, 25 January). What is a financial analyst and their main job opportunities. Thinking for



A financial analyst is a person specialized in interpreting economic data in order to guide clients in making decisions and thus
maximize their profits. A good professional in the sector must not only be able to diagnose the current situation of the company,
but also to anticipate future scenarios and advise on decision-making that could affect the results of the organization.

These professionals use the information provided by different agencies, government entities, companies and institutions in the
sector to carry out their functions. Both their training and their professional skills are essential to know how to interpret this data
and prepare reports that are useful to clients to know what is happening in the sector and what they should invest their efforts in
to obtain the greatest possible benefit in the future.
It turns out to be a very versatile profession, because one of the advantages of being a financial analyst is to be able to provide
your services to both the buyer and the seller.

In the case of providing its services to a buyer, its function will be to advise on investment matters. To do this, you must be
able to provide the knowledge and tools necessary to calculate risk factors, using mathematical and statistical models to help
you predict future scenarios.

-This article taught us about how to do a financial analysis

-We see how it is structured and everything that is needed
-The analysis is very important and therefore the information provided by the article teaches us how it is done

-It had to be investigated step by step as the analysis was done

-I looked for the best way to explain it in order to understand it easily
-all the important points of the article were thoroughly searched

-You should talk more about what specific objective the analysis has in
-examples should be given in order to understand
-highlight more important points in the article


-I understand that this article gave us to understand how to do a financial analysis

-It is interesting to me because it is something that I see very often in my career.
-I am left with more teaching of how the bonds are carried out within the accounting


1. Opportunity cost: cost of wasting one investment in favor of another.

2. Credit: Trust that allows one person (or company) to lend money (or goods or services) to another, and the latter
repays the debt at a later time.
3. Investment fund: portfolio of stocks, bonds and other investments, managed by a professional and divided into shares.
4. Installment plan: A plan that requires the borrower to make periodic payments at specified intervals during the term
of a loan.
5. Interest rate: The percentage of interest charged on a loan, usually based on the amount of money borrowed. The
interest rate can also refer to money earned from a deposit in an account with a financial institution. See Reference
interest rates.
6. Net worth: Value of a person or business's total assets minus all debts and liabilities. It can be negative if a person
owes more than they own in cash and other assets.
7. Refinance: Repay one loan by obtaining another. It is usually done to obtain lower interest rates. Refinancing also
reinstates the repayment period.
8. Bond: An interest-bearing security that obliges the issuer to pay a certain amount of interest for a specific time, which
is usually several years, before reimbursing the holder the nominal value of the document.
9. Financial charge: Also known as a finance fee, it is the additional cost for using credits or credit extensions that is
usually a fixed commission or a percentage of the borrowed funds.
10. Portfolio: set of all your investments.

Student’s name: Jesus Eduardo Chavez Saenz ARTICLE Nº: One

Infographic 1

Article 2
TITLE: How to Invest in Bitcoins

AREA: International Finance

CITATI Cdmx, I. (2022, May 18). How to invest in cryptocurrencies in Mexico? IMEF CDMX.



You can get bitcoins in two ways: either by buying them on some pages dedicated to it, where you can use a credit card or a
bank transfer to obtain them, or by practicing mining.

As these coins are not minted by any government, what is done with them is to discover them in that process called mining. It
consists of the operation of computers that perform verifications of transactions, through complex mathematical calculations,
before obtaining each unit of bitcoin.
Bitcoins are used to make secure payments and transactions over the Internet. The Blockchain is the secure payment system
between intermediaries that guarantees that payments are made in a totally secure way, and also generates an unalterable record
of all the movements that are carried out for each unit of this currency.

Bitcoins are used through an environment that you access with your private key, and each transaction needs to be validated by
the majority of users, generating a system that benefits everyone in confidence.
The investment in bitcoins is a way to manage a certain amount of money in a safe environment for transactions
internationally, and that is also on the rise in use.

