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Stanley Reyes Computer Engineering Drafting and Design


Schematic Diagram

PCB Design
The component of this circuit diagram contains ten various resistors (470 Ω and 50 Ω), two
capacitors (100 uF), four transistors (NPN), and four LEDs (two green and two red). The role of the ten
resistors is to restrict the flow of electricity in the LEDs, reducing the voltage and current. It has a lower
value, that’s why the light in LEDs is bright. I have prior experience utilizing resistors of the same value
as those used in this circuit design. I am familiar with how it operates in LEDs as a result. Additionally,
the circuit uses NPN transistors to switch or amplify electronic signals. Additionally, two capacitors were
used, each of which could store electrical energy and release it, when necessary, inside the circuit.

This general layout differed from the cited work. It was modified to utilize ten resistors and only
turn on the LEDs, not an LED flasher circuit.

Reference: Two Transistor LED Flasher | Tinkercad

TinkerCad Schematic Diagram


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