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The Global City

Topic 1: Global City become the 5th largest stock market in

the world.
Saskia Sassen
Defining the Global City can be difficult.
 Sociologist popularized the term “global city” And of one way to solving this dilemma is to
in the 1990’s. go beyond the simple dichotomy of Global
 The criteria of Sassen for what makes up and None Global. And instead of asking why
the global city where primarily or why not one city is a Global City it is
economic. It based on economic aspect
better to ask in what ways the cities global
such as how progress and how develop
and to what extent are the global
the certain place is.
 She was able to produced books and one
Indicators of Globality
of the books she wrote was GLOBAL
CITY.  The foremost characteristics of a global city is
economic power
 She initially identified three global cities: New  Sassen remains correct in saying that
York, London and Tokyo economic power largely determines which
 If we try to access this 3 cities there are cities are global.
the core or the center of global finance
and capitalism around the world.  Economic power largely determines which
 There are also considered as the home of cities are global
World Stop Stock Exchanges.  For example, New York, New York has
largest stock market in the world but
 New York has the New York Stock Exchange Tokyo and Japan it houses the most
(NYSE), London has Financial Times Stock number of corporate headquarters
Exchange (FTSE), and Tokyo has the Nikkel.  613 company headquarters in Tokyo and
217 in New York, Usa
 The Shanghai in China has low stock
Global Cities market compared to New York and
Tokyo but It place a critical role in the
 Any account of the economic power of cities global economic supply chain since
today must take note the latest development when China became the manufacturing
 Recent commentators have expanded the center around the world.
criteria that Sassen used to determine what
constitutes a global city.  Economic opportunities in a global city make
it attractive to talents from across the world
 Movie – making Mecca Los Angeles can now  Since 1970’s many of our excellence
rival the Big Apple’s Cultural influence and competent IT programmers and
 The Big Apple is the nickname for engineers in Asia has moved in San
New York City Francisco, California. The reason for
 Movie – making Mecca means film this because they want to be part of
movies or movie making Silicon Valley
 The point here is that Los Angeles  The Silicon Valley is company can be
keep up in New York City when it find in San Francisco, California and it
comes to movie making serve as a global center as high-
technology and innovation
 London it remains preferred destination
for many Filipinos with Nursing Degree
 Economic Opportunities it makes a
 San Francisco must now factor in as another attractive talents from across the world
global city because it is the home of the most
powerful internet companies – Facebook,  To measure the economic competitiveness of
Twitter and Google a city, the Economist Intelligence Unit has
added other criteria like market size,
 The growth of the Chinese economy has purchasing power of citizens, size of the
turned cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and middle class, and potential for growth
Guangzhou into center of trade and finance
 In the late 1990’s, the Chinese  The ‘”tiny” Singapore is considered as Asia’s
government reopen the Shanghai stock most competitive city because of its strong
exchange and since then it has grown to market, efficient and incorruptible
government, and livability
 Singapore is widely regarded as one because of culinary capitals. Is now considered as one of
of the safest country to live in with the culinary capitals of the world, with its top restaurants
consistently low crime rates, a incommensurate with its size
transparently legal system and low
poverty Manchester, England – many prominent post – punk
and new wave bands – Joy Division, the Smiths, and the
 Global cities are also centers of authority. Happy Mondays – hailed from this city
Washington DC may not be as wealthy as
New York, but it is the seat of American state
power Singapore houses some of the region’s top television
 Some major landmark in USA the stations and new organizations (MTV Southeast Asia
White House Supreme Court and and Channel News Asia)
 Singapore slowly becoming the cultural center
 Compared with Sydney and Melbourne, for either region.
Canberra is a sleepy town and not attractive
Its various art galleries and cinemas also show
to tourists. But as Australia’s political capital,
paintings from artists and filmmakers from
It is home to the country’s top politician,
Philippines and Thailand
bureaucrats, and policy advisors
 Bureaucrats it refers to the
government official
 Canberra is also a part of Global Today, global cities become culturally diverse
Cities because it considered as
 There is also diversity or differences. For
political capital of Australia
example, in global city one will try cuisines in
different parts of the world like in Berlin,
 The cities that house major international
Germany and Tokyo, Japan since in these
organizations may also be considered center
countries they have the large Turkish population
of political influence.
that why they offer some of the best Turkish
 United Nation Headquarters – New
food which one can find even if he/she it’s not in
the Turkey
 European Union Headquarter – Brussels
 ASEAN Headquarter – Jakarta Manila is not very global because of the dearth of
 European Central Bank – Frankfurt, foreign residents
 Manila has a shortage when it comes to foreign
residents in our country
 Global cities are centers of higher learning
But Singapore is, because it has a foreign population
and culture. A city’s intellectual influence is
of 38%
seen through the influence of its publishing
industry  It matter here if how many population of
 Many of the book that people read are foreigner live in one city
published in places like New York,
 The New York Time carries the name of
New York City but it is far from being a Why study Global Cities
local newspaper because not only in the
citizen in America can read this even Globalization is spatial which means:
people around the world are interested to 1. Globalization is spatial because it occurs in
read the these newspaper physical spaces. More people are driven out
 Many people wants to visit Boston is of city centers to make way for the new
because they want to see the Harvard developments
University – it is considered as one the  We can see it if foreign investments
world top university capital moved through a city and when
 Many teenagers moving to cities in company build a skyscrapers.
Australia because of the leading English  Skyscrapers – High buildings
Language Universities. Education is  People who are moving in this
currently Australia’s 3rd largest export businesses or Filipinos working abroad
of their coal and iron they start to purchase or rent high rise
condominium units and better homes
Los Angeles – the center of the American film industry
 As all these events happen, more people
Copenhagen, Denmark – It is the capital of Denmark. It are driven out city centers to make way
is not the home of major stock market unlike New York for the new developments
and Tokyo but it is considered as the Global City
2. Globalization is spatial because what makes it  Why do we considered carbon emission bad?
move is the fact that it is based in places Because the contribute pollution, climate change
 Los Angeles is known for the Home of and global warming but carbon emissions from
Hollywood it is where the movies are factories and automobiles are among the biggest
made for global consumption contributor of pollution, climate change and
 The main headquarters of Sonny is in global warming
Tokyo, Japan
 From there the company coordinate the Will it be possible to grew more food in
sale to its various branches across the cities instead? Some cities who have been
world practicing the so called Vertical Farms – the
 Cities act in Globalization and abandoned building, they convert it into
Globalization acts on cities. They both vertical farm
benefits. They are the sites as well as the
medium of globalization The major terror attacks of recent years have also
targeted cities. Cities, especially those with global
The Challenges of Global Cities influence are obvious targets for terrorists

