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Chapter 2
Acids, bases and Salt
Litmus is extracted from a type of plant called lichens.

An indicator is a dye that changes color when into an acid or a base. An indicator helps us to know whether
the substances is acidic or basic by changing the color. Acid turns blue litmus paper to red. A base turns red
litmus to blue. For ex. Litmus, methyl orange and Phenolphthalein.

There are three types of indicators:

• Manmade Indicators
• Natural Indicators
• Olfactory Indicators
Manmade Indicators: Synthetic indicators are compounds created in a chemistry lab
rather than compounds found in nature.

Compounds In Acids In Bases In Salts

Methyl orange Red Yellow Orange
Phenolphthalein Colorless Pink Colorless

Natural Indicator: A natural indicator is an indicator that is produced from a substance that
is naturally occurring or is itself a naturally occurring substance.

Compounds In Acids In Bases In Salts

Litmus Red Blue Purple

Turmeric Yellow Reddish brown Yellow
Hibiscus( china rose ) Reddish Pink Green Pink
Hydrangea Blue Blue Blue
Red-cabbage Red Green Red
Beat-root Red Green Red

Olfactory indicators:- Olfactory indicators are those indicators that help to identify
whether the given solution is acidic or basic by changing their smell instead of colour
as the other indicators do. Olfactory indicators are based on the sensation of smell to
identify the nature of the substance.
For Example:- Onion and Vanilla extract are olfactory indicators
We can remove the odour by NAOH & Citric acid
Strong Acid :- All the minerals acid are strong acid and produce large amount of
hydrogen ions in water.
➢ HCL (aq) → H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
Weak acids:- The organic acid are weak acid and produce small amount of
hydrogen ions in water.
➢ Ch3COOH(aq) → CH3COO-(aq) + H+(aq)
Dilute Acids:- Contain only a small amount of acid and a large amount of water.
Concentraded acids:- A concentraded acid contain a large amount of acid and a
small amount of water

Organic Acids are obtained from plants and animals or we can say they are
present in organic matter.
For Example:- in tomato, oxalic acid is present , in apple, malic acid and in lemon,
we have citric acid and so many other acids are present in different organic
Inorganic Acids are those that are obtained from minerals present in earth.
These are quite reactive in nature.
For Example:- nitric acid, sulphuric acid, etc.
Some Naturally occurring acids.
• Vinegar – Acetic Acid
• Orange – Citric Acid
• Lemon – Citric Acid
• Tamarind – Tartaric Acids
• Tomato – Oxalic Acids
• Sour milk(curd) – Lactic Acids
• Ant – Methanoic Acids
• Nettle sting – Methanoic Acids
❖ Methanoic acids are also known as formic acid. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Bold, Font color:
Custom Color(RGB(32,33,36))
Natural Acids: Acids which are obtained from natural sources are called Natural
Acids or Organic Acids.
Methanoic acid (HCOOH)
Acetic acid (CH3COOH)
Oxalic acid (C2H2O4) etc.
Mineral Acids: Acids that are prepared from minerals are known as Mineral Acids Example;
Inorganic acids, man-made acids or synthetic acid are also known as Mineral Acids.
Hydrochloric acid (HCl)
Sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
Nitric acid (HNO3)
Carbonic acid (H2CO3)
Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) etc.

Neutralisation Reaction: An acid neutralizes a base when they react with each other
and respective salt and water are formed.
Acid + Base → Salt + Water
Since, the reaction between acid and base both neutralize each other, hence, it is
also known as Neutralization Reaction.
Examples: Sodium chloride and water are formed when hydrochloric acid reacts with
sodium hydroxide (a strong base).

In a similar way, calcium chloride is formed along with water when hydrochloric acid
reacts with calcium hydroxide (a base).

Glucose & alcohol solution doesn’t conduct electricity.

