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Năm học 2022 – 2023

Chương trình và sách giáo

Chủ đề/ khoa
Tuần/ Tiết Nội dung
Mạch nội học/ Yêu cầu cần đạt điều chỉnh/
Tháng Ghi
dung Tên bài học Thời Bổ sung (nếu
lượng có)
Lesson 1:
- Develope listening and
1. Look, listen and repeat. speaking skills.
2. Point and say. 1 - Students will be able to ask and
answer the questions about
3. Let’s talk. someone’s address.
Unit 1:
What’s your
address? Lesson 1:
- Develope listening and
4. Listen and complete. speaking skills.
1 5. Read and complete. 2 - Students will be able to ask and
answer the questions about
6. Let’s sing. someone’s address and sing “The
wheels on the bus” song.

Lesson 2:
- Develope listening and

1. Look, listen and repeat. speaking and writing skills.
- Students will ask and answer
2. Point and say. 3
the questions about what a
3. Let’s talk. village/town/city is like.

Lesson 2:
- Develope listening and
4. Listen and circle a or b. speaking,writing skills.
5. Write about you. - Students will be able to ask and
answer the questions about the
6. Let’s play. address and what a
4 village/town/city is like.
- Write about themselves.

2 Unit 1: Lesson 3:
What’s your - Develope listening and
1. Listen and repeat. speaking skills.
2. Listen and circle a or b. - Students will be able to know
Then say the sentences. how to pronounce the stress and
practice the chant: “Where do
3. Let’s chant. 5 you live?”

Lesson 3:
- Develope reading and writing
4. Read and tick Yes (Y) or 6 skills.
No (N). - Students will be able to pratice

5. Write about your friend. reading the text about Trung and
write about a friend.
6. Project.

Lesson 1:
- Develope listening and
1. Look, listen and repeat. speaking skills.
2. Point and say. - Students will be able to ask and
Unit 2: I 7 answer the questions about
3. Let’s talk. someone’s daily routine.
always get
up early. Lesson 1:
How about - Develope Speaking, Listening,
4. Listen and tick.
you? Writing, Reading skills.
5. Read and complete.
- Students will be able to ask and
6. Let’s sing. answer the questions about
8 someone’s daily routine and sing
“This is the way we do things”
3 Unit 2: Lesson 2:
I always get - Develope speaking, listening,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
up early. writing, reading skills.
How about 2. Point and say.
- Students will be able to ask and
you? 3. Let’s talk. 9 answer the questions about their
daily routines.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,

4. Listen and number. writing.
5. Write about your daily - Students will be able to ask and
routines. 10 answer the questions about the
daily routines.
6. Let’s play.
- Write about their daily routine.
Lesson 3:
- Develope speaking, listening
1. Listen and repeat.
2. Listen and circle a or b.
- Students will be able to know
Then say the sentences aloud.
how to pronounce the stress and
3. Let’s chant. 11 practice the chant: “What do you
do in the morning?”

Lesson 3:
- Develope reading, writing
4. Read and answer.
5. Write about your day.
- Students will be able to pratice
6. Project. 12 reading the text about Hoa’s Day
and write about your day.

4 Unit 3: Lesson 1
Where did - Develope listening and
1. Look, listen and repeat. 13 speaking skills.
you go on
2. Point and say. - Students will be able to ask and

holiday? 3. Let’s talk. answer questions about past

Lesson 1:
- Develope speaking, listening,
4. Listen and match.
5. Read and match.
- Students will be able to ask and
6. Let’s sing. answer questions about past

Lesson 2:
- Develope speaking, listening,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
writing, reading skills.
2. Point and say.
- Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. 15 answer questions about means of
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and write one word
writing skills.
in each blank.
- Students will be able to ask and
5. Write about your last 16 answer questions about means of
6. Let’s sing.
- Students will be able to practice
listening and complete the

sentences and sing.
5 Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking
1. Listen and repeat.
2. Listen and circle a or b.
- Students will be able to
Then say the sentences aloud.
pronounce correctly the stress of
3. Let’s chant. 17 the words: ‘motorbike,
Unit 3:
‘underground,’holiday, ‘family.
Where did
you go on - Chant: Where did you go?
Lesson 3:
- Develope writing, speaking
4. Read and complete.
5. Read and write.
- Students will be able to read a
6. Project. 18 letter and complete the letter.

