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APSC 111

Midterm 2 Workbook
APSC 111 Midterm 2

How to Solve Physics Problems

1. Write out what is given in the problem
2. Identify what you need to find.
3. Write out appropriate equations
4. Split up question into x and y-components
5. Define what directions are positive
6. Solve in x and y directions and apply equations needed
7. Combine answers and equations to get final solution

Linear Motion
Constant Velocity and Acceleration:

⃑ dx Δ x
v= =
dt Δ t
⃑ ⃑
⃑ d v Δv
a= =
dt Δ t
Constant Acceleration Equations

⃑ 2 ⃑2 ⃑ ⃑ 1⃑ 2 ⃑ ⃑ ⃑
v f −v i =2 a Δ x Δ x= v i t+ 2 a t v f = v i +a t

Projectile Motion

Tips and Tricks

 The key is to split up the problem into x and y components, and if applicable, into constant
acceleration and constant velocity (ex. car moving at constant speed then applying brakes).
 Make sure to define a positive axis.
 For y direction, use constant acceleration equations, where Δx = Δdy. i.e. the change in height

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 For x direction, use constant velocity equation, where Δx = Δdx. i.e. the range
 If solving for final velocity, note that the velocity in the x direction is the same throughout the
whole problem (Hence why we use constant velocity equations).
 The speed in the y-direction at the maximum height is 0.

Rotational Motion
Angular Velocity and Acceleration
dθ dω
ω= α=
dt dt
Angular Acceleration Equations
2 2
ω f −ωi =2 α Δ θ Δ θ=ω i t + α t 2 ω f =ωi +αt
Relating Linear and Rotational Motion
⃑ ⃑
v=ωR a=αR
Tips and Tricks

 If two rigid wheels are mounted on top of each other, they share the same rotational properties
(i.e. same angular velocity and angular acceleration).
 If two rigid wheels are connected by a belt (ex. bike gears) or beside each other (ex. two
connected gears), then they share the same linear properties (i.e. same tangential velocity and
 All the equations are the same as linear motion, but Δx is replaced with Δθ, V is replaced with ω,
and a is replaced with α.

Common Types of Forces
a) Gravity (Fg = mg)
b) Normal (N)
c) Friction (0 ≤ fs ≤ μsN, or fk = μkN)
d) Tension (T)
e) Spring (Fs = kx)
f) Applied (Fa)

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Static System (Newton’s First Law)

⃑ ⃑ ⃑
∑ F=0; ∑ F x =0 and ∑ F y =0
Tips and Tricks

 In a problem, the question might say that an object is travelling at constant velocity, therefore
acceleration is 0, and the sum of the forces equals 0. That is where Newton’s First Law comes

Dynamic System (Newton’s Second Law)

⃑ ⃑ ⃑ ⃑ ⃑ ⃑
∑ F=m a ; ∑ F x =m a x and ∑ F y =m a y
Tips and Tricks:

 Always use this equation. It will equal 0 when acceleration is 0.

 Make sure you define a positive axis.
 A negative value for a force just means it goes in the opposite direction that you drew it in.
 Split up the question into its components.

Reaction Forces (Newton’s Third Law)

⃑ ⃑
Where FAB is the force of object B acting on object A, and F BA if the force of object A acting on object B.
These forces are equal and opposite in direction.
Tips and Tricks:

 You will mostly use this when you have two objects in contact with each other.
 Do not forget to add the normal forces between the objects when doing your free body diagram.

Work, Energy, and Power

⃑ ⃑ ⃑
W =∫ F dx= F |Δ x|cosθ

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W net = Δ EW net =W 1+W 2+W 3+ …+W n

Tips and Tricks:

 If force F is in the same direction of movement (ex. applied force along the horizontal), W > 0.
 If force is in opposite direction (ex. friction), W < 0.
 If force is perpendicular to movement, W = 0.
 To find net work, find the work done by each force separately, then combine them together.
What is the difference between conservative and non-conservative work?
Conservative work only depends on the initial and final states of the object. For example, the work done
by gravity is only dependent on the object’s initial and final height, and not its path taken. These are
usually taken as potential energies.
Non-conservative work depends on the path taken by the object. For example, the work done by an
applied force depends on how far that force acts. If an object starts and ends in the same position, but
takes two different paths, then the total work will be different.

