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Mini Pizza Quiches

(Makes 6)

Ingredients: Equipment:
 2 large tortilla wraps  12cm cutter
 4 eggs  Muffin tin
 6 slices salami  Jug
 3 cherry tomatoes, halved  Fork
 Optional ingredients (diced veggies,  Knife
basil, cheese, herbs)  Chopping board

1. Preheat oven to 180C/Gas mark 4.
2. Use the cutter to cut 6 circles out of the tortilla wraps.
3. Use the circles to line 6 holes of a muffin tin, pushing them into the holes
to make cases.
4. Beat the eggs in a jug with the fork and add in any seasoning (you can
also add in any diced veggies you want or cheese at this point).
5. Pour evenly into the tortilla cases and top each case with a slice of salami
and half a cherry tomato.
6. Bake for 15 minutes, until the egg has set.
7. Remove from oven, cool, and enjoy!

A couple tips!
Use normal pizza toppings as additional ingredients in your quiche.
These taste great when served with veggie sticks or as a snack on their own.

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