Unit 4: Did Lesson 1:

you go to the - Develope listening, speaking
1. Look, listen and repeat.
party? skills.
2. Point and say.
19 - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about whether
someone did something.
Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick Yes (Y) or 20

No (N). reading skills.
5. Read and complete. - Students will be able to ask and
answer questions about whether
6. Let’s sing.
someone did something and sing
a song: “What did you do on
teacher’s day?”
6 Unit 4: Did Lesson 2:
you go to the - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
party? reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
21 - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about what
someone did at the party.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking
4. Listen and circle a or b.
and writing skills.
5. Write about you.
22 - Students will be able to practice
6. Let’s play. listening and write about
yourself and play a game.
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking
1. Listen and repeat. 23
2. Mark the word stress. Then
- Students will be able to
say the words aloud.
pronounce correctly the stress of
3. Let’s chant. the words: ‘party, ‘Sunday,

en’joy, in’vite.
- Chant: “When was your
Lesson 3:
- Develope reading, writing
4. Read and answer.
5. Write about your birthday
24 Students will be able to read a
text about Nam’s birthday and
6. Project. write about their birthday party.
7 Unit 5: Lesson 1:
Where will - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
you be this reading, writing skills.
weekend? 2. Point and say.
25 - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about where
someone will be.
Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading skills.
5. Read and match.
- Students will be able to ask and
6. Let’s sing. 26 answer questions about where
someone will be and sing a song:
“Where will you be?”.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,

1. Look, listen and repeat. reading skills.
2. Point and say. - Students will be able to ask and
answer questions about what
3. Let’s talk.
someone will do.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and number.
writing skills.
5. Write about you.
28 - Students will be able to practice
6. Let’s play. listening and write about
yourself and play a game .
8 Unit 5: Lesson 3:
Where will - Develope listening, speaking
1. Listen and repeat.
you be this skills.
weekend? 2. Listen and circle a or b.
- Students will be able to
Then say the sentences aloud.
pronounce correctly the stress of
3. Let’s chant. 29 the words: ‘seaside, ‘island,
- Chant: Where will you be this
Lesson 3:
- Develope reading and writing
4. Read and complete. 30
5. Write about you.
- Students will be able to read a
text about Mai and write about

6. Project. where they will be.
- Develope listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills.
- Revise the topics, the language
competences, the language
Self- check 1 31 knowledge (phonics, vocabulary,
sentence patterns) what they have
Review 1
learnt from Unit1 to Unit 5.

- Develope listening, speaking,

Self- check 1
reading, writing skills.
32 - Ss do exercises from Unit1 to
Unit 5.
1. Read and listen to the story.
- Develope listening, speaking,
Short story 2. Answer the questions
reading, writing skills.
Cat and
3. Unscrmble these words
Mouse 1 33 - Students will be able to
from the story.
understand the story about cat
and mouse.

- Develope listening, speaking,

4. Read and complete. 34
reading, writing skills.
5. Work in pairs. Talk about

your last holiday. - Students will be able to
6. Read and match. understand the story about cat
and mouse.

Lesson 1:
Unit 6: How 1. Look, listen and repeat. - Develope listening, speaking
many lessons skills.
do you have 2. Point and say. - Students will be able to ask and
today? 3. Let’s talk. answer questions about how
many lessons they have today.
Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading skills.
5. Read and complete.
Students will be able to ask and
6. Let’s sing. answer questions about lessons
and sing a song: “How many
lessons do you have today?”
1 Unit 6: How Lesson 2:
many lessons - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
do you have reading, writing skills.
today? 2. Point and say. 37
- Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about how
often someone has a subject.

Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and circle a or b.
writing skills.
5. Write about you.
38 - Students will be able to practice
6. Let’s play. listening and write about
yourself and play a game .
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
reading skills.
2. Listen and circle a or b.
- Students will be able to
Then say the sentences aloud.
pronounce correctly the stress of
3. Let’s chant. the words: ‘how many ‘lesson do
you ‘have ‘today? I ‘have ‘four.
- Chant: “How often do you
Lesson 3:
- Develope reading, writing
4. Read and complete.
5. Write about your school and
- Students will be able to read a
text about Mai and write about
6. Project. students' school and lessons.

11 Unit 7: How Lesson 1:

1. Look, listen and repeat. - Develope listening, speaking
do you learn 2. Point and say.
English? - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. 41 answer questions about how
someone learns english.
Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading skills.
5. Read and complete.
- Students will be able to listen
6. Let’s sing. 42 and read about how someone
learns English and sing a song:
“How do you learn English?”
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
43 - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about the
importance of learning English.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and number.
reading skills.
5. Write about you.
44 - Students will be able to practice
6. Let’s play. listening and writing about
themselves and play a game.

12 Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking
1. Listen and repeat.
and reading skills.
2. Listen and circle a or b.
- Students will be able to
Then say the sentences aloud.
pronounce correctly the stress of
3. Let’s chant. the words: ‘How do you ‘practice
45 ‘speaking?

Unit 7: How I ‘speak ‘English ‘comic ‘book.

do you learn - Chant: How do you learn
English? English?
Lesson 3:
- Develope reading, writing
4. Read and tick Yes (Y) or
No (N).
46 - Students will be able to read a
5. Write about your friend
text about Mai and write about
learns English.
how your friend learns English.
6. Project.
Unit 8: What Lesson 1 47
are you - Develope listening, speaking
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading? skills.
2. Point and say.
- Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about what
book someone is reading.

Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete.
48 - Students will be able to listen
6. Let’s play. and read about what book
someone is reading and play a
game: “The guessing game”.
13 Unit 8: What Lesson 2:
are you - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading? reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
49 - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about the
character in a story is like.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and write one word
reading, writing skills.
in each blank.
50 - Students will be able to listen
5. Number the sentences in the
and write the story of Tam and
correct order.
Cam and sing a song.
6. Let’s sing.
Lesson 3: 51
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Listen and circle a or b.
- Students will be able to
Then say the sentences aloud.

3.Let’s chant. pronounce correctly the stress of
the words: ‘What are you
I’m ‘reading the ‘Fox and
- Chant: What are you reading?
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and tick Yes (Y) or
reading, writing skills.
No (N).
- Students will be able to read a
5. Write about your favourite
text about Tom and write about
book. 52 your favorite book.
6. Project.

14 Unit 9: What Lesson 1:

did you see - Develope listening, speaking
1. Look, listen and repeat.
at the zoo? skills.
2. Point and say.
53 - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about animals
in a zoo.

Lesson 1: 54
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading, writing skills.

5. Read and complete. - Students will be able to listen
and read about what animals they
6. Let’s sing.
saw at the zoo and sing the song:
“What did you see at the zoo”.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
55 - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about what
animals did in the zoo.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and circle a or b.
writing skills.
5. Write about your visit to the 56
- Students will be able to practice
listening and writing about their
6. Let’s play. visit to the zoo.
15 Unit 9: What Lesson 3: 57
did you see - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
at the zoo? reading, writing skills.
2. Listen and underline the
- Students pronounce correctly
stress words. Then say the
the stress of the words: ‘When
sentences aloud.
did you ‘go to the ‘zoo?
3. Let’s chant.
I ‘went there ‘yesterday.

- Chant: At the circus.
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and match.
reading, writing skills.
5. Write about your last visit
58 - Students will be able to read a
to the zoo.
letter from Phong and write
6. Project. about your last visit to the zoo.
Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
59 - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about school
Unit 10: events.
When will
Lesson 1:
Sport Day
- Develope listening, speaking,
be? 4. Listen and match.
reading, writing skills.
5. Read and match.
60 - Students will be able to listen
6. Let’s sing. and read about what events.
- Sing the song: “When will
Sports Day be”
16 Unit 10: Lesson 2:
When will - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat. 61
Sport Day reading, writing skills.