Water conduct electricity but distilled water doesn’t contain ionic compound(acid,
bases and salt) dissolved in it.
Dry HCl doesn’t contain Hydrogen Ions.
Sulphuric acid are used in manufacturing fertilizers, paints, dyes, chemical, plastic. Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color:
Custom Color(RGB(32,33,36))
Properties of Acids:-
(a) Acids are sour in taste.
(b) Acids turn blue litmus to red and red litmus to red
(c) Acids solution conduct electricity but only in aqueous solution.
(d) Acids lose their acidity when mixed with base.
(e) When equal amounts of acid and base are combined the process of
neutralization occurs and salt and water is formed.
(f) A common thing in all the acids is that they produce Hydrogen Ions [
H+(aq) ions] when dissolved in water.
(g) Acids react with metal to form hydrogen gas.
➢ Metal + Acid → Salt + Hydrogen gas
Zn (Zinc) + H2SO4 (sulphuric acid) → ZnSO4 (Zinc
sulphate) + H2 (Hydrogen gas)
(h) Acids react with metal carbonates(and metal hydrogen carbonate)
to form carbon dioxide gas.
➢ Metal carbonate + Acid → Salt + Carbon dioxide + water.
Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + CO2 + H2O
➢ Metal hydrogencarbonate + Acid → Salt + Carbon dioxide +
NaHCO3 + HCL → NaCL + CO2 +H2O
(i) Acids react with base to form salt and water.
➢ Acid + Base → Salt + Water
NaOH + HCL → NaCL + H2O
(j) Acid react with metal oxide ( and metal hydroxide) to form salt and
➢ Acid + Metal oxide → Salt + water
CuO + HCL → CuCL2 + H2O
➢ Acids + metal hydroxide → salt + water
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O
(k) Acids have a corrosive nature.
➢ Acids are stored only on glass or ceramic containers .If they
are stored in container made up of metal than they gradually
corrode and eat up the metal container.
(a) Bases are bitter in taste.
(b) Bases are the chemical opposite of acids
(c) Base is a chemical substance that can neutralise acid.
(d) A base which is soluble in water are called alkali.
(e) A base is a substance which dissolve in water to produce hydroxide
ions(h+) in solution
(f) Bases are of two types
➢ Strong base:- A base which completely ionises in water and
thus produce a large amount of hydroxide ions (OH- ions) is
called a strong base or strong alkali.
➢ Weak acid:- A base which is partially ionised in water and
thus produces a small amount of hydroxide ions ( OH- ions )
is called a weak base or weak alkali.
Properties of base:-
(a) Bases have bitter in taste.
(b) Bases feel soapy to touch.
(c) Bases turns red litmus to blue.
(d) Bases conduct electricity in solutions ( They are electrolytes)
(e) Bases react with some metals to form hydrogen gas.
2NaOH + Zn → (heat) → Na2ZnO2 + H2
(f) Bases react with acids to form salt and water
2NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2O
(g) Bases react with non-metal oxides to form salt and water
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 → CaCO3 + H2O
Uses of base :-
(a) Sodium hydroxide is used in the manufacture of soap, paper and a
synthetic fibre called ‘rayon’.
(b) Calcium hydroxide(called slake lime ) is used in the manufacture of
bleaching powder
(c) Magnesium hydroxide is used as a antacid to neutralise excess acid in
the stomach and cure indigestion.
(d) Sodium carbonate is used as washing soda and for softening hard water.
(e) Sodium hydrogen carbonate is used as baking soda in cooking food, for
making baking powders, as an antacid to cure indigestion and in soda-
acid fire extinguishers.

