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Mirrors a versatile object having reflective properties, an object

we always use daily, it is used in almost every aspect of our life

because of its usefulness in every Feild of profession such as its
uses in magnifying cells in the medical Feild and its amplifying
Images in photography inf Catholic form
A world without mirrors is a world full of Difficulties as
because of mirrors people that are visually impaired can see, I
use prescription glasses, they use concave type of Glasses and
because of those I am able to see despite my extreme
In the modern world glasses/mirrors are used in almost
everything in our world in the side mirrors of our car, the
Microscope the biologist use, telescopes of NASA, and other
items used.
During the roleplay I felt ecstatic and wanted to try Fun things
knowing that in a Scene in our roleplay my Friend will try to
imitate my movements as that was the role assigned to me and I
know I should take my role the seriously as during process I was
able to learn and have a deeper understanding on mirrors.
The results of the roleplay were good enough that I am satisfied
with it as we were given a higher mark.

Sean Felix C. Baylon Grade 10 - Consolation

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