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Section: BSN-2L

1. The tool I choose is “Moldboard Plow” it is based on the assigned topic last midterm which is the
increased unemployment from labor-saving new technologies.

2. The tool built a relationship in my daily life experiences indirectly because I am not using it, but
our farmers use them to cultivate their roots and crops so that they produce some products that
us people can eat in our daily living. Though back when I was young when my grandfather used
to garden, I experienced using the plow to cultivate his crops such as tomatoes, bitter gourds, &
eggplants to have a good harvest of crops.

3. The product or raw material that is being produced using the moldboard plow technology is
depicted by the image. It improves the soil and farming techniques to produce high-quality
products that we can eat. We can support our farmers and the economic development of our
nation by purchasing these goods.

4. What does Aristotle say about human flourishing in achieving a good life?
According to Aristotle, human flourishing requires the development of both moral and
intellectual virtues. Moral virtues are acquired through habituation and practice and involve
finding the right balance between excess and deficiency in our actions and emotions. Examples of
moral virtues include courage, honesty, and generosity. Meanwhile, intellectual virtues, on the
other hand, are acquired through education and involve the development of rational faculties such
as logic, reason, and wisdom. These virtues enable us to make wise decisions and understand the
world around us.

5. According to Martin Heidegger, what is the essence of technology? What is that philosophical
process and the 3 components that were involved to understand the ESSENCE OF TECHNOLOGY?
According to Martin Heidegger technology has been used from ancient to modern civilization, with
humans being the bearers and beneficiaries. Science mediates development and innovation, making
things easier and faster. Natural resources have been used for growth and development, but harmful
effects have also evolved. This has led to a transformation or evolution of the world. The philosophical
process involves reflective and meditative thinking. Reflective thinking involves considering the larger
context, meaning, and implications of an experience or action. It involves writing to better understand
something, exploring emotions, feelings, reactions, and knowledge, and catharsis or purging of
emotions. Meditative thinking is reflective thinking that thinks the truth of being and adheres to it.
Now, the 3 components that were involved to understand the ESSENCE OF TECHNOLOGY calculative,
technological, and scientific mind-set. Calculative set’s goal and wants to obtain them, Technological as a “a way
of revealing”, and a scientific mind-set is linked to stronger decision-making skills that enhance goal

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