Strength of Acid and Base solutions: pH scale

• 1909 Sorenson devised a scale known as pH scale. In
which the strength of acid solutions as well as basic
solutions could be represented by making use of
hydrogen ion concentration in them
• The pH of a solution is inversely proportional to the
concentration of hydrogen ions.
• Acidic solutions have excess of hydrogen ions.
• The base solution have excess of hydroxide ions.
• The strength of an acid or base is measured on a scale of
number called pH scale .
• The pH scale has values from 0 to 14.
• pH is a pure number, it has no unit

According to the rules of pH scale:

• Neutral substances have a pH of exactly 7. Pure water is a neutral substance.
• Acids (or acidic solutions) have a pH of less than 7. It is more acidic when
solution has lower will be its pH.
• Bases (or base solution) have a pH of more than is more basic when
solution has larger pH.
Solutions pH

Concentrated HCL 0
Dilute HCl 1.0
Gastric juice 1.4
Lemon juice 2.5
Vinegar 4.0
Tomato juice 4.1
Coffee 5.0
Soft drink 6.0
Milk 6.5
Pure water 7.0
Saliva(before meal) 7.4
Saliva(after meal) 5.8
Blood 7.4
Egg 7.8
Toothpaste 8.0
Baking soda solution 8.5
Washing soda solution 9.0
Milk of magnesia 10.5
Household ammonia 11.6
Dilute sodium hydroxide 13.0
Concentrated sodium hydroxide 14
Universal Indicator: Using a litmus paper, phenolphthalein, methyl orange, etc. only
the acidic or basic character of a solution can be determined, but the use of these
indicators does not give the idea about the strength of acid or base. So, to get the
strength as well as acidic and basic nature of a given solution universal indicator is

Universal indicator shows different colour over the range of pH value from 1 to 14 for
a given solution. Universal indicator is available both in the form of strips and
solution. Universal indicator is the combination of many indicators, such as water,
propanol, phenolphthalein, sodium salt, sodium hydroxide, methyl red, bromothymol
blue monosodium salt, and thymol blue monosodium salt. The colour matching
chart is supplied with a universal indicator which shows the different colours for
different values of pH

pH value shown by different colours role of pH everyday life:

Importance of pH in our daily life

1. pH in our digestive system: Dilute HCl (Hydrochloric acid)
helps in digestion of food (proteins) in our stomach. Excess
acid in stomach causes acidity (indigestion). Antacids like
magnesium hydroxide [Mg(OH)2] also known as milk of
magnesia and sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda) are
used to neutralize excess acid
2. Tooth decay caused by acids: The bacteria present in our
mouth converts the sugar into acids. When the pH of acid
formed in the mouth falls below 5.5, tooth-decaying starts.
The excess acid has to be removed by cleaning the teeth
with a good quality toothpaste because these kinds of
toothpaste are alkaline in nature. The best way to prevent
tooth decay is to clean the mouth thoroughly after eating
3. Plants and animals are sensitive to pH changes:
• Soil pH and Plant Growth : Most of the plant grow
best when the pH of the soil is close to 7. If the soil
is too acidic or too basic, the plants grow badly or
do not grow at all. The pH of acidic soil can reach
as low 4 and that of basic soil can go up to
8.3.chemical can be added to soil to maintain pH
levels. If the soil is too acidic (low pH) then it is
treated with materials like quicklime (calcium oxide)
or slaked lime( calcium hydroxide) or chalk(
calcium carbonate). All these are base so they
react with excess acid present in the soil and
reduce its acidity.
• pH change and Survival of animals : The aquatic
animals can survive in lake or river water within a
narrow range of pH change. This will become a
clear example . When the pH of rain water is about
5.6, it is called acid rain. Too much acid rain can
lower the pH of lake water or River water to such
an extent that the survival of aquatic animals
becomes difficult. The high acidity of lake water or
river water can even kill all the aquatic animal.
Calcium carbonate is often added to acidic lake
water to neutralise the acid that comes in rain.
4. Self defence by animals and plants through chemical
welfare:- Acidic substances are used by animals and plants
as a self-defence mechanism. For example, When honey bee
stings a person, it injects an acidic liquid in it which cause
immense pain and irritation. If the bee stings a person,
rubbing a mild base like baking soda. When a wasp stings, it
injects an alkaline liquid into the skin. When it happens
rubbing a mild acid like vinegar. When an ant stings
methanoic acid into skin of a person causing burning pain. It
can be neutralised by rubbing baking soda on the affected
area of the skin.
• A salt is a compound formed from an acid by the replacement of hydrogen in
the acid by a metal.
• Salt is a general name and it does not refer only to sodium chloride.
• Salts are formed when acids react with base
• The salts of hydrochloric acid are called chlorides.
• The salts of sulphuric acid are called sulphates.
• The salt of nitric acid are called nitrates.
• The salts of carbonic acid are called carbonate.
• The salt of acetic acid are called acetates.
Family of Salt: Salts having common acidic or basic radicals are said to belong to
the same family.
(i) Sodium chloride (NaCl) and Calcium chloride (CaCl2) belongs to chloride family.
(ii) Calcium chloride (CaCl2) and Calcium sulphate (CaSO4) belongs to calcium
(iii) Zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and Zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) belongs to the zinc family.

