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BSBA-MM-2Nnd Year

Week 1-3 (Activity 1 )

I. Fill in the blanks with correct answer

II. Essay
1. Briefly describe the marketing framework.
- A marketing framework is a template containing instructions for the execution of your
marketing plan or a visual representation of how marketing gets done in your business
marketing framework ensures that you’re delivering the right content to the right audience,
through the right channels, at the right time to achieve your core marketing objectives.

2. Why the study of strategic marketing management is an important business activity?

- It is important to study the strategic marketing management it's because it gives the
business to have a better understanding of the market and also it helps to identify
the strategic direction of a business, strategic marketing management involves
making better decisions that align your plan with the company’s goals.

BSBA-MM-2Nnd Year

Week 4-6 (Activity 2 )

II .Essay

1. Draw an example to explain why and how the business processes drive the value, satisfaction,

2. What can organization learn from their customer to serve them and other customer better? Cite
an example.
- Through the customers an organization can learn so many things on how to serve
their other customers organization can learn a lot by listening to their customers
such as you will know how to respond to their concerns, being patience and also
they will learn on how to take suggestions from their customers for example there
was one customers that suggesting something that aren't in your service or
something wrong in your service/she's not satisfied of the service that you make so
she suggest something to improve your service in your organization, the
organization must consider that suggestion so that the next time the other
customers that will go to your organization will be satisfied and also they will enjoy
your service so that they will feel that they treated better in that one organization.

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