Global cities also have their undersides. They can be  911 – World Trade Center, New York
sites of great inequality and poverty as well as September 11, 2001
tremendous violence  November 2015 attacks in Paris by Islamic State
of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
 Like the broader process of globalization, global
cities creates winner and losers The Global City and the Poor
Global cities create winner and losers Massive inequality was very pronounced in cities.
Some large cities, particularly those in Scandinavia,
Denser settlement pattern yield energy saving;
have found ways to mitigate inequality through state
apartment building for example, are more efficient to
– led social redistribution programs. Yet, many
heat and cool than detached suburban house
countries, are sites of contradiction
 The denser the settlement has advantage because
 Scandinavia – it doesn’t refer the country. It
it yield an energy savings therefore, crowded
denotes the countries in Norway, Sweden and
settlements gives in energy savings. For
example, apartment, mostly in apartment has
 Although in the quality exists in the most of the
denser settlement but it has advantage because
cities but in cities in Scandinavia they
it’s more efficient to heat or cool unlike for
implemented ways in minimize and lessen the
suburban houses
inequality in their respected place. They
 Suburban houses –residential house like
implemented redistribution programs
In places like Mumbai, Jakarta, and Manila, it is
In cities with extensive public transportation systems,
common to find gleaming buildings alongside massive
people tend to drive less and thereby cut carbon
 Gleaming buildings – it is the modern glass
 The good example is New York, they have low
structure high building
carbon footprint
 Carbon footprint – the total greenhouse gas In the outskirts of New York and San Francisco are
emission of an individuals poor urban enclaves occupied by African –
Americans and immigrants families who are often
Not all cities are as dense as New York or Tokyo.
denied opportunities at a better life
Some cities like Los Angeles are urban sprawls, with
massive freeways that force residents to spend money  African – American forced to moved further
on cars and gas away from their cities.
 Off course as a city attracts more capital and
 Unlike Los Angeles, they prefer to use private
feature residence the price of the product arises
vehicle, and if they have private vehicle each
and the poor residence has no choice but to
individual consume gas and it contribute to
relocate and move to place with cheaper price
Gentrification – a phenomenon of driving out the poor in
Urban areas consume most of the world’s energy.
favor of newer, wealthier residents
Cities only cover 2% of the world’s landmass, but
they consume 78% of global energy. Therefore, if In Australian cities, poor aboriginal Australians have
carbon emissions must be cut to prevent global been most acutely affected by gentrification.
warming, this massive energy consumption in cities
must be curbed In France, poor Muslim migrants are forced out of
Paris and have clustered around ethnic enclaves
 Rural – Province ; Urban – Cities known as Banlieue.
In most of the world’s global cities, the middle class is
also thinning out. Globalization creates high – income
jobs that are concerned in global cities

In places like New York, there are high – rolling

American investment bankers whose children are
raised by Filipino maids.

Therefore, a large global city may be

paradise for some but for some people it is
like a purgatory.

Advantage In living in the city: Better medical facilities,

more jobs opportunities, more restaurants, malls, and

Disadvantages in Living in the cities: over – crowded,

higher noise level higher cost of living and higher crime

Global cities are sites and mediums of globalization.
They are materials representations of the phenomenon.
Through them, we see the best of globalization; they are
places that creates existing fusions of cultures and ideas.
They are also places that generate tremendous wealth.
However, they remain sites of great inequality, where
global servants serve global entrepreneurs.

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