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Bullet Train!

What is a bullet train?

Is it a train that looks like a bullet or is it as

fast as a bullet? Well, it isn’t exactly as fast
as a bullet but it does have a very high
speed compared to ordinary trains and it
is called a bullet train because of its
streamlined shape which kinda resembles
a bullet.

How does the bullet train

Did you guess it already? Unlike
conventional trains that use wheels,
electromagnets levitate the bullet
train a short distance just above the
tracks. To be more specific, a bullet
train functions with a system called
maglev. A maglev system uses two
sets of electromagnets, one set to
repel and push the train up off the
track, and another set to move the
elevated train ahead, which allows a
bullet train to travel at an average
speed of 200 to 350 kilometres per
hour and when stopped, the bullet
train rests on rubber wheels.

Who might travel on the train?

Needless to say, as time passes technologies
advance too. Thus, because of our astounding
.improvements in developments of technology,
everybody gets to ride on a bullet train, but only if
you’re able to pay for the ride. The good news is, a
ticket cost could start from 320 up to 920 yen or
even more depending on the date of travel,
distance travelling and what class you’re in.

Why is it a good idea?

Isn’t it obvious? Nobody wants to be late
when they’re in a hurry. Imagine rushing
to work in your car but you’re in a traffic
jam. Hence, it is a brilliant idea to take a
bullet train so you’ll never have to get
scolded by your boss or be punished by
your teachers.

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