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Physical and Chemical Properties
The alkali metals- trends in reactivity:
The alkali metals- trends in reactivity:
Alkali Metals:
The alkali metals- trends in reactivity:
The alkali metals- trends in reactivity:
3 Lithium (Li) ■ from lithus stone. The lightest of all
metals. Lithium carbonate theraphy
has become standard treatment for
manic depression.

■ DISCOVERY: 1817 by Johann A.
Arfvedson of Sweden

■ USES: lubricants, Dry cells, Storage
batteries, Glass & pharmaceuticals
11 Sodium (Na) ■ From soda and natrium. Sodium is a
necessary constituent of plant and
animal tissue. Pure sodium is
poisonous and is very corrosive.

■ DISCOVERY: 1807 by Sir
Humphry Davy of Britain

■ USES: Salt, Soda, Glass, Metal
purifier, Soap, Paper, Textile
■ From potash and kalium. A constituent
19 Potassium (K) of all plant and animal tissue as well
as of fertile soil. It is the lightest
known metal.

■ DISCOVERY: 1807 by Sir Humphry
Davy of Britain.

■ USES: Fertilizers, Heat transfer agent,
“Strike anywhere” matches,
fireworks, Explosives
37 Rubidium (Rb) ■ From rubidius or red. After cesium,
it is the most active of the alkali
metals; and the most widely
distributed element.

■ DISCOVERY: 1860 by Robert
Wilhelm Bunsen and Gustav
Robert Kirchhoff of Germany

■ USES: Photocell component,
Thermo electric generator, Gas
scavenger in vacuum
55 Cesium (Cs) ■ From caesius or skyblue. A soft gold
colored metal that is quickly attacked
by air and reacts explosively in
water. It is the softest metal since it is
liquid at room temperature.

■ DISCOVERY: 1860 by Bunsen &
Kirchhoff of Germany

■ USES: Photoelectric cells, “Getter” in
electron tubes, Atomic clocks
87 Francium (Fr) ■ From France. The heaviest of the alkali
metals and the most electropositive
element. Francium has never actually been
seen since it is a short-lived product of the
decay of actinium.

■ DISCOVERY: 1939 by Marguerite Perey of

■ USES: Francium has no uses. Having a half
life of only 2 minutes. Has obtained by the
neutron bombardment of radium in a
nuclear reactor.

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