Neutral, Acidic and Basic Salts:

(i) Neutral Salt: Salts produced because of reaction between a strong acid and
strong base are neutral in nature. The pH value of such salts is equal to 7, i.e.
Example : Sodium chloride, Sodium sulphate. Postassium chloride, etc.

Sodium chloride (NaCl): It is formed after the reaction between hydrochloric acid (a
strong acid) and sodium hydroxide (a strong base).

Sodium Sulphate (Na2SO4): It is formed after the reaction between sodium hydroxide
(a strong base) and sulphuric acid ( a strong acid).

Potassium Chloride (KCl): It is formed after the reaction between potassium

hydroxide (a strong base) and hydrochloric acid (a strong acid).

(ii) Acidic Salts: Salts which are formed after the reaction between a strong acid and
weak base are called Acidic salts. The pH value of acidic salt is lower than 7. For
example Ammonium sulphate, Ammonium chloride, etc.
Ammonium chloride is formed after reaction between hydrochloric acid (a strong
acid) and ammonium hydroxide (a weak base).

Ammonium sulphate is formed after reaction between ammonium hydroxide (a

weak base) and sulphuric acid (a strong acid).

(iii) Basic Salts: Salts which are formed after the reaction between a weak acid and
strong base are called Basic Salts. For example; Sodium carbonate, Sodium acetate,
Sodium carbonate is formed after the reaction between sodium hydroxide (a strong
base) and carbonic acid (a weak acid).
Sodium acetate is formed after the reaction between a strong base, sodium
hydroxide (a strong base) and acetic acid, (a weak acid).

Cause of formation of acidic, basic and neutral salts:

• When a strong acid reacts with a weak base, the base is unable to fully
neutralize the acid. Due to this, an acidic salt is formed.
• When a strong base reacts with a weak acid, the acid is unable to fully
neutralize the base. Due to this, a basic salt is formed.
• When equally strong acid and a base react, they fully neutralize each
other. Due to this, a neutral salt is formed.

pH value of salt:

• Neutral salt: The pH value of a neutral salt is almost equal to 7.

• Acidic salt: The pH value of an acidic salt is less than 7.
• Basic salt: The pH value of a basic salt is more than 7.

Some Important Chemical Compounds

1. Common Salt (Sodium Chloride): Sodium chloride (NaCl) is also

known as Common or Table Salt. It is formed after the reaction between
sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. It is a neutral salt. The pH value of
sodium chloride is about 7. Sodium chloride is used to enhance the taste of
food. Sodium chloride is used in the manufacturing of many chemicals.
Uses of common salt
• Common salt is used a raw material for making a large number of
useful chemicals in industry such as: sodium hydroxide, sodium
carbonate, sodium hydrogen carbonate, hydrochloric acid etc.
• Common salt is used in cooking food. It improves the flavour of
food. Sodium chloride is required by our body for the working of
nervous system, the movement of muscles, and the production of
hydrochloric acid in the stomach for the digestion of food.
• Common salt is used as a preservative in pickles, and in curing
meat and fish (preserving meat and fish)
• Common salt is used in the manufacture of soap.
• Common salt is used to melt ice which collects on the roads
during winter in cold countries.
2. Sodium hydroxide :- Sodium hydroxide is commonly known as
caustic soda. The chemical formula of sodium hydroxide is NaOH.
Production of Sodium Hydroxide
• Sodium hydroxide is produced by the electrolysis of a
concentrated aqueous solution of sodium chloride (which is
called brine).
• When electricity is passed through a concentrated solution of
sodium chloride ( called brine ), it decomposes to form sodium
hydroxide, chlorine and hydrogen:
2NaCL(aq) + 2H2O →(Electricity)→ 2NaOH(aq) +Cl2(g) + H2