be? 2. Point and say. - Students will be able to ask and
answer the questions about what
3. Let’s talk.
someone is going to do on Sports
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and number.
reading, writing skills.
5. Write about you.
- Students will be able to practice
6. Let’s play. 62 listening and writing about the
activities on Sports Day.
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Listen and underline the
- Students pronounce correctly
stress words. Then say the
the stress of the words: ‘When
sentences aloud. 63
will ‘Sports ‘Day be
3. Let’s chant.
It’ll be on ‘Saturday.
- Chant: What are you going to
Lesson 3: 64
- Develope reading, writing
4. Read and tick.
5. Write about Sport Day.
- Students will be able to read a
text about Sports Day and write

6. Project. about your Sports Day.

- Develope listening, speaking,

reading, writing skills.
Review 2 Self- check 2
- Check student’s knowledge
65 from Unit 1 to Unit 5, help ss
make a good preparation for the
first semester test.

- Develope listening, speaking,

17 reading, writing skills.
Self- check 2
66 - Check student’s knowledge
from Unit 6 to Unit 10, help ss
make a good preparation for the
first semester test.

- Develope listening, speaking,

First term reading, writing skills.
test Test 67 - Using Phonics, Vocabulary and
Sentence Patterns to do the test.
Correct the Correct the test - Help students develop 4 skills:
test listening, speaking, reading and
68 writing.

- Help students review their
knowlege from Unit 1 to Unit10
and do a test.
- By the end of the lesson the
students will be able to do a test
18 1. Read and listen to the story.
- Develope listening, speaking,
2. Answer the questions
reading, writing skills.
Short story 3. Unscrmble these words
- Students will be able to read a
Cat and from the story.
story about cat and mouse.
Mouse 2
- Students will be able to
understand the story about cat
and mouse.
4. Read and complete.
- Develope listening, speaking,
5. Work in pairs. Talk about
reading, writing skills.
your school Sport Day.
- Students will be able to read a
6. Read and match.
70 story about cat and mouse.
- Students will be able to
understand clearly the story
about cat and mouse.
Revision 2
- Develope listening, speaking,

reading and writing skills.
Revision - Students revise the topics, the
language competences, the
language knowledge (phonics,
stress, vocabulary, sentence
patterns) they have learnt.
- Develope listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills.
- Students revise the topics, the
language competences, the
72 language knowledge (phonics,
stress, vocabulary, sentence
patterns) they have learnt.
19 Unit 11: Lesson 1:
What's the - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
matter with reading and writing skills.
you? 2. Point and say. 73
- Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about common
health problems.
Lesson 1: 74
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading and writing skills.
5. Read and complete.
- Sts will be able to ask and
6. Let’s sing. answer questions about common

health problems.
- Sing a song: “what’s the matter
with you”.
Lesson 2: Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
75 - Students will be able to give
3. Let’s talk. and respond to advice on
common health problems use
should and shouldn’t +V
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and complete. reading and writing skills.
5. Read and complete. Then - Sts will be able to ask and
say aloud. 76 answer questions about common
health problems.
6. Let’s play.
- Practice listening and play a
20 Unit 11: Lesson 3: 77
What's the - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
matter with reading and writing skills.
you? 2. Listen and circle a or b.
- Students have correctly
Then ask and answer.
intonation of the sentences and
3. Let’s chant. read a chant: What’s the matter

with you?
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and match. Then say.
reading and writing skills.
5. Write your advice.
78 - Students will be able to read a
6. Project. tips about how to stay healthy
and write their advice.

Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading and writing skills.
2. Point and say. 79
- Students will be able to express
Unit 12: 3. Let’s talk. and respond to concerns about
Don’t ride possible accidents at home.
your bike too Lesson 1:
fast. - Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading and writing skills.
5. Read and complete. 80
- Students will be able to ask and
6. Let’s sing. answer the questions about
accident prevention.
21 Unit 12: Lesson 2: 81
Don’t ride - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
your bike too reading and writing skills.
2. Point and say.

