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Catatan 1 nya lagi dari vanessa

1. Untuk menjaga kelangsungan hidup serta kejayaan bangsa dan negara, maka diperlukan 2
semangat kebangsaan yaitu ……………….dan …………………
2. Arti dari kata nasionlisme !
3. Kata nasinalisme mengacu pada 3 istilah, sebutkan dan tuliskan artinya!
4. 2 tujuan dalam sikap nasionalisme!
5. Tuliskan 2 ciri ciri nasionalisme Indonesia!
6. Perbedaan nasinalisme arti sempit dan arti luas!
7. Apa itu chauvinisme?
8. Perbedaan dari nasionalisme kewarganaan dan etnis
9. Tuliskan 5 bentuk nasinalisme yang berkembang didunia!
10. Patriotism adalah ….
11. Patriotism berasal dari kata apa dan artinya!
12. 2 tujuan adanya sikap patriotism !
13. 2 ciri ciri patriotism!

BIO KELAS 7gb+ / earth layer

1. A rock made from a mixture of minerals = ( granite / diamond )

2. How is the grains in porous rocks? ( interlock / do not interlock )
3. Write down two main types of texture in rocks and give explanation and example!
4. Why sandstones can absorb water?
5. When the edges of the grains can join together we called it ( compaction / cementation )
6. When the solid rock sticks the grain of sediment together we called it ( compaction /
cementation )
7. what kind of rocks When they are formed by process of compaction and cementation ?
8. what are examples of sediment rocks? …………………………..
9. what are the general characteristics of sedimentary rocks?
10. What kind of rock that are formed when sedimentary rocks are subjected to very high
temperature and pressures also there is chemical reactions take places in the solid rock?
11. Slate is a metamorphic rock, formed under …………………………
12. Slate is made from ………………………… or …………………………… which are both sedimentary rock.
13. Write 2 examples of metamorphic rock!
14. The molten rock beneath earth’s surface is called ………………………………………
15. Marble is formed by …………………………………………………………………………………… …..
16. The rocks may get very hot but do not melt. This happens during ……………………………………………….
17. What are the general characteristics of metamorphic rock?
18. Draw and give the description of the volcano picture in page 191!

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