• Chlorine gas is produced at the anode ( positive electrode )

• Hydrogen produced at the cathode ( negative electrode )
• Sodium hydroxide produced near the cathode.
• The process of electrolysis of sodium chloride solution is called
chlor-alkali process ( because formed: chlor for chlorine and alkali
for sodium hydroxide )
• The three very useful products obtained by the electrolysis of
sodium chloride solution and brine(or chlor alkali process) are
Sodium hydroxide, Chlorine and Hydrogen.
Uses of Sodium Hydroxide
✓ Sodium hydroxide is used for making soaps and detergents.
✓ Sodium hydroxide is used for making artificial textile fibres
(such as rayon).
✓ Sodium hydroxide is used in the manufacture of paper
✓ Sodium hydroxide is used in purifying bauxite ore from which
aluminium metal is extracted.
✓ Sodium hydroxide is used in de-greasing metals, oil refining,
and making dyes and bleaches.
Uses of chlorine
✓ Chlorine is used to sterilise drinking water supply, and the
water in swimming pools. This is because chlorine
disinfectant (which kill germs like bacteria present in water
and makes it safe ).
✓ Chlorine is used in production of bleaching powder.
✓ Chlorine is used in the production of hydrochloric acid.
✓ Chlorine is used to make plastic such as polyvinyl chloride
(PVC), pesticides, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), chloroform,
carbon tetrachloride, paints and dye-stuffs
✓ Chlorine is used for making solvents for drycleaning (such as
Uses of Hydrogen
✓ Hydrogen is used for Hydrogenation of oils to obtain solid
fats (called vegetable ghee or margarine).
✓ Hydrogen is used in the production of Hydrochloric acid.
✓ Hydrogen is used to make ammonia for fertilisers.
✓ Hydrogen is used to make methanol (CH3OH).
✓ Liquid hydrogen is used as a fuel in rockets.
Uses of Hydrochloric Acid
✓ Hydrochloric acid is used for cleaning iron sheets before tin-
plating or galvanisation.
✓ Hydrochloric acid is used in preparation of chlorides such as
ammonium chloride (which is used in dry cells).
✓ Hydrochloric acid is used in medicines and cosmetics.
✓ Hydrochloric acid is used in textile, dyeing and tanning
✓ Hydrochloric acid is used in making plastics like polyvinyl
chloride (PVC).
3. Washing soda (Na2CO3•10H2O) [ Sodium Carbonate Decahydrate]
Washing soda is Sodium Carbonate decahydrate. Sodium carbonate
which does not contain any water of crystallisation is called anhydrous
sodium carbonate. Na2Co3 Anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na2Co3) is
commonly known as soda ash.
Production of Sodium Hydrogencarbonate

