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Kaleidoscope Development Activity


Acacia Taylor


A future career as a lawyer requires the development of a positive mindset, critical

thinking, empathy, communication skills, and personal growth. In order to overcome
obstacles and identify solutions to challenging legal issues, I must be resilient and
driven. For lawyers to examine legal issues and find multiple answers, critical thinking
and analysis are essential. Finding the positive in difficult situations is one of those
skills. In order to provide their clients more effective legal guidance and representation,
lawyers need to demonstrate empathy. Creating a list of bad scenarios and identifying
the positives in each will help me develop my communication skills by learning how to
clearly and concisely convey difficult legal concepts and ideas. Finally, self-reflection will
encourage personal development and self-awareness, allowing me to better understand
my strengths and weaknesses and create a strategy for professional development.


The project consists of three phases. The first phase involves identifying negative
situations from personal or professional experiences. The second phase consists of
reflecting on each situation and finding at least three positives from each, this will
require critical thinking and analysis. In the third phase, my identified positives will be
organized into categories such as personal growth or empathy. The fourth phase
involves creating a report or presentation summarizing the findings, which will be used
for personal reflection and professional development. The project will be conducted
independently, with input from friends, family, or anyone who may have been involved in
some of the negative situations. Seeking guidance from my mentor will also be
beneficial in identifying areas for improvement. Overall, the project aims to help me
develop a positive mindset, critical thinking skills, and empathy.


I will know if the project is successful by how I view future negative situations. My
desired outcome is a shift in my mindset. It will take more than just identifying positives
in three examples, but I hope this will push me into a habit of looking for positives in
negative experiences that may occur in the future. I will measure my success by
receiving feedback from my peers, and by the number of negative situations I feel I
experience. The goal is no longer viewing situations as negative because I will be able
to identify so many positives.

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