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English Assignment 5

Thania Esa Aprina Rahman

Drs. Budiantoro M.A
Twitter With All Effects
Function of Twitter Users
Twitter is a service for friends, family to communicate and stay connected through
the fast and frequent exchange of messages. Users post Tweets, which can contain
photos, videos, links, and text

Twitter is a social networking service or online microblogging service that allows
users to send, read, and reply to text messages of up to 280 characters (known as
tweets). Tweets are defined when users write and share posts. While retweet
means sharing other users posts to our profile homepage.

Main Body
Twitter has many benefits in all aspects such as a medium for sharing and
exchanging information. Twitter connects users with one another publicly and can
share information in the form of writing, photos, and videos. Here, we also get
up-to-date information. The trending topics feature allows users to get the most
up-to-date information, whether in terms of politics, economics, business, scandals,
motivation, inspiration, etc. However, not all trending things are true, they can be
hoaxes or just entertainment. For this reason, users also need to be careful in using
Twitter so as not to get the wrong information.

Twitter can be a great place to relieve stress. We can writings our story or exciting
moments that are being experienced. We can also explore topics that we like, look
for comedy through shitposting content, or see netizens' funny antics. But on other
days, Twitter can be a wild and exhausting public space; when the mob on Twitter
got out of control and everyone was arguing with each other.
Charts of the Increase in Twitter Users in the Last 5 Years

Twitter users have continued to grow in the last 5 years. Based on the company's
report, in the 2018 quarter, 120 million daily active users could be monetized.
Then the number rose to 134 million users in the 2019 quarter, increasing to 166
million users in the 2020 quarter, and 199 million people in the 2021 quarter.

According to the Statistics report, there are 18.45 million users of the application
founded by Jack Dorsey in the country as of January 2022. This achievement
places Indonesia as the 5th most Twitter user country in the world.

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