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Stimulate follower activity

on Instagram profile
Analyse the needs of your audience. Identify your potential customers, conduct
a mini-study or a survey. It will help you understand how to engage your audience
in communication because you will learn what is it interested in.

Ask your friends and acquantances to follow your profile and comment your posts.

Increase the percentage of video content on your account.

Share stories and broadcast translations for your employees to answer questions
of potential clients. Try to hold joint translations with your partners.

Ask questions and hold votes.

Create automatic welcomming messaging in direct to all your new followers.

Promptly reply to new comments to show you pay attention

to your followers and are interested in what they think.

Your brand must be personalized: post personal photos, talk about your experience.

People are prone to follow masses. Use feedback, tags and reposts from your
clients and followers to keep users who came to your account via a targeted ad.

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