3. Let’s talk. - Students will be able to ask and
answer the questions about
accident prevention.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and complete with
reading and writing skills.
one word.
- Students will be able to practice
5. Read and complete.
listening and play a game.
6. Let’s play.
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
reading and writing skills.
2. Listen and circle a or b.
- Sts will be able to listen and
Then say the sentences aloud. 83
read about the accident
3. Let’s chant. prevention and practice listening
and play a game.

Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and do the tasks.
reading and writing skills.
5. Write what may happen.
84 - Students will be able to read a
6. Project. text and write about how to
prevent the accident.

22 Unit 13: Lesson 1:
What do you - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
do in your reading and writing skills.
free time? 2. Point and say.
85 - Students will be able ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about what
someone does in his/her free
Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading and writing skills.
5. Read and complete. 86
- Students will be able to ask and
6. Let’s sing. answer questions about the
character in a story is like.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading and writing skills.
2. Point and say.
87 - Sts will be able to listen and
3. Let’s talk. tick then read and complete the
sentences and play a game:“A
matching game!”
Lesson 2: 88
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and circle. a, b or c.
reading, writing skills.
5.Write about what your
- Students will be able to ask and
family members do in their

free time. answer questions about what a
family member does in his/her
6. Let’s sing.
free time.

23 Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Listen and circle a or b.
89 - Students have correctly
Then say the sentences aloud.
intonation of the sentences and
3. Let’s chant. chant: What do you do?
Unit 13:
What do you Lesson 3:
do in your - Develope listening, speaking,
free time? 4. Read and draw lines to reading, writing skills.
- Students will be able to read a
5. Write about your family do
90 text about lien’s family member
at weekends.
does in his/her free time and
6. Project. Write about your family do at

Unit 14: Lesson 1: 91

What - Develope listening, speaking
1. Look, listen and repeat.
happened in skills.
2. Point and say.

3. Let’s talk. - Students will be able ask and
answer questions about what
happened in the story.
Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
the story? 4. Listen and number.
reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete.
92 - Sts will be able to listen and
6. Let’s sing. number then read and complete
the sentences andsing a song:
“Once upon a time”.
24 Unit 14: Lesson 2:
What - Develope listening, speaking
1. Look, listen and repeat.
happened in skills.
the story? 2. Point and say.
93 - Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about
someone’s opinions of a
Lesson 2: 94
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading, writing skills.
5.Write about your favourite
- Sts will be able to listen and
write about what your favourite
6. Let’s play. book and practice listening and
play a game.

Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Listen and circle a or b.
95 - Students have correctly
Then say the sentences aloud.
intonation of the sentences and
3. Listen to the story. listen the story: The fox and the
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and write.
reading, writing skills.
5. Write about the characters
96 - Students will be able to read a
in your favourite story.
text about Mai’s favoutite book
6. Project. and write about the characters in
your favourite story.
25 Unit 15: Lesson 1:
What would - Develope listening, speaking
1. Look, listen and repeat.
you like to skills.
be in the 2. Point and say. 97
- Students will be able ask and
future? 3. Let’s talk. answer questions about what
someone would like in the future.
Lesson 1: 98
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
writing skills.
5. look and write.
- Sts will be able to listen and

6. Let’s sing. number then read and complete
the sentences and sing a song:
“What would you like to be in
the future?”.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
- Students will be able to ask for
3. Let’s talk. 99 and give reasons use:
“Why would you like to be
……….? Because I’d like to
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and circle a or b.
reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete.
100 Sts will be able to listen and
6. Let’s play. write about what they would like
to be in the future and why and
play a game.
26 Unit 15: Lesson 3: 101
What would - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
you like to reading, writing skills.
be in the 2. Listen and mark the
- Students have correctly
future? sentence intonation sentences
intonation of the sentences.

3. Let’s chant.
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and tick True (T) or
reading, writing skills.
False (F).
- Students will be able to read a
5. Write about what you
text about David’s job in the
would like to be and do in the 102
future and write about what you
would like to be and do in the
6. Project. future.

