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Rayden heberlein


Promiscuous meatball diapers

5 may 2023

Why can't we have more comfortable chairs

Dear Brighton High administration and teachers,

I would like to start off by saying thank you for taking the time to teach us everyday. But

something has got to change. Every day after school I am left so sore in my butt

because the chairs are so uncomfortable. It feels like I'm sitting on bricks all day. I'm

sure I'm not the only one either. My proposal is simple: have students take a survey at

the end of the school year to see if they are sore anywhere and if they would like to get

new chairs. It wouldn't take that long and you could use google forms to make it. If the

students come back and say that they are sore and they need new chairs I think that

over the summer the janitors and teachers should buy new chairs and replace all of the

chairs around the school. And don't even get me started with the chairs that are

attached to the table. Those things are even worse. Half the time I trip getting in and

out of the chairs and then I am always cramped.

Works Cited:

Jaxon Clark April 27 2023

Chloe steen May 8th 2023

Rayden Heberlein “Why can't we get more comfortable chairs” surveyed

Brighton High school.

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