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Unit XI The Nervous System: C.

Motor and Integrative Neurophysiology

59. Which cells receive direct synaptic input from Golgi 65. A vascular lesion that causes degeneration of cortico-
tendon organs? spinal axons in the basilar pons will most likely lead to
A) Type Ia inhibitory interneurons which condition?
B) Dynamic gamma motor neurons A) Paralysis primarily involving muscles around the
C) Alpha motor neurons contralateral shoulder and hip joints
D) Type Ib inhibitory interneurons B) Paralysis of the muscles of mastication
E) Type II excitatory interneurons C) Loss of voluntary control of discrete movements of
the contralateral hand and fingers
60. Which neurotransmitter is used by the axons of locus D) Inability to speak clearly
coeruleus neurons that distribute throughout much of E) Inability to convert short-term memory to long-
the brain? term memory
A) Norepinephrine
B) Dopamine 66. Fine motor movement of the index finger can be elic-
C) Serotonin ited by stimulation of which brain area?
D) Acetylcholine A) Primary motor cortex
B) Lateral cerebellar hemisphere
Questions 61 and 62 C) Premotor cortex
A 45-year-old man visits the physician because of difficulties D) Supplemental motor area
performing simple tasks that involve repetitive movements. E) Red nucleus
The physician asks the patient to turn one hand upward and
downward at a rapid pace. The man quickly loses all percep- 67. Which type of cholinergic receptor is found at synapses
tion of the instantaneous position of the hand, which results between preganglionic and postganglionic neurons of
in a series of stalled attempts and jumbled movements. Use the sympathetic system?
this information to answer Questions 61 and 62. A) Muscarinic
B) Nicotinic
61. Which term best describes this patient’s move- C) Alpha
ments? D) Beta-1
A) Agraphesthesia E) Beta-2
B) Astereognosis
C) Dysarthria 68. A 23-year-old basketball player mentally rehearses free
D) Dysdiadochokinesia throw shots while lying in bed. Which option best de-
E) Hemineglect scribes the area of the brain that is involved in generat-
ing a motor image of this action in the absence of actual
62. Which area of his brain is most likely to have a lesion? movement?
A) Cerebellum A) Basal ganglia
B) Limbic system B) Cerebellum
C) Medulla oblongata C) Limbic system
D) Premotor cortex D) Premotor cortex
E) Primary motor cortex E) Primary motor cortex
63. The excitatory or inhibitory effect of a postganglionic 69. The perivascular space (Virchow-Robin space) in the
sympathetic fiber is determined by which feature or brain is formed between the wall of small penetrating
structure? vessels and which structure?
A) Function of the postsynaptic receptor to which it A) Dura mater
binds B) Arachnoid membrane
B) Specific organ innervated C) Pia mater
C) Ganglion where the postganglionic fiber originates D) Choroid plexus
D) Ganglion containing the preganglionic fiber E) Ependymal cells
E) Emotional state of the individual
70. Which type of seizure is associated with a spike and
64. Which of the following correctly describes the rela- dome electroencephalogram pattern during the sei-
tionship of CSF pressure to the venous pressure in the zure activity?
superior sagittal sinus? A) Generalized tonic-clonic
A) A few millimeters higher B) Temporal lobe
B) A few millimeters lower C) Jacksonian
C) Equal to D) Absence
D) Twice the value E) Apoplectic
E) One-half the value


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