W nc = Δ E= Δ K + ΔU
Kinetic Energy
1 ⃑2 ⃑2
Δ K = m ( v f −v i )
Gravitational Potential Energy

Δ U g=mg Δ h=mg ( h f −hi )

Elastic Potential Energy

Δ U s= k ( x f −x i )
2 2
Work and Energy: The All-Encompassing Equation
K i +U g ,i +U s , i+ W nc =K f + U g , f +U s ,f

Tips and Tricks:

 To solve any problem involving energy, always split it up into different states. For example, state
1 could be where a ball starts at the top of a hill and is stationary with only potential energy, and
state 2 could be where the ball reaches the ground and has no potential energy and only kinetic
 It is usually easier to find speeds of objects at different moments using energy compared to using
the constant acceleration equations.

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ΔE ⃑
P= =F ∙ v

Momentum and Center of Mass

⃑ ⃑
p=m v
⃑ ⃑ ⃑
Δ p= pf − pi

⃑ ⃑
J= F net Δ t=Δ p

Conservation of Momentum
Completely Elastic (Kinetic Energy Conserved)
pi = p f
' '
m 1 v 1+ m2 v 2=m1 v 1 +m2 v 2
1 2 2 1 '2 '2
K i= (m ¿ ¿1 v 1+ m2 v 2 ); K f = ( m¿ ¿ 1 v 1 +m 2 v 2 )¿ ¿
2 2
K i=K f
Inelastic (Kinetic Energy Not Conserved)

m1 v 1+ m2 v 2=m1 v '1 +m2 v '2

1 1
K i= (m ¿ ¿1 v 21+ m2 v 22 ); K f = ( m¿ ¿ 1 v ' 21 +m 2 v '22 )¿ ¿
2 2
Δ K =K f −K i

Completely Inelastic (Stick Together, Kinetic Energy Not Conserved)

m1 v 1+ m2 v 2= ( m1+ m2 ) v

1 1
K i= (m ¿ ¿1 v 21+ m2 v 22 ); K f = ( m1 +m2 ) v ' 2 ¿
2 2

( m1 +m2 ) v=m1 v '1 +m2 v '2

1 2 1 '2 '2
K i= ( m1 +m2 ) v ; K f = (m ¿ ¿ 1 v 1 +m2 v 2) ¿
2 2
Tips and Tricks

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 If two dimensional, split up problem into x and y components.

 Determine which directions are positive.
 Determine what kind of collision occurs. This is vital in determining which equations you will
 No matter what kind of collision, momentum is always conserved, it is kinetic energy that is not
conserved across the different types of collisions.

Centre of Mass

n ∫ xdM
x CM = ∑ mi x i= x
x 1

M i=1 2

∫ dM

Tips and Tricks

 For finding the y-coordinate, just swap the x’s in the equation for y.
 dm = ρdV = ρtdA where ρ is the density and t is the thickness.
 For symmetric objects (ex. circles, squares, rectangles) the CM is in the centre of that object.
 For the projectile motion centre of mass question, remember that the centre of mass will follow
the same trajectory as a regular projectile motion question.

A group of first year frosh need to create a contraption that launches a dart at a 1m thick dart board 20 m
away. The distance from the ground to the bullseye is 5 m, and the bullseye is located at the front of the
dart board. The frosh designed a connection of wheels to launch the dart at an angle of 50° from the
horizontal, 2 m above the ground, from Wheel B. Wheel A has a diameter of 1 m, Wheel B has a diameter
of 2 m, and wheel C has a diameter of 50 cm. The only problem is, they can only control the angular
velocity and acceleration of wheel C.
a) What velocity should the dart be launched at? (Ans: 14.8 m/s)
b) What angular velocity should Wheel C have to obtain this velocity? (Ans: 29.5 rad/s)
c) Wheel C starts at an angular velocity of 0, and the students can control its angular acceleration.
The students have 5 seconds to demonstrate their project. What angular acceleration should the
students give Wheel C to reach the angular velocity found in (b)? (Ans: 5.9 rad/s 2)

