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Nastasi Samuel-Alin

ECTS An I, grupa II

Read the following article:

Bank by Computer: A Way to Save Cash

If you’ve been overwhelmed by all the hype and still aren’t clear about
what high-tech banking means, here’s an overview. The biggest game in town is
electronic cash management – the ability to access account information
directly, without a visit to a real teller or even an automatic machine (ATM).
The most technologically advanced banks allow their customers to use their
computers to dial it for up-to-the-minute accountings. Others can provide
customers with account-balance updates at specified daily intervals, either by
fax or secure voicemail.

How does bank automation benefit a business? With timely information,

business owners can make better decisions about how to manage their funds.
On-line banking lets them move cash among accounts, paying bills while still
earning as much interest as possible on their cash reserves. With PC banking,
cash – management decisions are transmitted from business to bank by
computer. These days, companies can use their computers to control automatic
payroll plans as well, and they no longer have to phone or fax salary-payment
instructions to their banks. And the computers can handle tax-payment
authorisations and international-currency maneuvers.

Because banks save money by reducing their use of paper, it pays to ask
your bank to give you a financial incentive for putting your company online!

Find the words in the text that are synonyms to bank by computer.
- electronic cash management
-PC banking
-Online banking

A. According to the article, which of the following statements are true?

1.a. Publicity on high-tech banking is very intense.
2.b. You have to use your computer to find information about your

3.a. Companies receive a high interest on their deposits with on-line


4. b. Companies may control automatic payroll plans on-line.

5. c. You can ask the bank to give you some stimulus for using the PC

B. Explain in your own words the following compounds taken from the
above text. The first example was done for you:

Example: high-tech banking → banking services that use high


1. up-to-the-minute accountings = immediate accounting processes

2. account-balance updates= news on your new cash balance
3. cash-management decisions = ways of distributing money
4. tax-payment authorizations = paying the financial duties to the

C. Make up sentences in English with each and every expression from

point C.

Due to the fact that nowadays banks allow up to the minute

accountings doing business has never been easier. The mobile banking
apps offer you a large variety of services, such as account-balance
updates and tax- payment authorizations, that may encourage you to
develop your business more and more. You don’t have to worry about
communicating your cash management decisions because your phone
or computer will do it for you. Focus on growing your business and
helping the world!
D. Decide whether the words written in bold are written in their right
form. If not, rewrite the whole sentence by using their right form:

1. I’d really like to study economy at the university. (economics)

2. You can make your pays at any of over 2000 cash machines around the
3. All employees receive a day allowance to cover the costs of meals.(daily)
4. The company is doing much better financing this year.
5. Did your mom get any profitable when she sold her house?(profit)
6. There has been an increase of the inflation by 3% this year.
7. This car is very economic as it goes so far on one tank of petrol.
8. Some people commute to London every day form as far as Leeds.

6. Translate into English:

Potrivit unui studiu realizat la nivel global de Oficiul de Muncă din SUA,
bărbaţii lucrează în medie 48 de ore pe săptămână, mai mult decât femeile care
au o medie de doar 35 de ore pe săptămână. Responsabilităţile legate de
îngrijirea casei, a copiilor, a vârsticinilor din familie sau a membrilor bolnavi,
nu permit femeilor să rămână mult la serviciu după terminarea orelor de
program. Conform studiului, la cuplurile căsătorite car au şi copii, orele de
muncă ale bărbaţilor cresc, în timp ce programul femeilor se reduce. De
exemplu, în Ungaria, prezenţa copiilor în familie se reflectă prin prelungirea
programului de lucru al bărbaţilor cu 13-19% faţă de cel al femeilor, iar acest
procent creşte odată cu numărul de copii dintr-o familie. De asemenea, în
ultimii 3 ani, în Malaezia, nu mai puţin de 23% dintre femei au încetat să
meargă la lucru pentru a-şi îngriji copiii. Datele culese arată că industriile unde
se lucrează peste program sunt cele de vânzări, hoteliere, pază şi securitate,
transport, depozitare şi telecomunicaţii.

According to a study conducted globally by the US Labor Office, men work an

average of 48 hours a week, more than women who have an average of only 35
hours a week. Responsibilities related to caring for the home, children, the
elderly or sick members do not allow women to stay at work long after the end
of working hours. According to the study, for married couples who also have
children, men's working hours increase, while women's hours are reduced. For
example, in Hungary, the presence of children in the family is reflected by the
extension of the work schedule of men by 13-19% compared to that of women,
and this percentage increases with the number of children in a family. Also, in
the last 3 years, in Malaysia, no less than 23% of women have stopped going to
work to take care of their children. The data collected show that the industries
where they work overtime are those of sales, hotels, security and security,
transport, storage and telecommunications.



Choose one of the quotes from Murphy’s Laws (pp. 215-216 in your book) and
write a 3 paragraph essay (approximately 1 page) expressing your opinion on
that specific topic.

 “If your project doesn’t work, look for the part you didn’t think was

In life a person is envolved in many projects either in the family, at

school or at work. The person that doesn’t is not alive or has a severe
handicap. Each of these projects is special and requires skills and
involvement in order to be successfully completed and to receive the final
prize or the final feeling desired.
One main problem according to completing a project is the dead-line,
the day when every second matters and you can’t feel the hunger nor the
lack of sleep. Every smart person is focused to complete a difficult task or
project the best and the fastest possible. We live in a world that is
constantly in a hurry so we have to adapt living on the rush or isolate in the
woods and live a happy, slow and silent life. Due to the fact that we make
things so fast it may be that we forget to take into consideration certain
factors that sometimes have a severe impact upon our live. We tend to
select some things that we consider, for the moment more special, and we
invest more time and money developing those certain domains.
Unfortunately sometimes as Murphy quoted the things that we take less
into consideration are or may be the most important factors in our project,
but we realise this misfortune at the end of the project, after setting our
main goals in the project.
To conclude, we, as people who are responsible for the quality and
workability of a project that we work at, should take into consideration all
the factors that may have an impact on our work and pay attention to every
small detail because the details make the difference.

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