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Types of Cells

I. Introduction
This is about observing different types of cells. What will be
observed are both different Eukaryotic Cells. Examples of cells
that we observed are animal cells, plant cells, amoeba which is a
protist, and penicillium which is a fungi.

II. Objectives
At the end of the experiment, I would be able to
a) Have new Discoveries about cells
Learn more about the use of the microscope

III. Materials
 Prepared slides
 Plant Cell- Leaf Epidermis
 Animal Cell- smooth muscle-cardiac muscle
 Fungi- penicillium

IV. Procedure
First, we will open the microscope. Then we will put our slide
with the specimen in place and use the clips to keep it in place.
After that, we will need to adjust the slide to make sure we
can observe the specimen properly. Then lastly, try to observe
and discover.

V. Results and discussion

VI. Conclusion
In conclusion, each cells observed are different from one
another and are unique. The penicillium looks like veins and
branches while the plant cells are stacked on top of each
other. And lastly, we got to discover what different types of
cells look like up close.

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