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My Reflection

I learned a lot everything we topic in mathematics. I also learned that math was also a
critical thinking subject. In this past few days, we discuss Zero and Negative Exponents but suddenly I
wasn't there when they discuss that. I don't really understand how to solve that last topic of ours. But
I'm not that kind of person that easily give up, I have my own ways for how to understand that but I'm
not totally good at it. As an athlete, there are times that we weren't there in our room but instead in
outside practicing or skills for our upcoming unit meet, but that's not the point I really hate when they
make it an excuse for not able to catch up the topics but don't me because even if it is really a difficult
situation, I always find my ways to attend in my math time. So I did I manage my time, I always priorities
my math because this math san use in your daily life. And also I don't want that being an athlete, affect
my grades and become a disappointment to my parents once again. I failed them once but not this time,
I will do everything to prove them that I can bring back what I did before I failed tem once. I really don't
understand how to solve that zero and negative Exponent, like they always say,"Dali rmn jd kaau na vit,
inanion ra oh, ganito ganyan", but HAHAHAHA there's nothing actually I understand like thank you for
the effort but nothing talaga ni sulodHAHAHAHA so decided my self to do some research and ask my
teacher but suddenly I can't say it to my teacher because I want to know it in my own ways and
determination. I can't perform formally in my math because memorizing was one of my weaknesses like
there are so many formula to memories and I don't know how to put them all in my head like how? But
thats not the point, I know it's hard to memories it all but I can do familiarize too. Everytime sir would
give us quiz, I don't study and always say,"Naa bitaw stocknowledge, easy rni", but that was my biggest
mistake because not all the time you can use stocknowledge. I was too confident that I can answer it all
in my own ways but of course it is better to study because it always the only way to learn in your past
topics. In the past quarter, I really did everything to do my best and in that everything I gave, I was
empty in this quarter but that not the point, even if this everything can, still I will prove my self that I am
worth it in my grades. I will not make an excuse for being an athlete but I will make it as my
determination and inspiration that no matter what struggle it is I will still make a progress and proceed
in my studies.

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