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What is cultural competence (A: application of knowledge, skills, attitudes)

2. One of the questions asked about what would you do during an interview, I think the answer
was: the nurse should listen and let the patient talk more. Not sure though!!
3. One question said how a patient came in and stated they’ve been vomiting for the last few
days and it’s causing some additional symptoms. The question asked what part of the complete
health history is that. I said reason for seeking care.
4. What differs in the vital signs of an old person (compared to a younger adult)? I said they
have decreased temp
5. If someone’s BP shows a higher value, but does not coincide with their baseline, what would
you check as a nurse ? I said I would make sure the cuff wasn’t too small.
6. If someone has kyphosis, what is a behaviour they may do? I said bend their head back, but I
really don’t know
7. One of the questions listed a bunch of conditions and asked which one would be considered
as acute pain. I put down the burn as my answer
8. One of the questions basically said a patient comes in with a cough and during the
assessment the nurse asked “ tell me what you do for your cough”, what is the nurse asking? I
said the nurse is asking what can make the symptom better and worse. It’s the only one that
made sense to me. Also I’m wording this one horribly lol.
9. When checking for hyper resonance, what assessment form would you use? Percussion is
what I said
10. Percussing on top of a lung of someone with emphysema will give you what sound?
11. The costal angle of a patient is 90 degrees, what would the nurse do with this information ?
I said this is a normal finding
12. T/F Is the costal angle the point at which you start to count the ribs? False
13. Which conditions will you feel tactile fermitus? I can’t remember if it said increased or
decreased. But the four options were emphysema, pneumonia or pneumothorax (can’t
remember),heart failure, common cold (this one was a SATA)
14. If you hear bronchovesicular sounds at the periphery of the lungs, what would this be
considered ? Abnormal, adventurous, normal?
15. You hear a murmur in a 2 day old newborn, what should you do?
16. What does pallor look like in a dark skinned person?
17. What should you remember when palpating carotid arteries ? I said palpate one at a time
18. Where can we find palpable lymph nodes?
19. There was a question about strabismus. Something about which condition would you likely
see strabismus
20. One of the questions mentioned an eye test and asked what it measured. Like visual acuity
for instance. I can’t remember which one he asked about!!
21. Question about the Snellen chart, specially the numerator and denominator!
22. When you ask a patient to look at a closer object, their eyes constrict, what is this ?
23. A mom comes in with her son who has an ear infection. As a nurse, what will you tell her?
Your son has a shorter more wider Eustachian tube
24. How can you tell if someone has hearing loss? Frequently asking you to repeat what you
25 . The TMJ is located at the ____ of the ear. Anterior of the Tragus
26. You find a lump that is non tender, mobile, around 1 cm… I said this was a normal finding
27. In a child, what is a normal tonsil grading? 2+
28. What is vernix caseosa? Cheesy substance
29. Angle of the nail is about 160 degrees. I said this was a normal finding
30. What condition relates to 180 degrees? I have no idea wtf he was talking about. I chose soft
nails 🤣
31. What do you call a solid, elevated, lesion ? Papule
32. What is petechiae
33. What is ABCDE used for
34. If someone says they’re having difficulties brushing their teeth, what movement is this?
35. If someone has issues skipping rope, what movement is this? Circumduction (i dont know if
this was the exact question, but the answer was circumduction)
36. What movements are for shoulders? Circumduction, elevation, protraction retraction. This
is the one I chose, but it feels wrong. The other option that made a little bit of sense was
Circumduction, eversion, inversion, rotation
37. What grade is full ROM against gravity some resistance ? 4
38. If you get a finding where the radial pulse is 87 and the apical is 88, is this a significant
finding? I said false
39. If a child’s radial pulse is not palpable, where should you check instead? Apical
40. What is a condition seen in old people? Senile lentigines
41. What is sene lentigines? Flat and circumscribed (this is what I said, idk)

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