-This article will help us to know what Bitcoin is

- This will give us information on how to get it and informs you how to use it
- teaches the different ways to use it in the market and as an impact on international finance


-It is studied about the subject and everything necessary of the currency
-I look for where to get it and from there get more information
-I investigate how to use this currency and how it made its change in the international market.

-is well structured and hasvery good information

-It must be explained more thoroughly why you have a constant increase in your price
-I should talk in the article how virtual currencies are changing the international finance market


-This topic is very interesting since the virtual currency is the newest thing in the world
- Bitcoin is an excellent currency and a lot of security
-I think being in the Bitcoin currency business is very interesting.


1. Cryptocurrency: Sometimes referred to as "virtual currency," it is not cash or a tangible asset. It is a digital
representation of money, where its value is usually determined by the supply and demand of its users.
Cryptocurrencies are not backed by the U.S. government.
2. Default: Inability to settle a debt under the terms of a credit agreement or loan. When a loan is defined in that state,
the creditor may demand full payment of the remaining balance of the loan.
3. Short Wire Authorized Checking Account: A checking account with a line of credit that allows a person to write
checks for an amount greater than the balance in the account, with a financial cost for the overdraft.
4. Money market account: Similar to checking accounts at a bank or credit union, but usually pays higher interest rates
than a savings account. The minimum deposit levels are higher than in current accounts and allow for a limited
number of transactions per month.
5. Money markets investment fund: an investment fund that invests in private and public debt securities and passes on
interest payments to its shareholders.
6. Liquidity: Measuring how easy it is to get and use your money. It can also refer to the degree of speed with which an
asset or security can be bought or sold in the market without negatively impacting the price of that asset.
7. Lender: A person or entity that lends money to a borrower. Borrowers should verify with the state or federal
regulatory agency that the lender is licensed before signing a contract.
8. BANK: An intermediation financial institution that receives funds in the form of deposits from persons holding
surplus liquidity, subsequently using them for lending operations to persons with financing needs, or for own
investments. It also provides services of all kinds related to any activity carried out within the framework of the
actions of a financial system.
9. Financial Assets: Assets that generate financial returns.
10. Cash management: This activity is carried out by the managers of the companies with the purpose of reducing
liquidity to use it in more profitable activities. This should be done without compromising the company's ability to
Student’s name: Jesus Eduardo Chavez Saenz ARTICLE Nº: Two

Infographic 2

Article 3
TITLE: Fintech: The Future of Finance

AREA: International Finance

CITATI Syntonize. (2022, May 13). Fintech. The future of finance.



Innovation in the development of new products and services has led to new terms. In the end, what is FinTech? FinTech which
is the combination of the English words of "finance" with "technology", etymologically speaking. Given this basis, we would
be talking about financial practices that rely heavily on technology.
The use of this term throughout the world has led to the creation of a multitude of definitions. For example, some define FinTech
as those technology companies that offer financial services.
Consulting companies for large, medium and small companies, in addition to managing personal finances through apps and the
This new form of patronage allows financial donations to be made to finance a project. These projects can be of any kind, from
political campaigns to non-profit projects.

It involves an online crowdfunding network, obtaining the benefits of technologies.

The future of FinTech promises to improve every day. According to Crunchbase, the platform that brings together business
information from public and private companies isdue, above all, to the pandemic generated by Covid-19 as it accelerated the
popularization of online payments and the use of e-commerce.

