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Nama :Amalia Ardiani

NIM :043251725
Mata Kuliah :Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Jurusan :Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
Understanding Bussiness Cycle Really Helps Bussiness People to Operate His Bussiness
In the last few years,the world’s economy is enetring an extremely unstable phase an
uncertain future due to high rate of inflation making the world’s economy experiencing recession
again.As bussiness people ,of course we want to avoid losses as much as possible because of of
this economic instability.Therfore,as a bussiness people we must understand the bussines cycle
in order to deal with this economic instability.
Bussiness cycle is a phase where there is an increase and economic downturn.Bussines cycle
is an fundamental thing that really important to help us estimate the indicator related to the
situation and economic movement.So we can also predict when the bussiness will increase and
decrease.And by understanding the bussiness cycle we can also find ways to solve problems in
our bussiness by looking at the bussiness cycle that has happened before.
I think understanding the bussiness cycle is very important not only for operating a bussiness
but also for dealing with problems in the future.

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