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15 Item DRR Storm Surge Quiz

Multiple Choice: Read the question and choice TWICE.

Write the letter of the best answer on any sheet of paper. LETTER ONLY.

1.) What are defined as an abnormal rise in sea level cause by a combination of strong
winds, low atmospheric pressure, and wave action?
a.) Typhoon
b.) Storm Surge
c.) Thunderstorm

2.) Which of the following completes this statement: Storm surges can result in flooding,
damage to infrastructure, and BLANK.
a.) Food shortage
b.) Injuries
c.) Loss of life

3.) Storm surges are commonly associated with tropical cyclones.

a.) TRUE

4.) What is the main cause of Storm surges?

a.) Tropical cyclones
b.) Earthquake
c.) Wildfires

5.) Besides tropical cyclones, what other weather events can cause storm surges?
a.) Tsunami
b.) Tornado
c.) All of the above

6.) What is an important precautionary measure to reduce the impact of storm surges?
a.) Building codes for coastal regions
b.) Early warning systems
c.) All of the above

7.) The role of early warning systems in storm surge preparedness is to provide updated
weather forecasts.
a.) TRUE
8.) What should residents in coastal regions have in case of an evacuation due to a storm
a.) Flood insurance
b.) Building materials
c.) Emergency kits

9.) What should residents in coastal regions have to cover the costs of damage caused by
the storm surge?
a.) Emergency kits
b.) Flood insurance
c.) Building materials

10.) What is the purpose of flood insurance for homeowners in coastal regions?
a.) To provide temporary shelter during evacuations
b.) To repair bridges and roads
c.) To cover damage costs caused by storm surges

11.) What can storm surges result in long-term ecological effects?

a.) Damage to coastal habitats
b.) Erosion of beaches
c.) All of the above

12.) The importance of evacuation in storm surge preparedness is to evacuate low-

lying areas and move to a higher ground.
a.) TRUE

13.) What should buildings and infrastructures in coastal regions be designed to

a.) Impact of storm surges
b.) Earthquakes
c.) All of the above

14.) Storm surges can generate winds of up to 500 km/h, which can cause
significant damage to coastal regions.
a.) TRUE

15.) What is the best course of action when a storm surge is imminent?
a.) Stay is low- lying areas to monitor the situation.
b.) Wait for an official evacuation notice before taking action.
c.) Seek higher ground immediately.

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