-in this article Ihave ablo about the new generation that is Fintech
-It is mentioned what it is and how everything will change in finances
-It is a new way to start in great changes in finance and in the world internationally

-the author investigated from cero how everything about Fintech began
-began to look for the best way to explain
-I look for how to give the correct information and not so complicated to understand

I found that being indebted is not a bad thing always, sometimes it could be
helpful for the companies around the world, but obviously its more recommended
to not have any debt.
-Really useful, maybe we will never have a company with a lot of debts, but in
case we have one in the future, we can see that not all the things are lost.
-The author says “Although debt always indicates the financial health of a
company, having a lot of it is not necessarily a negative”


In my personal conclusion is that it helped me a lot to know more about the debts
and indebted companies and how they still work.
-How the most indebted companies around the world, are also really famous
around the world too, even if they are like that.
- Even if debt always indicates the financial health of a company, having a lot of
it is not necessarily a negative.
-We need to see deeply in the financial reports of the company

1. Debt (Deuda): Debt is an obligation to pay between two entities.

2. Volatile (Volatilidad): Price instability in financial markets.
3. Automotive (Automotriz): It is said especially to a machinery or an instrument that is made in motion without the
participation or direct operation of an external action.
4. Emerging (Emergente): Countries or economies that are in a transition phase between developing and developed
5. Financial health (Salud Financiera): Income covers expenses and investments, possible unforeseen events are faced,
and equity is accumulated to be used in future.
6. Depreciated Currency (Depreciacion de la moneda) : Currency that has lost value.
7. Currency (Moneda): These are the currencies used in each of the countries of the world.
8. Deficit (Deficit): Situation in which income does not cover expenses.
9. Crash (Choque): Most stocks listed on the stock market suffer a drastic price drop.
10. Income (Ingreso): Increase in economic resources.

Student’s name: Jesus Eduardo Chavez Saenz ARTICLE Nº: Three

Infographic 3


In this article, we will talk about accounting and how it can be of the utmost importance for daily life in
your company or business because it allows you to know how your company is financially and also to
know a little about what direction to take or what strategies allow you to do your company more
productive and thus take it to the goal you have planned in a certain period. Accounting is the system
of recording financial transactions with both numbers and text in the form of financial statements. It
provides an essential tool for billing customers, keeping track of assets and liabilities (debts),
determining profitability, and tracking the flow of cash. The system is largely self-regulated and designed
for the users of financial information, who are referred to as stakeholders: business owners, lenders,
employees, managers, customers, and others. Stakeholders utilize financial statements to help make
business, lending, and investment decisions.

Accounting has several specialized fields and roles. Private (internal) accounting generally refers to
accountants who work within a single business entity. Small business accountants may assume general
roles which require preparing the records (bookkeeping) and performing bank reconciliations.
Accounting professionals are generally divided into three fields: tax, audit, and advisory. The tax field
focuses on federal, state, and local tax filings. Audit roles test the validity of financial statements and
internal controls. Advisory services perform general financial consulting. Public accounting firms have
several different clients, whereas private accounting refers to working for one specific business entity.

Article 1
TITLE: Importance of accounting

AREA: Accounting
CITATI Importance of accounting.



In my personal opinion about accounting, it is perhaps the most important element in any company or business, since it allows
knowing the economic and financial reality of the company, its evolution, its trends and what can be expected from it. It is
ignored that accounting is the tool that will allow them to correctly manage their cash, their inventories, their accounts receivable
and payable, their liabilities, their costs and expenses, and even their income. Having global knowledge of the company and
how it works allows the businessperson to make better decisions, anticipate difficult situations, or be able to foresee great
opportunities that they otherwise cannot see, and therefore cannot take advantage of. In accounting, a historical record is made
of each relevant economic fact of the company, making it possible to have real-time control of everything that happens in the
company, and from there trends can be identified and financial and operational projections made. The projections are made
based on the past and current behavior a of the company, and that behavior is captured and reflected in the accounting.
Accounting is what gives us the necessary information to project, to make plans, to make future decisions, etc. The different
financial reports are prepared, and based on them is that financial, economic and operational decisions are made by the
management of the companies. In addition, thanks to these financial reports, investors decide whether or not to invest in a
company, suppliers decide whether or not to trust the company, etc.


Accounting has several specialized fields and roles. Private (internal) accounting generally refers to accountants who
work within a single business entity. Small business accountants may assume general roles which require preparing
the records (bookkeeping) and performing bank reconciliations.

