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June 17, 2023

Journal Entry

Today I held a lot of emotion inside me. Thousands of thoughts are running through my head. I
feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to process everything. It's like a rollercoaster of feelings
that I can't seem to get off of. I left school early. I needed to take some time for myself and figure
out how to handle everything.

Science is the only subject that I am good at, and I was pretty confident about it. However, when I
received the result paper today, my heart sank. The red circles and the teacher's comment made
me feel like a failure. I started questioning myself. Am I not capable of getting good grades? Am I
even good at a single thing? Why am I like this? These thoughts are consuming me. The feeling
of regret and anger made me cry. It is very frustrating that something I love will bring me this
much pain. I didn't eat dinner.

All of my energy was drained. However, sitting here and sinking into my negative thoughts would
not change the situation. This was not the end of the world. Is my study technique wrong, or do I
just not get the theory out of it? I need to talk to my teacher and figure out where I went wrong.
Maybe they can give me guidance on how to improve. I should not give up easily. I can use this
test as an example to improve myself again.

I replanned my study schedule. Nothing such as too late exists. I can still turn things around and
achieve the grades I want. Well, Rome was not built in one day.

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