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Candidate Name Candidate Number

Adriel Benjamin
Dominique Millien
Isaiah Grant
Tristan Samuel
Zion Caballero

Centre Number:
School: El Dorado West Secondary School
Subject: Mathematics
Year of Exam: 2023
Subject Teacher: Ms. C. Bissondial
Project Title

What is the most economical size of orchard orange juice to purchased ?


Why did we choose orange juice?

We choose orange juice because summertime is approaching and the days will get hotter, so many
people will desire a refresher to cool themselves. Although we are still in a pandemic, we can get our
Vitamin C from the juice to boost our immune system.

What is the most economical orange juice?

Due to Covid, the economy was affected badly meaning prices of juices increased along side other items.
The best affordable juice can be purchased is the 250ml size orange juice.
Data & Collection

(Method of Data Collection: Table Form )

Size Price

200 ml $3.50
250 ml $4.50
1 litre $10.95

The members of our group visited the local supermarket and observed and recorded that the size are
200ml for $3.50, 250ml for $4.50 and 1 litre for $10.95.

(Presentation of Data: Bar Graph)

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