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Name :Mark Louise Dizon

Section: BSES-1A

Activity: Global North-South Divide Photo Collage

Q1. What way or method do you recommend to resolve the gap/divide between Global North and
Global South?

The gap between Global North and Global South can be considered as world’s economic social
boundary. In which, social differences manifested in un- equal access to and unequal distribution of
resources (material and nonmaterial) and social opportunities.

CGlobal North is composed of dominating countries which enjoy its political power, wealth and
control everything in the international trade. On the opposite side, Global South are countries who
wants to rise but has less opportunities that become the reason why they dependent to the Global
North. In terms of economic status, technology and way of life, Global South is totally behind from
Global North.

It is very impossible to solve this problem specially during this time in which every countries in
Global North is competing for power and territory. But the possible solution for this problem is the equal
distribution and treatment between developed and developing countries. The developed or the
industrialized countries must help the developing countries to rise. But the problem is that those
industrialized countries tend to take advantage to developing countries in terms of resources and
territories. They prefer to take advantage in upgrading their technology and power to continue their
domination. This is the reason why Global South has a hard time in coping so many things in Global
North. The overall view is that the world is totally unfair because those people born with power will
become more powerful and even if the weak will become stronger they are still the weak version of the
powerful one.

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