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In the diagram below, m1 has a mass of 5 kg and m2 has a mass of 8 kg. P1 is a fixed pulley, and P2 is a
free pulley. Both pulleys are assumed to be massless and frictionless.
a) Find the tension in the string and the acceleration of m1 (Ans: 42.0 N, -1.40 m/s2)
b) Find the acceleration of m2 (Ans: 0.70 m/s2)

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Sonic the Hedgehog has a mass of 2 kg and is attached to a spring with k= 50 N/m. The spring is
compressed by 50 cm from its equilibrium position. Sonic is released down a ramp with no friction. He
then slides on a surface with a coefficient of friction of 0.2, until it arrives at a frictionless curved ramp.
Sonic then rolls up the ramp with a radius of 1 m, launching him in the air to a maximum height of 3 m
above the ground.
a) What speed is needed off the curved ramp to reach a height of 3 m above ground? (Ans: 6.26m/s)
b) What is the work done by friction when the ball rolls on the flat surface? (Ans: -23.5 J)
c) Find the angle θ of the first ramp so that the ball reaches the maximum height of 3 m. (Ans:

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Leila is tracking down a 65 kg evil villain named Cameron who she has been assigned to assassinate.
Leila sees her target standing stationary on a skateboard. She shoots her gun at the target along the
horizontal. The bullet of mass 100 g leaves the gun with an initial speed of 760 m/s, and goes into
Cameron’s body.
a) What is the speed of Cameron after the bullet enters him? (Ans: 1.17 m/s)
b) If Cameron travels 5 m backwards after being hit, what is the coefficient of friction between the
skateboard wheels and the ground? (Ans: 0.014)

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Chief FREC is playing a game of pool against a frosh. He must sink one more ball to win the game. The
layout of the balls is the same as shown below, where the ball he needs to sink is stationary. Chief FREC
hits the black ball slightly off-centre, and the balls collide off each other. The cue ball of mass 0.2 kg goes
in a direction α, and the black ball of mass 0.170 kg goes in direction β. The initial and final speeds of the
cue ball are 3 m/s and 2 m/s respectively.
a) What is the black balls final velocity? (Ans: 2.425 m/s)
b) The black ball’s direction needs to be between 40°-42° to get into the pocket. Does Chief FREC
make the shot? (Ans: Yes)

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Joe Carter comes up to bat in the bottom of the 9th inning of the 1993 World Series. All he needs to do is
hit a home run, and the Blue Jays will win their second consecutive world series. The 145 g baseball is
thrown at 40.2 m/s. Carter makes contact with the ball. He is able to produce an average force while the
baseball is in contact with the bat for 0.7 ms. The ball is launched at an angle of 50° and 1 m above
ground off his bat.
a) If the ball needs to clear a 2 m wall 122 m away, what velocity should the ball have after it makes
contact with the bat? (Ans: 34.98 m/s)
b) What average force did the bat exert on the ball while in contact, in kN? (Ans: 14.1 kN)

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A 10 kg ball is attached to a string of length 2 m and is hung from the ceiling. The ball is released from
the ceiling, and collides with a 5 kg block below. 50 J of energy is lost in the collision.
a) Find the speed of the ball after the collision, as well as the angle that the string makes with the
vertical. (Ans: 3.163 m/s, 41.8°)
b) If the block slides on a surface with a coefficient of friction of 0.3 for 4 m, and slides into a spring
that is in its equilibrium position with k=750 N/m, how far does the spring compress before the
block stops? Assume once the block touches the spring, the ground is frictionless. (Ans: 0.315 m)

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Two Kingston squirrels, one of mass 5 kg, and the other of mass 10 kg, are launched from a cannon at an
initial speed of 50 m/s at an angle of 30⁰ to the vertical (assume from the ground). The squirrels are
attached together with Velcro™ when launched. At their maximum height, the Velcro™ detaches, and the
10 kg squirrel falls straight down. Where does the second squirrel land? (Ans: 441.55 m)

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The ski lift at Blue Mountain uses a 100 kW motor to power the lift. The lift brings up passengers along
an incline of 20° to the top of the hill, where they exit the lift. The hill is 100 m high. If the lift takes 2
minutes to take them to the top, what force is the lift exerting to bring passengers to the top of the hill?
(Ans: 41.0 kN)

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Find the Centre of Mass of these objects, assuming their thickness is 1 cm:

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