Washing soda is produced from sodium chloride (or common salt) in the
following three step:
(i) A cold and concentrated solution of sodium chloride (called brine) is
reacted with ammonia and carbon dioxide to obtain sodium hydrogen carbonate :
NaCl + NH3 + H2O+ CO2 → NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
Sodium hydrogen carbonate formed is only slightly soluble in water,
so it precipitates out as a solid.
(ii) Sodium hydrogen carbonate is separated by filtration, dried and heated. On
heating, sodium hydrogen carbonate decomposes to form sodium carbonate:
2NaHCO3 → Na2CO3 + CO2+ H2O
The anhydrous sodium carbonate obtained here is called soda ash.
(iii) Anhydrous sodium carbonate (soda ash) is dissolved in water and
recrystallised to get washing soda crystals containing 10 molecules of water of
crystallisation :
Na2CO3 + 10H2O⟶ Na2CO3.10H2O
An aqueous solution of washing soda is alkaline because it is made of a strong base
and a weak acid.
Properties of Washing soda
1. It is transparent crystalline solid.
2. It is one of few metal carbonate which are soluble in water.
3. The solution of washing soda in water is alkaline which turn red
litmus to blue .
4. Detergent properties or cleansing properties.
Uses of Sodium Carbonate
✓ Sodium carbonate is used as a ‘’ cleansing agent’’ for
domestic purpose like washing soda. In fact, sodium
carbonate is a component of many dry soap powders.
✓ Sodium carbonate is used for removing permanent
hardness of water.
✓ Sodium carbonate is used in the manufacture of glass,
soap and paper.
✓ Sodium carbonate is used in the manufacture of sodium
compounds such as borax.
4. Baking soda ( NaHCO3) [ Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate ] It is also
called sodium bicarbonate.
Production of Sodium Hydrogencarbonate
• Sodium hydrogencarbonate is produced in a large scale by
reacting a cold and concentrated solution of sodium chloride (
called brine ) with ammonia and carbon dioxide.
• NaCl + NH3 + H2O + CO2 → NaHCO3 + NH4Cl
Properties of Sodium Hydrogencarbonate
✓ It consists of white crystals which are sparingly soluble in
✓ It is a mild, non-corrosive base. Its solution in water is
mildly alkaline.
✓ Action of heat. When solid sodium hydrogencarbonate(or
its solution) is heated, then it decomposes to give sodium
carbonate with the evolution of carbon dioxide gas:
✓ 2NaHCO3 →heat→ Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
Uses of Sodium hydrogencarbonate
✓ It is used as an antacid in medicine to remove acidity of the
stomach. Because being alkaline, It neutralise the excess
acid present in the stomach and relieves indigestion.
✓ It is used in making baking powder (used in making cakes,
bread, etc.)
✓ NaHCO3 + H+(aq) → Na+(aq) + CO2 + H2O
✓ Sodium hydrogencarbonate is used in fire estinguishers.
5. Bleaching powder (CaOCl2) [ Calcium oxychloride ] It is also
called chloride of lime.
Preparation of Bleaching powder
• Bleaching powder is prepared by passing chlorine gas over dry slaked
• Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 → CaOCl2 + H2O
Properties of bleaching powder
✓ Bleaching powder is a white powder which gives a strong
smell of chlorine.
✓ Bleaching powder is soluble in cold water.
✓ Bleaching powder reacts with dilute acids to produce
✓ CaOCl2 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 +Cl2 + H2O
Uses of Bleaching Powder
✓ Bleaching powder is used for bleaching cotton and linen in
textile industry and for bleaching wood pulp.
✓ Bleaching powder is used for disinfecting drinking water
✓ It is used for manufacture of chloroform (CHCl3).
✓ It is used for making wood unshrinkable.
✓ It is used as an oxidising agent in many chemical
6. Plaster of Paris (P.O.P.) [CaSO4.1/2H2O] { Calcium Sulphate
hemihydrate (half-hydrate) }
Preparation of Plaster of Paris
• It is prepared from Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) [ calcium sulphate
• CaSO4.2H2O → heat 100.c (373 k) → CaSO4.1/2H2O + 11/2H2O

Properties of Plaster of paris

✓ It is of white powder.
✓ It has a very remarkable property of setting into a hard mass
on wetting with water.
✓ It is should be stored in a moisture-proof container.
Uses of Plaster of Paris
✓ It is used in hospital for setting fractured bones in the right
position to ensure correct healing.
✓ It is also used for making casts in dentistry.
✓ It is used in making toys, decorative material, cheap ornaments,
cosmetics, black-board chalk and casts for statues.
✓ It is used as a fire proofing material.
✓ It is used in chemical laboratories for sealing air-gaps.
✓ It is used for making surface ( like the walls of house ) smooth
before painting.

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