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P2 2022: Module 3

A pleasant day ladies and gentlemen. I am Rekha Singh, a sixth form student of Apex
Academy. I am here today to explain to you my vision as a peer instructor for the National
Youth Corps program. This program is a way of instilling confidence and guiding youths towards
their future career paths. Therefore I have proposed varying methods to motivate and recruit
new members.
To begin, I would employ ethical appeals to motivate school leavers to participate. One
way is through endorsements by government officials such as yourselves. This will assure the
audience that this is an official and serious program that will benefit them. Another way to
encourage participation is by having testimonials from past participants because they can attest
that this program has benefitted them.
Next, I will coordinate a week of events that emphasizes the use of ethos. First on
Monday, I will introduce the program at an assembly and have an official from the Ministry of
Education talk about what it entails and the benefits one can gain. On Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, I will have previous participants visit school at lunch times to present their
experiences after completing the program. Finally on Friday, I will make announcements on the
PA system reminding students about enrolling for the program.
Further to this, I will utilize digital media to communicate with school leavers. On
Instagram, I will upload videos and posters which will contain relevant information such as how
to register, date and time for meetings and contact information. Instagram is a popular
application which is popular among young people. It reaches a wide audience and is cost
To conclude, these various strategies will surely encourage school leaves to join the
National Youth Corps Program because they will see the real benefits in their future.

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