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thought the 7 units I have completed I have really improved. I have improved
on filming techniques such as using the rule of thirds I have used
this technique in multiple productions of mine I use this as it makes the
watching of my videos visually pleasing. From filming I have learnt and
understood how to use multiple hight gradients this adds a new perspective to
my film from filming right to the floor to filming in the sky with a drone. I
am also very confident on using the manual function on my camera I am able
to change the ISO , shutter speed and what setting to shoot in if is cloudy or
sunny or dark I will be able to film and use my camera to the best of its
project concept.
My aims for this project is to make the short adventure film, my short video

will be set in 2045 this being in the future I am able to change as much as I

like without it being historically correct there fore I am able to change the

costumes as I please. However the costumes that will be used in the main

segment of the film will be adjusted to adapt the surrounding of the filming

location. As my film is set on another planet I will need to research space,

precisely space suits this will be part of my research. further more I will also

research lighting and locations that I could use to portray as a different

location eg fields or a forest or even a desert. This will be very difficult to

pull off as ill need to use props such as water filters that look more futuristic

as this will be set in 2045. I will need make everything look more futuristic

this will include the news report making it look more advance i will do this

by changing the costumes to look more advanced I will also need to change

the setting that they are filming in as it will be dated. my concept starts with a

news repot station that there has been an emergency and earth as
approximately 1 year until it become un inhabitable this is where the 4

scientist come in they have all be sent to new place this is a place that no one

has been before they will need to test the scrounging the see if it is

inhabitable for humans. they will need to test that the water is drinkable they

also need to see if you are able to grow plants from earth so you can eat. will

all the challenges that face them will they be up for the task and save


Thought the duration of this final unit my evaluations are one of my top

priorities by continuously keeping up with my weekly blogs my evaluation

will be clear and accessible. in my evaluations I will be going into depth with

exactly what I had done that week when regarding my work I will do this as I

can look back and check of what I have done. further more in my weekly

bogs my filming idea may change slightly, with any change within this

project I will add in the weekly blog what has changed and why I believe it is

necessary to change it along with the pros that it may bring when it come to
doing my final evaluation I will be able to look back at my weekly blogs and

see where I can become more time efficient.

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