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Human flourishing in science and technology: Technology as a Mode of Revealing. Technology

embodies a specific way of revealing the world, a revealing in which humans take power over
reality. Technology embodies a specific way of revealing the world, a revealing in which humans
take power over reality. Human flourishing is the ability to live a good life. Rooted in
Aristotelian ethics, it values health intrinsically and applies universally to all human lives.
Human flourishing embraces our shared humanity and serves everyone's interest. It is
important because we must be achieved through a person's own efforts. Each person has
reason and free will and the capacity to initiate conduct that will enhance or inhibit his
flourishing. Rationality, the cardinal virtue for human flourishing, can only gain expression when
a man has responsibility for his own choice. Human flourishing is important because it
promotes the growth, development, and holistic well-being of individuals and populations. It
serves as a moral basis for what it means to be a human being. If we desire individuals’ abilities
to flourish, we will be better equipped to analyze and shape health policy and public health. We
can better achieve health equity worldwide. Having a thorough understanding of the conditions
that enable human flourishing will promote safety and security in people’s lives. This includes
health, economic, community, financial, political, and more. Technological optimism it believes
that technology is the answer to all man's problem. - Strongly supported by technologists and
engineers and also by ordinary people who believe that technology can alleviate all the
difficulties and provide solutions for problems that may come. Human flourishing is the ability
to live a good life. Rooted in Aristotelian ethics, it values health intrinsically and applies
universally to all human lives. Human flourishing embraces our shared humanity and serves
everyone’s interest. All people should have the conditions for flourishing and realizing their
ability to be healthy. They can use their values, talents, and abilities in pursuit of their own
goals and health.

One philosopher by the name of Martin Heidegger identify that technology can
either be perceived as first a means to achieve man’s end and second, that which
constitutes human activity. The second perspective paints technology in such a
way that each period reveals a particular character regarding man’s being.
• Rather than thinking that humans have a clear idea of what to expect in a good
life, it can be stated that technology allows humans to confront the unknown and
see how they would react.
One philosopher by the name of Martin Heidegger identify that technology can
either be perceived as first a means to achieve man’s end and second, that which
constitutes human activity. The second perspective paints technology in such a
way that each period reveals a particular character regarding man’s being.
• Rather than thinking that humans have a clear idea of what to expect in a good
life, it can be stated that technology allows humans to confront the unknown and
see how they would react.
One philosopher by the name of Martin Heidegger identify that technology can
either be perceived as first a means to achieve man’s end and second, that which
constitutes human activity. The second perspective paints technology in such a
way that each period reveals a particular character regarding man’s being.
• Rather than thinking that humans have a clear idea of what to expect in a good
life, it can be stated that technology allows humans to confront the unknown and
see how they would react.

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