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Book Extension Activity

Joanna Simon

Department of Childhood Education, College of Southern Nevada

ECE 260: Children’s Literature

Denise Sidney

July 3, 2022

Your Name: Joanna Simon

Book Title: Honey, I Love and Other Poems

Author: Eloise Greenfield

Genre: Poetry, African American, Family

Illustrator: Leo and Diane Dillon

Date: 1978

1. Pre-K/CCSD K-2nd Grade Core Stanard

You will find the standards for elementary (K-2) on the Nevada elementary website:
You will find the CCSD standards here:
Children are expected to know and are able to do the standards defined which include reading,
math, and science in order to meet college and career expectations no later than high school.

Objectives (What will children expect to learn)

Children will learn to express their thoughts through writing. This will help them learn to expand
their vocabulary in order to communicate. Learning how to rhyme, count, blending sounds into
words. In the poem, children will learn about a historical woman who has become an important
role model.
2. Materials and Equipment needed:
Games (word, counting)
Reading poetry books
Matching games (For instance one card has the word cat the child has to find the card that would
3. Teaching (What will you do?)
As an educator, my job is to make sure children are learning different words each day to expand
their vocabulary. Instead of making my students read in front of the class, I will take the time to
see where the child is struggling. This will allow them to teach their time reading the passage
provided rather than feeling pressure from their classmates.
4. Closure:
At the end of the lesson, I would want my students to write themselves a future letter to their

future selves which they would decide when they would want to read it. I will continue making sure all

my students continue expanding their vocabulary finding different ways to help those who struggle with

English as their second language.

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