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MAGOTE, Denice Jhan F.



 “Each part of the system can affect the behavior of the whole, but no part
has an independent effect on the whole”.

 This quote, in my opinion, implies that a system is made up of a number of

interconnected parts, each of which can affect how the system functions
as a whole. It also implies that no one component can entirely dictate or
control the overall system's behavior on its own.

 In other words, rather than the actions of any one part acting
independently, the behavior of the system is the outcome of the
interactions and relationships between the individual parts. This suggests
that the system's behavior is complex and emergent, and that it cannot be
fully understood by examining the behavior of each component in


 Decision making with yourselves, the scenario is when you and

your family lived in province and you want to explore more in your
own so you decided to work in other country without your family so
since you had decided to live in your own, you need to go outside in
your comfort zone so it helps you to grow individually without the
help of your love ones. In the first day you decided to work alone
that is far to your family and friends you need to act as an
independent person. Having a self-choice doesn’t mean it will have
an effect the whole part of your life but instead it helps you to build
interaction with yourself and have good relationship with your own
good. It will show that other will not dictate the things or decision
you want to do.
 “The performance of the whole is never the sum of the performance of the
parts taken separately, but it’s the product of their interactions”.

 In my opinion, the quote implies that a group's or team's performance

cannot be determined solely by the contributions of its members
individually. It instead emphasizes that the team's overall purpose or
collective intent is what ultimately determines its success. To put it another
way, when people collaborate with the same intention and work towards a
common goal, they are more likely to achieve their goals than if they
worked alone. The quote emphasizes how crucial it is for a group to work
together, communicate effectively, and have similar goals.


 In business industry, when you have a thing to do with your team

some of your workmate had the same goal to achieve or to finish
the important things you all need to do. If you and your team work
together to accomplish the goals you want to achieve, it will work
fast and easier. While when you and your workmate doesn’t
understand each other thought it can hard to accomplish the goal
you all wanted. It easier if all the members in the team will interact
or communicate to each other so they will understand each other
point of view and similar goals with your team will have a good
result. “Communication is the Key” it is true because in general
when you don’t have a good communication with others it is hard to
understand the way of thinking in other party but when you have a
good communication to someone it was easier to know and have
access to move forward to next step.

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