-the author investigated from cero how everything about Fintech began
-began to look for the best way to explain
-I look for how to give the correct information and not so complicated to understand

As this article finds, what they want to demonstrate is the importance of accounting by demonstrating its important
points and its usefulness. Emphasizing different aspects that accounting entails, they also mention the advantages and
some disadvantages.


From the above we can conclude that accounting not only helps an enterprise to

conduct its day to day activities smoothly but also helps in its future growth. At the

same time financial statements produced by various accounting systems are used by

multiple stakeholders to take economic decisions.


1. Report: This type of document aims to convey information, although it may have various objectives.
2. Financial statements: Financial statements are reports that reflect the state of a company at a given time, usually one
3. Manage: Organize the economy of a person or an entity
4. Asset: an asset is a good that the company owns and that can be converted into money or other liquid means.
5. Liabilities: Accounting term that defines the set of debts and obligations pending payment.
6. Expenditure: Expenditure occurs when we allocate economic resources to obtain goods and services that satisfy our
7. Income: Amount of money earned or collected.
8. Raw material: It is known as raw material to the material extracted from other materials and that is used or transformed
to make other materials.
9. Company: Entity in which capital and labor intervene as factors of production of industrial or commercial activities or
for the provision of services.
10. Investments: Action of investing an amount of money, time or effort in one thing

Student’s name: Kevin Raul Castro Hinojosa ARTICLE Nº: One

Infographic 1

Article 2
TITLE: Tax Accounting

AREA: Accounting
CITATI Tax Accounting.



In my opinion, I consider tax accounting as one of the most important branches within this topic, since the practice of tax
accounting in a company focuses on all accounting practices related to the treatment of tax obligations that it has. it is. Taxation
is a key element to take into account when establishing or not a commercial company in a certain place. Business support must
be given to the payment of the different taxes that the company has to face periodically. Another simple example is the
Inheritance Tax or the self-employment fee in the case of sole proprietorships. the applicable law in each country. A very good
tax accountant in Spain may not be in the United States because the tax law is different.
The branch of accounting for the control and supervision of the fiscal commitments of a company. It detects, evaluates and
produces the corresponding payment of their taxes. In the same way, corporate support must be given to the payment of the
various taxes that the company has to face periodically. Another simple example is the Inheritance Tax or the self-employment
fee in cases of sole proprietorships.
The foregoing will, however, depend on the applicable law in each country. A very good tax accountant in Spain may not be
in the United States because the tax law is different.

The practice of tax accounting in a company focuses on all accounting practices related to the treatment of tax
obligations that the company has. Depending on the nature of each company, there will be a different approach to
this type of accounting. This happens logically because depending on the sector in which it participates and the
product it offers, it will find itself in a field of different tax obligations.

In this article it is simple what the author does and does in this document. what it relates is basically what tax accounting means
and demonstrate points that help companies and how they do it. Explaining different essential factors that can affect accounting
in general and that really takes many aspects to take into account for this same topic.

The importance of the results in government accounting lies in the financial, budgetary andprogrammatic information
that allows decisions to be made about what is budgeted and theadministration of resources.
It is useful because it efficiently improves the organization and at the same time maintainseconomics or economic
performance during the fiscal year. The author mentioned that management through a control mechanism by
regulatory bodies such asthe state government is essential.