Review 3 Self-check 3
- Develope listening, speaking,
reading, writing skills.
- Students revise the topics, the
language competences, the
language knowledge (phonics,
vocab, sentence patterns) and the
language skills (listening,
writing, speaking) they have
learnt from Unit 11 to Unit15.
Self-check 3 104
- Develope listening, speaking,

reading, writing skills.
- Students do exsersises from
Unit 11 to Unit15.
27 1. Read and listen to the story.
- Develope listening, speaking,
2. Answer the questions
Short story reading, writing skills.
Cat and 3. Unscrmble these words 105 - Students will be able to
Mouse 3 from the story.
understand the story about cat
and mouse.
4. Read and complete.
- Develope listening, speaking,
5. Work in pairs. Talk about
Short story reading, writing skills.
how you feel.
Cat and 106 - Students will be able to
Mouse 3 6. Read and match
understand the story about cat
and mouse.
Unit 16: Lesson 1: 107
Where’s the - Develope listening, speaking
1. Look, listen and repeat.
post office? skills.
2. Point and say.
- Students will be able ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer the questions about

Lesson 1:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading, writing skills.
5. look, read and complete.
108 Sts will be able to listen and tick
6. Let’s sing. then read and complete the
sentences and sing a song:
“Where’s the bus stop?”
28 Unit 16: Lesson 2:
Where’s the - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
post office? reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
- Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. 109 answer questions about means of
transports use:
“How can I get to ……..?
You can …………...”
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and write one word
reading, writing skills.
in each box.
110 - Sts will be able to listen and
5. Read and complete.
write about go and where they
6. Let’s play. what transport they go and play
a game.
Lesson 3: 111
- Develope listening, speaking,

1. Listen and repeat. reading, writing skills.
2. Listen and circle a or b. - Students have correctly
Then ask and answer. intonation of the sentences.
3.Let’s chant. - Students will be able to play a
chant: “How can we get there”.
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and do the tasks.
reading, writing skills.
5. Write the directions.
112 - Students will be able to read a
6. Project. letter from Tony and write the

29 Unit 17: Lesson 1:

What would - Develope listening, speaking
1. Look, listen and repeat.
you like to skills.
eat? 2. Point and say.
113 - Students will be able ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer the questions about what
someone would like to eat and
Lesson 1: 114
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and tick.
reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete.
- Sts will be able to listen and
tick then read and complete the

6. Let’s sing. sentences and sing a
song:“Healthy eating and
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer questions about the
L115 quantity of food and drink use:
“How much/many …….
Do you eat/drink every day?
I eat/drink………”.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and circle a or b.
reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete.
- Sts will be able to listen and
6. Let’s play. 116 write about the quantity of food
and drink.
- Students will be able play a
30 Unit 17: Lesson 3: 117
What would - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
you like to reading, skills.

2. Listen and circle a or b. - Students have correctly
Then say the sentences aloud. intonation of the sentences.
3. Let’s chant. - Students will be able to play a
chant: “Healthy food and drink”.
Lesson 3:
eat? - Develope reading, writing
4. Read and do the tasks.
5. Write about your eating
- Students will be able to read
habits. 118
and write about food and drink.
6. Project.

Unit 18: Lesson 1:

What will - Develope listening, speaking
1. Look, listen and repeat.
the weather skills.
be like 2. Point and say.
119 - Students will be able ask and
tomorrow? 3. Let’s talk. answer the questions about the

Lesson 1: 120
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and circle a, b or c.
reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete.
- Students will be able to listen
6. Let’s play. and circle then read and complete

the sentences about the weather.
- Students will be able to play a
game: “Making sentences?”
3 Unit 18: Lesson 2:
What will - Develop speaking, listening,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
the weather reading and writing skills.
be like 2. Point and say.
- Students will be able to ask and
tomorrow? 3. Let’s talk. answer questions about the
121 weather and seasons.
- By the end of the lesson the
students will be able to use:
“What’s ______ like in your
country? It’s usually ____ There
is/ are __________”.

Lesson 2: 122
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and write one word
reading, writing skills.
in each blank.
- Sts will be able to listen and
5. Write about your favourite
write about the weather and the
season and the weather.
6. Let’s sing.
- Students will be able to practice
listening and singing a song: the
weather song.

Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Listen and circle a or b.
- Students have correctly
Then say the sentences aloud. 123 intonation of the sentences.
3. Let’s chant.
- Students will be able to play a
chant: “What will the weather be
like tomorrow?”.
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and do the tasks.
reading, writing skills.
5. Write about the seasons and
124 - Students will be able to read a
text about Quang and the weather
6. Project. in Viet Nam and write about the
seasons and weather.
32 Unit 19: Lesson 1:
Which place - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
would you reading, writing skills.
like to visit? 2. Point and say.
125 - Students will be able ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer the questions about which
place someone would like to
Lesson 1: 126
- Develope listening, speaking,

4. Listen and circle a or b. reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete. - Sts will be able to listen and
circle then read and complete the
6. Let’s sing.
sentences about the places and
sing a song: “which place would
you like to visit?”
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say.
- Students will be able to ask and
3. Let’s talk. 127 answer questions about
someone’s opinions about place
use: “What do you think
of______? It’s more ______ than
I expected”.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and circle. a, b or c.
reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete.
- Sts will be able to listen and
6. Let’s play. 128 write about the places.
- Students will be able to practice
listening and playing a game: Tic
–tac – toe.

33 Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Listen and mark the
- Students have correctly
sentence intontion. Then say 129 intonation of the sentences.
the sentences aloud.
- Students will be able to play a
3. Let’s chant.
Unit 19: chant: “What do you think of
Which place it?”.
would you
Lesson 3:
like to visit?
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and do the tasks.
reading, writing skills.
5. Write about your last
- Students will be able to read a
summer holiday. 130
text about Tom and the place he
6. Project. visited and write about your last
summer holiday.

Unit 20: Lesson 1:

Which one is - Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
more reading, writing skills.
exciting, life 2. Point and say. 131
- Students will be able ask and
in the city or 3. Let’s talk. answer the questions to compare
life in the
Lesson 1: 132
- Develope listening, speaking,

4. Listen and write. reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete. - Sts will be able to listen and
write then read and complete the
6. Let’s sing.
sentences about the comparison
of the places.
- Students will be able to sing a
song: “which one is_____?”.
34 1. Read and listen to the story.
- Develope listening, speaking,
2. Answer the questions
reading, writing skills.
3. Unscrmble these words
Short story - Students will be able to read a
from the story.
Cat and Lesso story about cat and mouse.
Mouse 4 4. Read and complete. n133
- Students will be able to
5. Work in pairs. Talk about understand the story about cat
your last holiday. and mouse.
6. Read and match.
Review 4 134
- Develope listening, speaking,
reading, writing skills.
- Revise the topics, the language
Self-check 4 competences, the language
knowledge (phonics, vocabulary,
sentence patterns) what they have

learnt from Unit10 to Unit 15.

- Develope listening, speaking,

reading, writing skills.
- Revise the topics, the language
Self-check 4 competences, the language
knowledge (phonics, vocabulary,
sentence patterns) what they have
learnt from Unit10 to Unit 15.

- Develope listening, speaking,

Second reading, writing skills.
term test 136
- Using Phonics,Vocabulary and
Sentence Patterns to do test.
Lesson 2:
- Develope listening, speaking,
1. Look, listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Point and say. 137
- Students will be able ask and
3. Let’s talk. answer the questions to compare
Lesson 2: 138
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Listen and circle. a, b or c.
reading, writing skills.
5. Read and complete.
- Sts will be able to listen and

6. Let’s play. write then read and complete the
sentences about the comparison
Unit 20:
of the places.
Which one is
more - Students will be able to sing a
exciting, life song: “which one is_____?”.
in the city or
Lesson 3:
life in the
- Develope listening, speaking,
countryside? 1. Listen and repeat.
reading, writing skills.
2. Listen and mark the
- Students have correctly
sentence intontion. Then say 139 intonation of the sentences.
the sentences aloud.
- Students will be able to play a
3. Let’s chant.
chant:“Which one is
Lesson 3:
- Develope listening, speaking,
4. Read and do the tasks.
reading, writing skills.
5. Write about where you live.
- Students will be able to read a
6. Project. 140 text about Anna and the place in


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