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NIM: 041669497
Nama : Nur Rizka Aulia Putri
Matakuliah: Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Dear, the lecturer of the course Bahasa Inggris Niaga Mr. Ahmad Fadhli.

Understanding Business Cycle really helps business people to operate his business
Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

My answer is yes I am agree with the statement. Because understanding the business
cycle can help business people to predict the future business. This is very important in
predicting the future direction of the economy which is important information in preparing a
business plan, thereby minimizing the risks that will occur in the future for the business.
Although it only looks at the movement of the economy's output fluctuation, the
business cycle also has implications for other economic variables, such as inflation, consumer
demand, unemployment, consumer confidence and business investment. the business cycle
also affects interest rates, taxes, and fiscal balances when policymakers adopt economic
policies to avoid worse conditions.
The business cycle is carried out so that the negative impact can be minimized to a
minimum while the cycle pattern remains stable and increases. that is the reason why a
businessman must understand his business cycle, there are many benefits. And also when a
businessman already knows his business cycle, it can help him to succeed in the business he
is running.


That’s my answer, please correct it.

Thank you

Nur Rizka Aulia Putri - 041669497

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