The most notable motivation of the tax accountant is the justification of the

withholdings made by the company for a certain time and that therefore must be

presented to the public treasury. An example would be the VAT to be declared

quarterly by a grocery store. In the same way, corporate support must be given to

the payment of the various taxes that the company has to face periodically. Another

simple example is the Inheritance Tax or the self-employment fee in cases of sole


1. Prosecutor: Of the prosecutor or related to this person or to the performance of his profession.
2. Taxes: The tax is a kind of tribute governed by public law, which is characterized by not requiring a direct or
determined consideration by the tax administration.
3. Obligations: it is a legal bond that constrains us in the need to pay something according to the laws of our
4. Fee: Part or fixed and proportional portion that is paid for a service
5. Self-employed fee: The self-employed fee is the amount you will have to pay monthly if you want to carry
out an activity on your own.
6. Rights: Law is the set of principles and norms, generally inspired by ideas of justice and order.
7. Payments: In law, payment is the fulfillment of an obligation and the main way to extinguish obligations.
8. Practice: Exercise or performance of an activity continuously and in accordance with its rules.
9. Tax obligations: The tax obligation is a legal relationship between the State or another public person and
the taxpayers as long as the de facto budget provided for in the law takes place.
10. VAT: VAT is a tax burden on consumption, that is, financed by the consumer as a regressive tax

Student’s name: Kevin Raul Castro Hinojosa ARTICLE Nº: Two

Infographic 2

Article 3
TITLE: Applied technology in accounting: how to automate and improve payroll processes

AREA: Accounting
CITATI Applied technology in accounting: how to automate and improve payroll processes.


Personally, I believe that the great advance of technology in the accounting branch has helped a lot to have greater control
and administration within a company in order to know all the movements of expenses, sales and the warehouse, what it can
help there a better management of the company.
Automating month-end payroll processes allows companies to analyze data and compile reports, instead of maintaining
folders, dealing with different versions of Excel, shared drives, and the like. This reduces the time and resources of companies
for this task, since it is a much faster process than manual completion.
Automatic compilation detects patterns and prepares for reconciliation even before a user logs in. It has built-in internal
controls, reports, and dashboards that allow the team leader to have more oversight, drawing attention to potential
cancellations, outdated open items, and botched work before anomalies occur in real time.


As the years go by and technology advances more and more, the implementation of software systems in areas such
as accounting have shown that the automation of accounting processes improves and accelerates the performance of
activities such as the recording of finances, the generation of financial statements, payroll management, and other
functions that are undoubtedly essential for the proper functioning of a company.

In this article, what the author seeks to explain is how today's technology is useful and could even be necessary for the
performance and development of today's companies, giving details and points in favor of how these technologies facilitate use.
accounting in general.

-I found that being indebted is not a bad thing always, sometimes it could be helpful for the companies around the
world, but obviously its more recommendedto not have any debt.
-Really useful, maybe we will never have a company with a lot of debts, but in case we have one in the future,
we can see that not all the things are lost.
-The author says “Although debt always indicates the financial health of acompany, having a lot of it is not
necessarily a negative”


Automating the month-end payroll process helps increase accuracy and make the

process faster – any irregularities can be quickly detected and investigated. With

automation, companies can take advantage of real-time reporting, risk alerts, and

automated internal controls, making it harder to manipulate fraud or irregular


1. Technology: Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of
goods or services or in the achievement of objectives.
2. Payroll: Payroll is the sum of the financial records of employee wages, including wages, bonuses, and
3. Automation: Application of machines or automatic procedures in carrying out a process or in an industry.
4. Patterns: A pattern is a type of theme of recurring events or objects, such as fretwork, sometimes referred to
as ornaments of a set of objects.
5. Algorithms: Ordered set of systematic operations that allows a calculation and find the solution of a type of
6. Control Panel: Control Panel is a part of the graphical interface of the Microsoft Windows system, which
allows users to view settings and controls.
7. Supervision: Surveillance or direction of the performance of a specific activity by a person with authority or
capacity to do so.
8. Excel: Excel is a very powerful tool for extracting meaningful information from large amounts of data.
9. Formulas: Agreed, brief, precise and exact expression, with which one thing is said or a social or
communication act is carried out.
10. Optimization: In mathematics and computer science, method to determine the values of the variables
involved in a process or system so that the result is the best possible.

Student’s name: Kevin Raul Castro Hinojosa ARTICLE Nº: Three

Infographic 3


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